
romashka ekstrakti ro'molchalari

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Chomomil ekstrakt salonlari yaqin hududga tinchlantiruvchi va himoya parvarish qilish uchun maxsus shakllanadi. Xevmamil ekstraktlarning qo'shilishi bilan, bu salfetkalar yumshoq teginishni taklif qiladi, terini tinchlantirish va tirnash xususiyati kamaytirishga yordam beradi. Tozalik va tazelikni saqlash uchun ideal, ular genital hududning nozik ehtiyojlarini, kun bo'yi tasalli va farovonlikni ta'minlaydilar. Namunaviy tanlov uchun, "romanil" ning shaxsiy formulasi bilan engil funktsiyalar bilan jihozlangan engil formulalar bilan birlashtiradigan Nimea Free Free Wipes-ni ko'rib chiqing.
Nivea intimo natural fresh salfetkalari 20 dona

Nivea intimo natural fresh salfetkalari 20 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7833649

The Nivea Intimo Natural Fresh wipes were specially developed for the needs of the intimate area, giving you a pleasant feeling of cleanliness, protection and well-being. The mild formula with lactic acid and chamomile extracts is tailored to the low pH value of the genital area. Lactic acid is a natural substance that keeps the pH value constant and thus offers special protection, while the chamomile extracts soothe the skin and protect it from irritation...

10.47 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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