
Chondrova planshetlar

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Chondrova planshetlar - bu birgalikda sog'liq va harakatchanlikni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mo'ljallangan ixtisoslashtirilgan parhez qo'shimchalar. Har bir shishada glyukozamin va krondroitin sulfatining kuchli foydasini birlashtiradigan 90 ta tabletka mavjud. Ushbu ingredientlar sog'lom bo'g'inlarni targ'ib qilish, og'riq va qattiqlikni kamaytirish va qo'shma to'qimalarning egiligi va kuchini kuchaytirish qobiliyatlari keng tan olinadi. Glyukozamin - bu uning yallig'lanishga qarshi xususiyatlari bilan tanilgan xaftaga solish va ta'mirlashda yordam beradigan tabiiy aralashma. Chondaroitin sulfat qo'shma funktsiyani va yostiqni saqlashga yordam beradi va qo'shma noqulayliklarni boshdan kechirish uchun zarurdir. Chondrova yutish planshetlari bilan, muvozanatli ovqatlanish va faol turmush tarzi sifatida qo'shma sog'liqni oshirishga intilayotgan kattalar uchun qulay echimini taklif etadi. Doimiy foydalanish juda yaxshilangan qo'shma harakatchanlik va umumiy konforga olib kelishi mumkin. Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish - bu kuniga uch marta eng yaxshi natijalarga erishish uchun bir tabletka. Sog'lomlashtirishni quchoqlang, Chonrova planshetlari bilan yanada faol hayot.
Chondrova tabletkalari 90 dona

Chondrova tabletkalari 90 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7833819

Chondrova Tablets 90 pcs Chondrova Tablets 90 pcs is a dietary supplement that contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. These two substances are known for their positive effects on joint health and mobility. Glucosamine is a natural compound that supports cartilage formation and repair. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Chondroitin Sulfate, on the other hand, is a molecule that helps to maintain the elasticity and strength of joint tissues. Together, these two ingredients work to promote healthy joints and reduce joint pain and stiffness. Key Features Contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate Promotes healthy joints and reduces joint pain and stiffness Helps to maintain the elasticity and strength of joint tissues 90 tablets per bottle Easy to swallow tablets Directions for Use Take one tablet, three times a day, with meals or as directed by your healthcare professional. For best results, continue taking Chondrova Tablets 90 pcs for at least three months. Chondrova Tablets 90 pcs is a safe and effective way to support joint health and mobility. It is suitable for adults of all ages and can be taken as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. ..

95.74 USD

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