Bosh barmog'i ortozi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Cellacare rhizo classic thumb gr1
Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is a functional thumb orthosis designed to provide support and stability to the thumb joint. It is an innovative medical device that helps alleviate pain related to arthritis, injuries, and other conditions affecting the thumb. Design The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 features a smart design that ensures optimal fit and comfort. The orthosis is made of soft, breathable, and lightweight material, which makes it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The straps and adjustable closures allow for a customized fit, ensuring that the orthosis stays in place at all times. Functionality The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 provides excellent support to the thumb, immobilizing it and allowing it to rest so that the damaged tissues can heal properly. The orthosis also helps address abnormalities in thumb alignment and prevents further injuries from occurring. It offers a range of motion that allows for daily activities such as typing, writing and gripping objects without hindrance, thus promoting healing and improving hand function. Indications The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is an ideal medical device for people with arthritis, de Quervain?s tenosynovitis, sprains, strains, and other conditions affecting the thumb. It is designed for both preventive and postoperative purposes, making it suitable for use before and after surgical procedures. Benefits The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 provides several benefits, including: Reduced pain and swelling Improved stability and motion control Improved hand function Prevention of further injuries Customizable fit for maximum comfort and support Easy to wear and adjust Conclusion The Cellacare Rhizo Classic Thumb Gr1 is a medical device that provides excellent support and stability to the thumb joint. It helps reduce pain and swelling, improves hand function, and prevents further injuries, making it an invaluable aid for people with thumb-related ailments. Get one today and enjoy the benefits it provides!..
90.45 USD
Manuloc rhizo stabilizing gr1 o'ng titan
ManuLoc Rhizo barqarorlashtiruvchi ortez o'lchami 1 o'ng titan Bilakni harakatsizlantirish va bosh barmog'i bilan boshqariladigan harakatni barqarorlashtirish uchun bandaj. Hajmi: 1 14-19 sm / Rang: Titan Xususiyatlar ManuRhizoLoc o'rnatilgan va anatomik jihatdan oldindan shakllangan alyuminiy tayoqchalar tufayli bilak va bosh barmoqni ishonchli ushlab turadi. Agar terapiya boshida asosiy e'tibor bo'g'inlarni immobilizatsiya qilish bo'lsa, mushaklarni uzoq muddatli regeneratsiya uchun asta-sekin o'rgatish muhimdir. Bosh barmog'idagi Velcro yorlig'i bilan tayanchning xavfsizligini yumshatish mumkin va bosh barmog'ining tagida boshqariladigan harakatni bo'shatish mumkin. Etarli harakatchanlik tiklangandan so'ng, bosh barmog'i to'liq olib tashlanishi mumkin. Bu shuni anglatadiki, barcha barmoqlar bilan ushlash harakatlari yana mumkin, qo'l yanada barqarorlashadi va keyingi jarohatlar xavfi kamayadi. Uning mikro Velcro velordan yasalgan tekis dizayni kiyim ostiga osongina kiyish mumkin, hech qanday ipni tortmaydi va uni ayniqsa engil qiladi. Qo'llash sohalari Operatsiyadan oldingi qo'l bilak, shuningdek, metatarsofalangeal va bosh barmoq egar bo'g'imlaridagi tirnash xususiyati beruvchi holatlar (travmatik va operatsiyadan keyingi) Og'ir rizartroz Bilak va bosh barmoq egar bo'g'imlarining qo'shma jarohatlari Karpal tunnel sindromi ..
179.70 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)