
Shtokodli tsellyuloza tokchalari

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Shaxsiy gigienani saqlash va sog'liqni saqlash samaradorligini ta'minlashning muhim vositasidir. Yuqori sifatli materiallar bilan ishlab chiqilgan, ular 4 x 5 sm o'lchanadi va murakkab qadoqlangan holda - 5 paket 100 paketni 100 paket bilan to'ldirish mumkin. Turli xil dasturlar uchun ideal, shkaf tsellyulozli shpablar yaralarni tozalash va dori-darmonlarni qo'llash, ularni kasalxonalar, klinikalar va uyga parvarishlash uchun mukammal qilib qo'yadi. Ularning bardoshli qurilishining kafolati, ko'p miqdorda mavjud bo'lgan ko'p vaqt davomida uzoq muddatli ta'minotni ta'minlaydi. Siz ularga birinchi yordam, shaxsiy gigiena yoki boshqa tibbiy muolajalar, shkaf tsellyulozli tokchalar ishonchli tanlov sifatida ajralib turadi. Foydalanish va saqlash oson, ular har bir birinchi yordam to'plamiga kerakli qo'shimcha va shubhasiz har qanday muhitda parvarish stantsiyasini oshiradi. Shaxsiy va sog'liqni saqlashning xavfsiz va samarali boshqaruvi uchun konserva tsellyulozingizni yuving.
Cellodent tamponlar 4 x 5 sm 12 x 1008 dona

Cellodent tamponlar 4 x 5 sm 12 x 1008 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 415698

Description: The Cellodent Swabs are one of the most essential products for personal hygiene and healthcare. These swabs are made with high-quality materials and are specially designed for medical purposes. Each swab is 4 x 5cm in size and comes in a pack of 12 x 1008 pieces. Features: Made with high-quality materials Specially designed for medical purposes Each swab is 4 x 5cm in size Comes in a pack of 12 x 1008 pieces Perfect for personal hygiene and healthcare Benefits: Helps maintain personal hygiene Can be used for cleaning wounds and other medical procedures High-quality materials ensure durability and efficiency The large quantity ensures long-lasting use Suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, and homes Usage: The Cellodent Swabs are easy to use and can be used for a variety of healthcare and personal hygiene purposes. Simply remove a swab from the pack and use it as needed. These swabs are ideal for cleaning wounds, applying medicines, and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. They are perfect for use in hospitals, clinics, and homes. Storage: Store the Cellodent Swabs in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep the pack sealed to maintain product quality. Avoid storing the swabs in humid or damp environments as this may affect their effectiveness. Caution: These swabs are for external use only. Do not use on broken skin or mucous membranes. If irritation or rash occurs, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention. The Cellodent Swabs are a must-have for anyone who values personal hygiene and healthcare. They are an essential item for every first aid kit and medical cabinet. With their high-quality materials, durable design, and versatile use, these swabs are sure to exceed your expectations...

25.08 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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