
Beige to'piq siqish

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Bilango Ankle bankiri bilan Biige to'piq siqishining afzalliklarini bilib oling XL to'pig'i yopildi. Ushbu yuqori sifatli to'piqni qo'llab-quvvatlash, yuqori va pastki to'piq uchun mexanik barqarorlikni ta'minlash, noto'g'ri joylashuvning oldini olish va ortiqcha qo'shma stressni minimallashtirish. Uning yopiq tovon dizayni bilan, ushbu bandaj qon aylanishiga yordam beradigan maqbul siqishni taklif etadi va qo'shma kapsulalarda metabolizmni rag'batlantiradi. Bu og'riqni yengish va shishishning kamayishi va oyoqning funksionalligi oldini olishga imkon beradi. Tirik bo'lmagan dumaloq trikotaj jarayonidan foydalanib tayyorlangan Bilado Ankle bankiri hech qanday bosim nuqtai yo'q, uzaytirilgan kiyish uchun qulay bo'lgan mukammal moslashishni ta'minlaydi. Uning beige rangi va XL (26-27cm), uning to'piqlari uchun qo'llab-quvvatlash va davolashni istaganlar uchun aqlli va samarali tanlov qiling. Keyingi jarohatlarning oldini olish uchun ideal, ushbu to'piq bandaj, qo'shimcha yordamga muhtoj bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun ishonchli echimdir.
Bilasto oyoq bilagi zo'r bandaj xl to'piq yopiq bej

Bilasto oyoq bilagi zo'r bandaj xl to'piq yopiq bej

Mahsulot kodi: 2960448

The Bilasto ankle bandage with a closed heel provides mechanical support for the upper and lower ankle, preventing incorrect posture and excessive stress on the joints. In addition, the bandage helps to prevent further injuries and ensures the right compression. The slight pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to pain relief and a decrease in swelling. The functionality of the foot is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process in the case of blunt injuries. Bilasto bandages are medical bandages that have to fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable wear possible. They are therefore made seamlessly using a circular knitting process and are also stretchy lengthwise and crosswise, non-slip and have no pressure points. This ankle bandage is beige in color and size XL (26-27cm)...

36.50 USD

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