
Kateter saytini boshqarish

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Kateter sayti davolash bemorni parvarish qilishning muhim tomoni, xususan, vena ichiga kirishni talab qiladigan shaxslar uchun. Samarali boshqaruv infektsiyalar va kiyinish kamchiliklari kabi asoratlarni oldini olishga, bemorning xavfsizligi va qulayligini ta'minlashga yordam beradi. IV3000 oynasi kabi ixtisoslashtirilgan mahsulotlardan foydalanish kateter uchastkalarini boshqarish katta ahamiyat beradi. Ushbu shaffof yopishqoq plyonkalarni kiyish texnologiyani sotib olish joyini osonlikcha kuzatib borish, suv o'tkazmaydigan va bakteriyalarni himoya qilish to'siqlarini ta'minlashga imkon beradi. IV3000 derazasi, qulay 10x12 sm o'lchamda mavjud va 50 ta paketlarda sotilgan kateter o'lchamlari uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan va uni sog'liqni saqlash sozlamalarida muhim vositadir. Uning oson dasturi va odatiyligi, noqulayliklarni minimallashtirish va infektsiya xavfini kamaytirish uchun juda muhim bo'lgan o'zgarishlarni tezda amalga oshirishga ishonch hosil qiling. Dunyo bo'ylab sog'liqni saqlash muassasalari tomonidan ishonadi, IV3000 deraza ramkasi optimal kateter sayti boshqarish uchun ishonchli tanlov sifatida ajralib turadi.
Iv3000 oyna ramkasi 10x12 sm 50 dona

Iv3000 oyna ramkasi 10x12 sm 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4494795

Product Description: IV3000 Window Frame 10x12cm 50pcs The IV3000 Window Frame is a transparent adhesive film dressing that allows healthcare professionals to easily monitor the site of a patient's intravascular access. It provides a waterproof and bacteria-proof barrier that helps reduce the risk of infection and prevents the dressing from falling off. The IV3000 Window Frame comes in a convenient 10x12cm size, making it suitable for use on a variety of different catheter sizes. This product contains 50 pieces of the IV3000 Window Frame, ensuring that healthcare professionals have enough supplies to meet their needs. The IV3000 Window Frame is designed to be easy to apply and remove, allowing healthcare professionals to quickly and efficiently change dressings when necessary. Its transparent design allows for easy monitoring of the site without the need for dressing changes, reducing discomfort for the patient and minimizing the risk of infection. The IV3000 Window Frame is a high-quality product that has been extensively tested and is widely used in hospitals and healthcare facilities across the world. It is a trusted product that provides reliable and effective catheter site management, ensuring that patients receive the highest level of care. If you are looking for a reliable, convenient, and effective catheter site management solution, the IV3000 Window Frame is an excellent choice...

207.47 USD

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