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Kimyoviy depozit pompasi bir necha sohalarda turli xil kimyoviy va suyuqlikni to'g'ri o'lchash va tarqatish uchun muhim vositadir. Ushbu turkumda bitta stend mahsuloti 1 litr uchun 1 litr koeffitsienti hisoblanadi. Ushbu yuqori sifatli dozalash pomozasi suyuqlik dasturida aniq moslashtirilib, uni farmatsevtika, kimyoviy moddalar, oziq-ovqat va ichimliklar va suvni tozalash kabi sohalar uchun ideal qiladi. Tugunni o'lchash nasosi qattiq sharoitlarga ega, kimyoviy moddalar, aşınma va ekstremal haroratga chidamli kuchli sharoitlarga ega. Uning raqamli kontroller foydalanuvchilarga opplustratsiya stavkalarini, aniqroq talablarga javob berish va maqbul ishlashni ta'minlaydi. Bundan tashqari, uning fitna xususiyati qo'llanmaning ko'p qismini yo'q qiladi, bu mavjud tizimlarga beqiyos intilishga imkon beradi. Ishonchlilik va samaradorlik masalasiga ko'ra, 1 litr hisobni o'lchash, oson texnik xizmat ko'rsatish va ko'p qirrali ishlashni taklif qiladi, bu yuqori sifatli kimyoviy despenditsion echimlarni talab qiladigan har qanday biznes uchun qimmatbaho aktivni taklif etadi.
Bode o'lchash pompasi 1 litr

Bode o'lchash pompasi 1 litr

Mahsulot kodi: 7735627

BODE Metering Pump 1 Liter The BODE Metering Pump 1 Liter is a high-quality pump that is designed to effectively measure and dispense chemicals and other fluids with high accuracy. It is widely used in various industries such as pharmaceutical, chemical, food and beverage, and water treatment. This pump features a durable build quality that is resistant to chemicals, abrasion, and extreme temperatures, ensuring reliable performance in harsh environments. It is equipped with a digital controller that allows precise control over the flow rate and allows for easy adjustments of the flow rate according to the application requirements. The BODE Metering Pump 1 Liter can be easily installed and integrated into existing systems, and it features a self-priming mechanism that eliminates the need for manual priming. The pump is easy to operate and maintain, and it is an excellent choice for various applications that require accurate fluid measurement such as dosing, filling, and mixing. Some of the key features of the BODE Metering Pump 1 Liter include: Accurate flow rate measurement and dispensing Durable and resistant to chemicals, temperature, and abrasion Digital controller for precise flow rate control Easy to install and integrate into existing systems Self-priming mechanism for hassle-free operation Overall, the BODE Metering Pump 1 Liter is a reliable and efficient pump that delivers consistent and precise results. It is an excellent investment for businesses looking for a high-quality metering pump that provides excellent value for money. ..

9.20 USD

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