

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Qo'riqchilar - bu kattalar va bolalarni giperbarik eshitishdan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan innovatsion eshitish vositalaridir. Xususiy 4 halqa plate dizayni bilan, ular quloq kanallari bilan mukammal muhrni va o'rnatilgan filtr parvoz paytida quloq noqulayliklarini ajratish uchun bosimning o'zgarishiga moslashishni ta'minlaydi. Silikon va keramikadan qilingan, bu eshkak eshish 5 yoshdan 11 yoshgacha bo'lgan kattalar va 5 yoshdan 11 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mos keladi, ularni sezgir quloqlar yoki sovuqni boshdan kechirganlar uchun zaruriy sayohat qilish.
Quies earplanes ortiqcha bosim gehörschutz bolalar 2 dona

Quies earplanes ortiqcha bosim gehörschutz bolalar 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2388497

The plug ends with 4 rings to ensure a perfect seal between the cap and the ear canal. The filter adapts to the pressure difference, the source of the sore ear. Properties QUIES EARPLANES hyperbaric hearing protection adultsFeatures: For adults and children over 12 years; Remarks: silicone, ceramic; QUIES EARPLANES hyperbaric hearing protection childrenFeatures: For children aged 5-11 years; Remarks: silicone, ceramic; Application QUIES EARPLANES overpressure hearing protection adultsHearing protection against overpressure in aircraft for people with sensitive ears or a cold; QUIES EARPLANES overpressure hearing protection for childrenHearing protection against overpressure in airplanes for people with sensitive ears or a cold; ..

27.08 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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