
Chaqaloq qulay

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Kichkintoyning qulayligi, semirish davrida tinchlantiruvchi go'daklar uchun muhim mahsulotdir. Ushbu tishlarni qo'zg'atadigan tishlarning noqulayligidan xalos bo'lish uchun mo'ljallangan, bu tishlar ko'pincha kichkina tishlarga yumshoq yumshoq, xavfsiz materiallardan tayyorlanadi. Bitta ajoyib variant - bu 0-6 oy yoshdagi chaqaloqlar uchun mos keladigan oqshom oqshom oqshom oqi. Ushbu piksiyon nafaqat qulaylik sifatida harakat qiladi, balki chaqaloqlarni moslashishni osonlashtiradigan onaning nipelini taqlid qiladigan og'riqli dizaynni ham o'zlashtiradi. Uning qorong'u qobiliyati, kechasi uyg'onish paytida ota-onalarni osonlikcha topishi mumkinligini ta'minlaydi. Bundan tashqari, oqshom Niggi tabiiy kauchuk, bardoshli va noinsoniy materialdan qilingan, tinchlantiruvchi va tasalli beradigan bolalarni xavfsiz echimini ta'minlaydi. Ikkala piksidi va tijorat yordami sifatida ushbu mahsulot xavfsizlikni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, chaqaloqlarga yaxshi uxlash va xiralashganda bezovtalikka yordam beradi.
Mam tungi nuggi pure kautschuk 0-6m

Mam tungi nuggi pure kautschuk 0-6m

Mahsulot kodi: 1000974

MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m The MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m is a must-have for all parents who want to soothe their little one and ensure they have a good night's sleep. Made from pure natural rubber, this pacifier is durable and easy to clean, making it perfect for infants between the ages of 0-6 months. Features: Orthodontic design: The pacifier has a symmetrical shape that mimics the mother's nipple during breastfeeding, making it easier for the baby to adapt and feel comfortable while using it. Glow in the dark: The MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m is easy to find in the dark thanks to its glow-in-the-dark feature. This means that parents don't have to turn on the lights and risk waking the baby up while looking for the pacifier. Easy to sterilize: The pacifier is easy to sterilize as it can be boiled or sterilized in a sterilizing machine. This ensures that the pacifier is free of bacteria and safe for the baby to use. Benefits: Comfortable: The pacifier is designed to provide comfort to the baby, making them feel safe and secure. This can help them sleep better and reduce crying episodes. Natural rubber: The MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m is made of natural rubber, which is a safe and non-toxic material that is perfect for babies. It is free of harmful chemicals and will not cause any allergic reactions. Economical: The pacifier is durable and can withstand frequent use, making it a cost-effective solution for parents who want to provide comfort to their little one. Overall, the MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m is a great pacifier that provides comfort and safety to babies. It is easy to sterilize, made of natural rubber, and has a glow-in-the-dark feature that makes it easy to find at night. Give your baby the gift of comfort and order the MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6m today!..

19.93 USD

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