suvga chidamli bandaj
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
3m nexcare blood-stop pflaster rund
3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is the perfect bandage for minor cuts and injuries. With its innovative design, this bandage is able to stop bleeding instantly, making it ideal for emergency situations. It's made from a unique, high-quality material that's breathable, durable and water-resistant. The circular shape of the bandage makes it suitable for use on any part of the body. Features: Instantly stops bleeding High-quality material Breathable, durable and water-resistant Circular shape suitable for use on any part of the body Easy to apply and remove Benefits: Whether you're at home or out and about, the 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is an essential addition to your first aid kit. You never know when you might need to stop bleeding quickly, and this bandage is designed to do just that. Its breathable, durable and water-resistant properties make it comfortable to wear and perfect for use in any environment. It's also easy to apply and remove, with a non-stick pad that won't damage the wound or leave any residue behind. Usage: The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is ideal for use on minor cuts and injuries. Simply clean the wound, apply the bandage, and it will instantly stop bleeding. The circular shape of the bandage makes it suitable for use on any part of the body, and its breathable and water-resistant properties provide long-lasting protection. It's also easy to remove when it's time for a change. Conclusion: The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is a must-have for anyone who wants to be prepared for minor injuries and emergency situations. Its innovative design and high-quality material make it the perfect bandage for stopping bleeding quickly and comfortably. From cuts and scratches to small wounds, this circular bandage is a versatile and effective solution that you can rely on...
9.00 USD
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s4
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 - yumshoq va nafas oluvchi prokladkaga ega innovatsion teriga mos yopishtiruvchi gips. U faol hayot tarzini olib boradigan odamlar uchun yaralarni optimal parvarish qilish va himoya qilish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 yumshoq va egiluvchan yostig'i yara shakliga mos keladi, tez bitishini ta'minlaydi va chandiqlar paydo bo'lish xavfini kamaytiradi. Qo'shimcha kuchli yopishtiruvchi qatlam gipsni mahkam joyida ushlab turadi va terining nafas olishiga imkon beradi, tirnash xususiyati va noqulaylikni oldini oladi. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 hipoalerjenik va lateksni o'z ichiga olmaydi, shuning uchun uni hatto eng nozik teri uchun ham xavfsiz qiladi. Shuningdek, u suvga chidamli bo‘lib, gipsning yaxlitligini buzmasdan dush va cho‘milish imkonini beradi. Siz sportchimisiz, band ota-onangizmi yoki faol hayot tarzini yaxshi ko'radigan odamsizmi, DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 siz uchun yarani parvarish qilish uchun mukammal yechimdir. Uning ilg‘or texnologiyasi qulaylik, chidamlilik va samaradorlikni o‘zida mujassam etgan bo‘lib, barcha turdagi jarohatlar uchun optimal davolash va himoyani ta’minlaydi. ..
100.90 USD
Dermaplast cofix 4cmx20m oq
DermaPlast Cofix 4cmx20m white DermaPlast Cofix is a high-quality adhesive bandage designed to offer superior protection and support for all types of injuries. This product has a unique adhesive coating that ensures maximum adherence to the skin, providing secure support that lasts throughout the day. This bandage is made from soft, breathable materials that offer excellent comfort and allow air to circulate around the wound area, to enhance the healing process. The materials are also water-resistant, making it ideal for use in wet or humid environments, such as during swimming or outdoor activities. The DermaPlast Cofix bandage is incredibly versatile and easy to use. The roll is 4cm wide and 20m long, giving you plenty of material to cut to the desired length to fit any wound size. The adhesive material sticks firmly to the skin without leaving any residue, and it is easily removed without causing any pain or discomfort. Whether you are dealing with a small cut, scratch, or wound, or a more extensive injury, DermaPlast Cofix is an ideal solution. It is popular among sports teams, trainers, doctors, and first aid kits because of its durability, flexibility, and ease of use. So, if you are looking for a high-quality adhesive bandage that offers excellent support and protection, then DermaPlast Cofix is the perfect choice. Shop now and enjoy its superior quality and reliability!..
19.75 USD
Dermaplast quick zip pflaster 2 grössen
DERMAPLAST Quick Zip Pflaster 2 Grössen The DERMAPLAST Quick Zip Pflaster 2 Grössen is the perfect solution for all your everyday cuts and scrapes. These plasters are made with high-quality adhesive that sticks securely to the skin, providing reliable protection from dirt and germs. Plus, the quick zip feature makes it easy to apply and remove the plasters, even with just one hand. Key Features: 2 different sizes for versatile use High-quality adhesive that sticks securely to the skin Provides reliable protection from dirt and germs Quick zip feature for easy application and removal Can be applied with one hand Water-resistant design that stays in place even when wet Perfect for everyday use at home, work or play Whether you're a busy parent, an avid sports enthusiast or just someone who wants to be prepared for anything, the DERMAPLAST Quick Zip Pflaster 2 Grössen is a must-have in your first aid kit. So why wait? Order yours today and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you're always prepared for life's little accidents. ..
5.49 USD
Dermaplast tibbiy teri+ 15x8 sm
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is a premium-quality adhesive plaster that has been specifically designed to provide effective wound protection and healing support. This product features a unique, medical-grade adhesive that sticks firmly to the skin without causing discomfort or irritation, making it ideal for use on sensitive areas of the body. Features: 15x8cm dimensions for larger wound coverage Medical-grade adhesive that sticks firmly without causing discomfort or irritation Provides effective wound protection and healing support Designed to be resistant to water and other liquids Flexible and conformable to the body's contours for comfortable wear Benefits: Easy to apply for quick wound protection and treatment Can be used on sensitive areas of the body without causing irritation or discomfort Provides a protective barrier against dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants Helps wounds heal faster by providing a moist wound environment Flexible and conformable to the body's contours, allowing for comfortable wear during physical activity or movement Usage: DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is suitable for use in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and at home. This product is ideal for covering and protecting larger wounds, providing effective wound healing support, and keeping the wound area clean and protected from external contaminants. It is recommended that you clean and dry the affected area before applying the plaster, ensuring that the skin is free from any dirt or debris. Apply the plaster to the wound, ensuring that it is firmly in place and covering the entire wound area. Replace the plaster as needed, depending on the condition of the wound. For best results, use DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm in conjunction with other wound healing products, such as antiseptics and dressings. With its high-quality features and benefits, DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is the perfect product for effective wound protection, treatment, and healing support. Buy yours today from our online store!..
25.00 USD
Klassik 6cmx5m o'lchamdagi kuraplast yarani bog'lash
Curaplast 6cmx5m oʻlchamdagi klassik yara bogʻlovchisi har qanday uy xoʻjaligida birinchi tibbiy yordam toʻplamida boʻlishi shart. U katta yaralar uchun ikkilamchi kiyinish yoki kichik va o'rta jarohatlar uchun asosiy kiyim sifatida foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu mahsulot ta'sirlangan hududni qoplash va himoya qilish uchun maqbul bo'lib, foydalanuvchi uchun qulay va yumshoq tajribani ta'minlaydi. Yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan Curaplast yara bog'lovchi klassik rulon hipoalerjenik bo'lib, u barcha teri turlariga mos keladi. Bundan tashqari, nafas olish mumkin bo'lib, terining yara qoplamini buzmasdan nafas olishiga imkon beradi. Bu qichishish va noqulaylik ehtimolini kamaytiradi, tezroq shifo beradi. Rumning o‘lchami 6 sm x 5 m bo‘lib, bir nechta foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan. Uni kesish va shakllantirish oson, har qanday yaraga mos keladi, bu esa foydalanuvchining o'ziga xos ehtiyojlariga mos keladigan optimal qoplamani ta'minlaydi. Uning yopishtiruvchi yuzasi uning mahkam yopishishini ta'minlaydi, bu esa xavfsiz qoplama va foydalanuvchi uchun qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. Curaplast klassik yara bog'lovchi rulosi ham suvga chidamli bo'lib, u ochiq havoda ham, bino ichida ham suv sporti bilan shug'ullanadigan faol shaxslar uchun idealdir. U ishqalanishga moyil bo'lgan joylarda joylashgan yaralarga, masalan, tizzalar, tirsaklar va qo'llar uchun qo'llanilishi mumkin. Ushbu yara bandaji har qanday birinchi tibbiy yordam to'plamining muhim qismi bo'lib, uni uy xo'jaliklari, maktablar va ish joylari uchun ideal qiladi. Bu ko'p qirrali, ishonchli va foydalanuvchilarga qulay bo'lib, uni tibbiyot mutaxassislari va potentsial xavfli muhitda ishlaydigan yoki yashovchi har bir kishi orasida mashhur tanlovga aylantiradi. ..
20.79 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)