
yutib bo'lmaydigan doka

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Shishol bo'lmagan doka teriga yumshoq va yumshoq teginishda suyuqlik va yumshoq teginishda suyuqliklarni jalb qilish qobiliyati uchun ma'lum bo'lgan juda muhim tibbiy materialdir. Ushbu doka asosan turli xil tibbiy muolajalarda, shu jumladan in vitro urug'lantirishda qo'llaniladi, bu erda steril muhitni saqlaydigan in vitro urug'lantirish (IVF). To'qovsiz tarkibi uning singilini kuchaytiradi va zarrachalarni to'kish xavfini kamaytiradi va uni yarador parvarish qilish va protsessual dasturlar uchun ideal qiladi. O'RNUQ bo'lmagan dokaning afzalliklarini o'zida mujassam etgan bitta diqqatga sazovor mahsulot - IVFning yig'indisi yig'ilgan kompresslar. Ushbu steril, katlanadigan kiyinishlar 10X10CMni o'lchaydi va 40 x 3 dona paketlarga kiradi, bu nozik protseduralar paytida foydalanish uchun juda ko'p narsa mavjudligini ta'minlaydi. Yuqori sifatli to'qilmagan materialdan qilingan, bu kompresslar teriga yumshoq muomalada bo'lgan holda ifloslanishni himoya qilishga ishonchli singdirishni ta'minlaydi. Tozalash, yostiqlashtirish yoki qadoqlash uchun ishlatilganmi, shundaki, sog'liqni saqlash amaliyotida, ayniqsa IVF dasturlarida xavfsizlik va samaradorlikni qo'llab-quvvatlashda foydalanilganmi yoki yo'qmi, ayniqsa, eng muhim o'rinni egallashda muhim rol o'ynaydi.
Mediset ivf faltkompressen turi 24 10x10 sm 8 katlama steril 40 x 3 dona

Mediset ivf faltkompressen turi 24 10x10 sm 8 katlama steril 40 x 3 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7837521

Mediset IVF Faltkompressen Mediset IVF Faltkompressen Mediset IVF Faltkompressen Type 24 10x10cm 8 fold sterile 40 x 3 pcs is an excellent medical-grade product used in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedures. It is a compressed dressing that is made from soft, non-woven and highly absorbent material. These sterile dressings are folded and packaged in a compact manner, ensuring maximum hygiene and protection against contamination. Features Size: 10x10cm 8 fold sterile 40 x 3 pcs pack (total 120 pieces) Made from soft, non-woven material Highly absorbent and effective Designed for use in IVF procedures Benefits Mediset IVF Faltkompressen is designed to reduce the risk of contamination and infection in sterile environments such as hospitals and laboratories. The dressings are also highly absorbent, which makes them ideal for use in IVF procedures where precision and accuracy are essential. They are gentle on the skin, and the compact packaging makes them easy to store, transport and access when needed. Usage These sterile Faltkompressen are ideal for use in IVF procedures, where precise and accurate measurements are required. They are suitable for cleaning and wiping, and can also be used for packing and cushioning. They are packaged in a convenient pack of 40 x 3 pcs, making it easy to use them when needed. Mediset IVF Faltkompressen are single-use only, and should be disposed of after use. Conclusion Mediset IVF Faltkompressen Type 24 10x10cm 8 fold sterile 40 x 3 pcs is a high-quality product that is designed to meet the needs of medical professionals in sterile environments. They are an essential component of any IVF procedure, providing accuracy, reliability and ease of use. They are available for purchase online and in-store, providing maximum convenience for medical professionals and patients alike...

91.25 USD

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