
ko'k-yashil mikromolega

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Moviy-yashil mikromoliya, xususan, Spirulina boy ozuqa profillari va sog'liq uchun foydalari tanlangan. Spirulina chuchuk suv muhitida gullab-yashnagan siyanobakteriyalarning bir turi va tabiiy vitaminlar va minerallarning ajoyib manbai bo'lganligi uchun nishonlanadi. Unda dival devori, B12 va Tabiiy beta-karotin kabi muhim ozuqa moddalari mavjud bo'lib, uni umumiy farovon va energetika darajasini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun kuchli parhez qo'shadi. 100 yoki 200 dona parametrlar bo'lgan qulay 500mg o'lchamdagi Naturkrafherverke spirulina calpornorke, spirulinaning yuqori sifatli standartiga ega. Kaliforniya cho'lida joylashgan eng yirik va eng keksa spirulina fermasidan, bu granulalar hech qanday plomba yoki qo'shimchalarsiz misli darajadagi poklikni ta'minlaydi. 25 yildan ortiq ekspertlar, Spirulinaning tupurishi, siz to'yimli va samarali mahsulotni olganingizni ta'minlaydi. Tibbiy-yashil mikromolegae granulalari bilan sog'liqni saqlash rejimini to'ldiring.
Naturkraftwerke spirulina kaliforniya 500 mg 200 tabletka

Naturkraftwerke spirulina kaliforniya 500 mg 200 tabletka

Mahsulot kodi: 3716472

Spirulina California is a natural dietary supplement and has proven itself as a purely herbal donor of: Divalent ironVitamin B12Natural beta-carotene Consumption recommendation Food supplement with natural vitamin B12 and iron. Spirulina, the blue-green microalgae Ideal food supplement for well-being and energy.Spirulina California is the spirulina of the pioneering company Earthrise, which has been cultivating first-class spirulina in the California desert for over 25 years. Earthrise Spirulina is still of unmatched purity and quality.Spirulina California is available as powder or pellets without any fillers or additives directly from the largest and oldest spirulina farm in the world: Earthrise.This premium spirulina comes to you directly from the water farm, without any detours or intermediaries. ..

57.37 USD

Naturkraftwerke spirulina kaliforniya granulalari à 500 mg 100 dona

Naturkraftwerke spirulina kaliforniya granulalari à 500 mg 100 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3716466

Spirulina California is a natural dietary supplement and has proven itself as a purely herbal donor of: Divalent ironVitamin B12Natural beta-carotene Consumption recommendation Food supplement with natural vitamin B12 and iron. Spirulina, the blue-green microalgae Ideal food supplement for well-being and energy.Spirulina California is the spirulina of the pioneering company Earthrise, which has been cultivating first-class spirulina in the California desert for over 25 years. Earthrise Spirulina is still of unmatched purity and quality.Spirulina California is available as powder or pellets without any fillers or additives directly from the largest and oldest spirulina farm in the world: Earthrise.This premium spirulina comes to you directly from the water farm, without any detours or intermediaries...

35.17 USD

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