Noqonuniy dezodorant
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Cos deo kristall mini
A mineral deodorant concentrate in its purest form, which reliably regulates perspiration and provides deodorant protection for the whole day. Properties Properties: without perfume; without alcohol; without preservative substances; without dyes; ..
17.98 USD
Cos kristalli dezodorant tayoqchasi 120 g
Cos deodorant kristalli tayoq 120 g Eng sof shakldagi mineral deodorant konsentrati, u ishonchli, terlashni tartibga soladi va butun kun davomida dezodorantdan himoya qiladi. Tarkib Tozalangan suv, propilen glikol, jodugar barglari, glitserin, pantenol, allantoin, aloe, alyuminiy xlorgidrat. Xususiyatlar Xususiyatlar: konservantlarsiz; alkogolsiz; parfyumsiz; yoqilg'isiz gaz; ..
21.84 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)