
sozlanishi it yoqasi

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Sozlash it yoqasi - bu barcha o'lchamdagi itlar uchun qulaylik va xavfsizlikni ta'minlash uchun yaratilgan uy hayvonlari egalari uchun ko'p qirrali va muhim aksessuar. Ushbu bo'yinbog'lar osongina itning bo'yniga moslashishi mumkin, ammo ingichka iltifotni ta'minlaydi. Sozlash it yoqasiga misol bo'lib, shunchaki yoqa, balki itlarning tashvish yoki stressni boshdan kechirayotgan itlar uchun echim sifatida STICTHIPTHTIPRNT. Sistillar xotirjam yoqa asarlari asta-sekin, ona itining kuchuklarini tinchlantirish uchun ona iti tomonidan ishlab chiqarilganlarni taqlid qiladigan tinchlantiruvchi feromonli feromoniy feromonni tarqatish orqali. Ushbu xususiyat itlar uchun sayohat, veterinlar yoki atrof-muhit o'zgarishlari kabi stressli vaziyatlarga duch kelgan itlar uchun ideal tanlovga aylantiradi. To'liq sozlash, yoqa kun davomida uzoq vaqt davomida tinchlanish effektlarini etkazib berishda xavfsiz mosligini kafolatlaydi. Bu barcha zotlar va asrlarning itlari uchun hissiy farovonlikni targ'ib qiluvchi xavfsiz, invaziv bo'lmagan variant, itning partiyasi bilan mukammal qo'shimcha qiladi.
Adaptil sokin yoqa m-l

Adaptil sokin yoqa m-l

Mahsulot kodi: 5296465

Product Description: Adaptil Calm Collar M-L The Adaptil calm collar M-L is a great solution for dogs who are experiencing anxiety or stress in their daily lives. This collar is designed to release calming pheromones, which are similar to the pheromones produced naturally by the mother dog to calm her puppies. The calming pheromones help to reduce anxiety and stress, allowing your dog to feel more relaxed and at ease. How the Adaptil Calm Collar Works The Adaptil calm collar is easy to use and works by releasing calming pheromones when it is worn by your dog. The pheromones are released gradually, providing long-lasting calming effects that can help to reduce anxiety and stress in dogs of all ages and breeds. The collar is adjustable for a comfortable fit and can be worn all day long, allowing your dog to benefit from the soothing effects of the pheromones on a continuous basis. Benefits of the Adaptil Calm Collar The Adaptil calm collar is a safe and effective solution for dogs who are experiencing anxiety or stress. It can be used to help calm dogs in a variety of situations, including during travel, visits to the vet, or changes in the home environment. The collar provides a non-invasive way to support your dog's emotional well-being, without the need for medication or other treatments. Key Features of the Adaptil Calm Collar Releases calming pheromones to help reduce anxiety and stress in dogs Adjustable collar for a comfortable and secure fit Provides long-lasting calming effects Safe and effective solution for dogs of all ages and breeds Non-invasive and easy to use Conclusion The Adaptil calm collar M-L is a great solution for dogs who are experiencing anxiety or stress. It provides a safe and effective way to support your dog's emotional well-being, without the need for medication or other treatments. The collar is easy to use and provides long-lasting calming effects, making it a great choice for dogs of all ages and breeds...

99.46 USD

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