
Biologik yoriq tanli shimgich

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Shinare-dagi muntazam ravishda Biologik shimgich bilan kamera tabiiy shimgichni maydalagichli ravishda kashf eting. 100% tabiiy konjac o'simlik ildizidan tayyorlangan, bu ekologik toza shimgich teriga yumshoq, terining barcha turlari, shu jumladan sezgir teriga mos keladi. Bu qattiq kimyoviy moddalar yoki konservantlardan foydalanmasdan tuzoq, axloqsizlik va moyni almashtiradi va terini silliq va toza olib tashlaydi. Herba tabiiy shimgich - bu nafaqat amaliy poklanish vositasi, balki barqaror tanlov, chunki u butunlay biologik ta'siringizni kamaytiradi. Uning qayta ishlatiladigan dizayni, bu uch oygacha to'g'ri parvarish bilan davom etayotganini ta'minlaydi, bu tabiiy teriare uchun zarur bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun muhim narsani amalga oshiradi. Tabiiy tozalanishning ushbu fikri, ekologik toza tanli shimgich bilan tabiiy tozalanishning ta'sirchan foydasini quchoqlang.
Herba natural sponge small

Herba natural sponge small

Mahsulot kodi: 7614679

Herba Natural Sponge Small The Herba Natural Sponge Small is a perfect addition to your daily skincare routine. It is 100% natural and made from the Konjac plant root, which is gentle on the skin and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. This sponge effectively removes makeup, dirt, and oil from the skin's surface, leaving it smooth and clean. Unlike other synthetic sponges, this Herba Natural Sponge Small is free from harsh chemicals, preservatives, and colors, making it safer for the skin. The sponge is very easy to use, just wet it with warm water, and gently massage it over your face and neck. The sponge is reusable and can last up to three months with proper care. After use, rinse the sponge thoroughly and hang it to dry in a cool, dry place. The Herba Natural Sponge Small is also eco-friendly and biodegradable, making it an ideal alternative to synthetic sponges that harm the environment. Add the Herba Natural Sponge Small to your skincare routine, and experience the benefits of natural cleansing. It is a perfect gift for anyone who loves taking care of their skin in a natural and sustainable way. Order yours today and enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of natural skincare. Key features: 100% natural and made from the Konjac plant root Gentle on the skin and suitable for all skin types Removes makeup, dirt, and oil from the skin's surface, leaving it smooth and clean Free from harsh chemicals, preservatives, and colors, making it safer for the skin Reusable and can last up to three months with proper care Eco-friendly and biodegradable Ingredients: Konjac flour, water ..

23.14 USD

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