keng spektrli quyosh himoyasi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Daylong protect & care lotion spf25 tb 100 ml
Daylong Protect & Care Losyoni SPF25 Tb 100ml Daylong Face Gel-Fluid SPF 50+ bu tez so'riladigan, yog'siz jel krem bo'lib, keng polosali tarmoq tufayli UVA, UVB va IQ nurlaridan darhol va yuqori darajada himoya qiladi. filtrlar. Yuzda kundalik foydalanish va bo'yanish asosi sifatida ideal. Har kun uchun mukammal Daylong Protect & Care Lotion SPF 25 bilan teringizni himoya qiling. Quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi omil 25 bo'lgan ushbu loson teri bo'ylab teng taqsimlangan va UVA, UVB va IQ nurlaridan ishonchli himoyani ta'minlaydigan keng spektrli liposomal filtrlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Shunday qilib, loson terining erta qarishini oldini olishga yordam beradi. U tez so'riladi va aloe vera va E vitamini o'z ichiga olgan formulasi tufayli to'liq 24 soat davomida namlikni ta'minlaydi, bu ham teringizga yumshoq parvarish qilishni kafolatlaydi. Mahsulot qo'shimcha suv va terga chidamli, shuning uchun uni toza va sho'r suvda ishlatishingiz mumkin. U komedogen emas, ya'ni teshiklarni yopishmaydi. Shunday qilib, siz hech qanday parfyumsiz, samarali himoya va teringizni parvarish qilishingiz mumkin...
43.23 USD
Vichy ideal soleil quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi sut spf50+ 300 ml
Vichy Ideal Soleil Sunscreen Milk SPF50 + 300ml The Vichy Ideal Soleil Sunscreen Milk SPF50 + 300ml is an ideal product for people who love to spend time outdoors. This product is specially formulated with Mexoryl XL, Mexoryl SX, and other active ingredients that provide broad-spectrum protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. It is designed to protect the skin from sunburn, premature aging, and the risk of skin cancer. This sunscreen milk has a lightweight, non-sticky texture that is easily absorbed by the skin. It is also water-resistant, making it perfect for swimming or outdoor activities. This product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is free from parabens, fragrance, and other harmful chemicals, making it safe for regular use. The Vichy Ideal Soleil Sunscreen Milk SPF50 + 300ml comes in an easy-to-use pump bottle that holds 300ml of product. This ensures that you never run out of sunscreen when you need it the most. The packaging is compact and travel-friendly, making it easy to take with you on the go. Using this sunscreen milk is easy. Simply apply a generous amount to the skin before sun exposure, making sure to cover all exposed areas. Reapply frequently to ensure continued protection, especially after swimming or sweating. This product can also be used under makeup or other skincare products. Overall, the Vichy Ideal Soleil Sunscreen Milk SPF50 + 300ml is a must-have product for anyone who wants to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun. With its high level of sun protection, lightweight texture, and easy-to-use packaging, it is the perfect product for all your outdoor activities...
52.40 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)