
BPA-bepul chaqaloq aksessuarlari

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Kichik kishining xavfsizligi va qulayligi bilan ishlab chiqilgan BPA-bepul bepul kiyim-kechak aksessuarlarini kashf eting. Bizning kollektsiyamiz Munchkin bola oziq-ovqat eyishini o'z ichiga oladi, sof ovqatlarni xavfsiz va mix-bo'sh vaqtni o'z-o'zini boqish qobiliyatini targ'ib qilishda bemalol tanishtirish uchun juda mos keladi. Medela Baby NugGI original Pathifier 6-18 oy yoshdagi chaqaloqlarga tinchlantiruvchi qulaylikni taklif qiladi, bu onaning nipelining tabiiy shaklini taqlid qilib, dam olish va xotirjamlikni ta'minlaydi. Yosh go'daklar uchun Nuby Nugga prisma prisma ortodontik patsifikatorlar sog'lom og'abni qo'llab-quvvatlash va 0-6 oylar davomida mukammal tinchlantiruvchi echimini ta'minlaydigan ikkita paketga keling. Va nihoyat, pushti va binafsha rangdagi Mam, tunda foydalanish uchun juda yaxshi, qorong'i xususiyat va ortodontik niple bilan optimal konfor. Ushbu aksessuarlar nafaqat BPA-bepul materiallar bilan xavfsizlikni, balki chaqaloqning ovqatlanish vaqti va tinchlantiruvchi tajribalarini ham oshiradi. O'tkazgan bolalaringizdan ehtiyotkorlik bilan va xavotirga tushing.
Medela baby nuggi original 6-18 gelb blau

Medela baby nuggi original 6-18 gelb blau

Mahsulot kodi: 7782921

MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original 6-18 Gelb Blau Introducing the MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original in Yellow-Blue color, designed for babies aged 6-18 months to provide comforting and soothing results. Made from high-quality, BPA-free materials, this pacifier is safe for your little one to use. The MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original has a unique design that mimics the shape of a mother's nipple. It is designed to provide a natural sucking sensation that helps your baby calm down and feel more relaxed. The pacifier also has a symmetrical shape that ensures it is always in the right position for your baby's mouth. The Yellow-Blue color of this pacifier adds a cheerful touch to your baby's collection of accessories. The pacifier is easy to clean and can be sterilized in boiling water or a sterilizing device for hygiene purposes. The MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original comes with a protective cap that keeps it clean and hygienic. It is also lightweight and easy to carry, making it a convenient accessory to bring when you go out with your baby. Give your little one the soothing comfort they need with the MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original in Yellow-Blue color. Order yours today and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing your baby is using a safe and high-quality pacifier...

14.31 USD

Munchkin baby food feeder introduction of pureed food

Munchkin baby food feeder introduction of pureed food

Mahsulot kodi: 5901682

Kichik bolangizga xavfsiz va oson qattiq oziq-ovqatga o'tishiga yordam beradigan qulay vosita bo'lgan Munchkin Baby Oziqlantiruvchi bilan tanishtiramiz. Bu oziqlantiruvchi chaqalog'ingizga pyuresi bo'lgan ovqatlarni tartibsiz va nazorat ostida kiritish imkonini beradi. Innovatsion dizayni bilan oziqlantiruvchi o'z-o'zini oziqlantirish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirishga yordam beradi va bo'g'ilish xavfini kamaytiradi. Yuqori sifatli, BPA bo'lmagan materiallardan tayyorlangan, u chaqalog'ingiz uchun xavfsizdir. Munchkin bolalar ovqatlari uchun oziqlantiruvchi har bir ota-ona uchun zarur bo‘lgan taomdir...

16.94 USD

Nuby nuggi prisma ortodontisch 0-6 monate 2 stk

Nuby nuggi prisma ortodontisch 0-6 monate 2 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7803018

Nuby Nuggi Prisma orthodontisch 0-6 Monate 2 Stk The Nuby Nuggi Prisma Orthodontic pacifiers are the ideal solution for your little one to soothe their gums and alleviate discomfort. The pacifiers are specially designed to promote healthy oral development and reduce the risk of misaligned teeth. The orthodontic shape of these pacifiers supports the natural development of your baby's teeth and gums. These pacifiers are suitable for babies between 0-6 months old and come in a pack of two. They are made of high-quality materials that are non-toxic, BPA-free, and safe for your baby to use. The pacifiers are easy to clean and can be sterilized for hygiene purposes. The design of the pacifiers is colorful and attractive, making them a fun accessory for your baby. The Nuby Nuggi Prisma pacifiers are easy to use and come with a protective case to keep them clean and hygienic when not in use. The shape of the pacifiers is perfect for small babies and fits comfortably in their mouths. The pacifiers are also lightweight and easy to carry, making them the perfect travel companion for your little one. In summary, the Nuby Nuggi Prisma Orthodontic pacifiers are a reliable and safe solution for your baby's teething discomfort. They are made of high-quality materials, come in a pack of two, and are suitable for babies between 0-6 months old. The colorful design and orthodontic shape of these pacifiers promote healthy oral development for your baby. Get your pack of Nuby Nuggi Prisma pacifiers today and give your baby the comfort they deserve!..

13.66 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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