Terining sezgir relefi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Bepanthen derma sensidaily schutzbalsam
BEPANTHEN DERMA SensiDaily himoya balzam Quruq, sezgir va qichiydigan teri uchun kundalik asosiy parvarish. Parfyumeriya yoki konservantlarsiz. Xususiyatlar Sensidaily himoya balzami quruq, sezgir yoki qichiydigan teri uchun kundalik asosiy parvarish sifatida mukammal hisoblanadi. Teri to'sig'i tabiiy yog'lar, vitamin B3 va pantenol bilan barqarorlashadi. Shuningdek, ular terini uzoq muddatli namlik bilan ta'minlaydi. Balzamni qo'llash orqali teri bir vaqtning o'zida parvarishlangan va bo'shashgan ko'rinadi. Konservantlarsiz Parfyumsiz Alkogolsiz Teriga yaxshi moslik (dermatologik sinovdan o'tgan)Bolalar va kattalar uchun mos.Homiladorlik va emizish davrida mos keladi Ilova Kuniga bir necha marta quruq teri joylariga balzam surting. ..
31.90 USD
Bepanthen plus kremi 5% 4 tube 3,5 g
Bepanthen Plus Krem 5% 4 Tb 3,5 g Bepanthen Plus kremi ko'p maqsadli krem bo'lib, turli teri kasalliklaridan xalos bo'lishga yordam beradi. Uning tarkibida 5% dekspantenol va 0,5% xlorheksidin diasetat mavjud bo'lib, ular tirnash xususiyati beruvchi, shikastlangan yoki infektsiyalangan terini tinchlantirish va himoya qilish uchun birgalikda ishlaydi. Krem yog‘siz, surtishda oson formulaga ega bo‘lib, nozik teriga mos keladi va har xil turdagi teriga qo‘llanilishi mumkin. Bepanthen Plus kremining asosiy afzalliklari: Tirnashgan yoki shikastlangan terini tinchlantiradi va davolaydi Quruq, qichishish yoki yorilgan teridan samarali yordam beradi Infeksiyalarning oldini olish va davolashda yordam beradi Turli turdagi teriga, jumladan, sezgir teriga ham qo'llanilishi mumkin Qo'llash oson, yog'siz formula Qanday foydalaniladi: Bepanthen Plus kremini kuniga 2-3 marta yoki shifokor ko'rsatmasi bo'yicha terining shikastlangan joyiga yupqa qatlam bilan surting. Krem to'liq so'rilmaguncha yumshoq massaj qiling. Eng yaxshi natijaga erishish uchun terining holati yaxshilanmaguncha muntazam ravishda foydalaning. Tarkibi: Bepanthen Plus kremining har bir 3,5 g naychasida suyuq kerosin, oq yumshoq kerosin va setostearil spirti kabi boshqa faol bo'lmagan moddalar bilan birga 5% dekspantenol va 0,5% xlorheksidin diasetat mavjud. Ogohlantirishlar va ehtiyot choralari: Bepanthen Plus kremi faqat tashqi foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Ochiq yaralar yoki shilliq pardalarga qo'llamang. Ko'z yoki og'iz bilan aloqa qilishdan saqlaning. Agar bir haftalik davolanishdan keyin ahvol yomonlashsa yoki yaxshilanmasa, shifokoringiz bilan maslahatlashing. Bepanthen Plus kremi bilan teringizga yengillik va himoya toping. ..
35.76 USD
Porfiral hsp derm kremi tube 50 ml
Porphyral HSP Derm cream Tb 50 ml Porphyral HSP Derm cream Tb 50 ml is a high quality skin cream designed to soothe and hydrate your skin. The cream is formulated with Porphyral HSP, a natural extract derived from red algae, known for its healing properties. The cream is suitable for all skin types and is especially useful for those with sensitive, dry or irritated skin. Benefits of Porphyral HSP Derm cream: Moisturizes and soothes dry or irritated skin. Helps to reduce inflammation. Reduces redness and irritation. Promotes wound healing. Provides intense hydration to the skin. Helps to protect the skin from environmental stressors such as UV radiation and pollution. The cream is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. The cream is free from parabens, sulfates and artificial fragrances, making it safe and gentle for daily use. How to use: Apply a small amount of cream onto clean and dry skin, twice a day or as needed. Massage the cream into your skin in circular movements, targeting the areas that need extra attention. For best results, use alongside other Porphyral HSP Derm products. ..
36.39 USD
Zechstein magnezium oil sensitive spray 100ml
Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100ml The Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100ml is a specially formulated magnesium oil designed to provide relief to people with sensitive skin. It is made from pure magnesium chloride harvested from the ancient Zechstein seabed in the Netherlands, which is known to be the purest and most potent source of magnesium oil. This product comes in a convenient spray bottle, making it easy to apply directly onto the skin. It is free from heavy metals, synthetic fragrances, parabens, and other harmful chemicals, making it a safe and gentle formula for people with delicate skin. Magnesium is one of the essential minerals that our body needs to function properly. It is responsible for promoting healthy bone density, supporting cardiovascular health, reducing muscle tension, and improving overall mood and relaxation. The Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100ml is an excellent way to supplement your daily magnesium intake without experiencing any adverse reactions. Using the Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100ml regularly can help improve the quality of your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and alleviate muscle pain and cramps. It is also beneficial for people with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Overall, the Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100ml is an excellent product for people looking for a safe and effective way to boost their magnesium levels without experiencing any skin irritation. Get yours today and experience the wonders of pure Zechstein magnesium oil!..
24.85 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)