bosimni engillashtirish pad
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Bort pedisoft texline hallux pad s
BORT PEDISOFT Texline Hallux Pad S To'qimachilik qoplamali Hallux Pad to'p bilan bog'liq muammolardan tez va doimiy og'riqni yo'qotish uchun, masalan. noto'g'ri yoki ortiqcha oyoq tufayli. MAHSULOT XUSUSIYATLARI: Oyoq kiyimidagi taglik bo‘g‘imidagi bosimni yumshatish uchun.Oyoq kiyimida teriga mos.Oyoq kiyimida sirpanish bo‘lmaydi.Tarkibi: 1 dona kichik poyafzal o‘lchami 40 gacha, poyabzal o‘lchami 41THE PEDISOFT®-TEXLINE-PLUS: Yostiqchalar optimal taqsimlanadi bosimTashqaridan qo'shimcha bosimdan himoya qilishTo'qimachilik qoplamasi tufayli kiyish uchun qulay ?xotira effekti tufayli har bir oyoq konturiga optimal moslashish?Kygandan so'ng material darhol o'zining asl shakliga qaytadi.Juda gigiyenikMashinada 30 °C da yuvilishi mumkin (oyoq barmoqlarini to'g'rilash uchun bolg'achadan tashqari) va bosimdan himoya qilish) ..
34.41 USD
Scholl bosim nuqtalari patch extraweich
Scholl pressure point plaster, extra soft protects against friction and immediately relieves pressure pain. Properties 1 plaster strip to cut Scholl pressure points plaster extra soft protects against friction and relieves pressure pain immediately. Can be cut to fit any part of the foot and also glued directly into the shoe, e.g. as a heel or toe cushion.-Ideal for sports, hiking and ski boots-Extra soft, protective paddingWe recommendScholl pressure points plaster Kurotex for tight-fitting shoes.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
14.31 USD
Scholl gel barmoq barmoq o'lchamiga kesilgan
Provides ideal pressure and friction relief for fingers and toes. Features h3> -Provides ideal pressure and friction relief for fingers and toes-Instant relief from pressure and friction pain-Protection for sensitive toes, toenails and corns-Thin, highly elastic fabric , fully coated with gelon the inside-for cuttingThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
28.91 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)