
polipropilen choklar

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Polipropilen choklar, masalan, pripropilen choklar, masalan, ularning chidamliligi va ishlashi uchun ma'lum bo'lgan tibbiyot sohasidagi eng muhim vositadir. Polipropilenlikdan qilingan, bu choklar yuqori darajada g'ayratli kuch, mukammal tugun xavfsizligi va past to'qimalarning reaktsiyasi bilan ta'minlaydi. Ularning monofilament tuzilishi to'qima orqali silliq o'tishga imkon beradi, bakterial xavfni minimallashtiradi. Qulay paketda va oson identifikatsiyalash uchun rang kodlangan, bu choklar optimal foydalanish uchun o'tkir, steril igna bilan birga keladi. Yaralarni yopish va davolash uchun ideal, polipropilen tikuvlar "Amaliy ehtiyojlar va asboblar" toifasi doirasida sog'liqni saqlash amaliyotchilari uchun iqtisodiy va sog'liqni saqlash amaliyoti.
Prolene 45 sm ko'k 5-0 fs-2 36 dona

Prolene 45 sm ko'k 5-0 fs-2 36 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3103019

PROLENE 45cm Blue 5-0 FS-2 36 pcs If you are a medical practitioner, you certainly know the importance of having high-quality sutures in your practice. Sutures are crucial in facilitating wound healing and provide a way to close a cut and support the healing process. One of the best sutures to have in your medical kit is the PROLENE 45cm Blue 5-0 FS- Premium Quality The PROLENE 45cm Blue 5-0 FS-2 suture is made of polypropylene, a highly durable and inert material that is known for its high tensile strength, excellent knot security, and low tissue reactivity. The suture has a monofilament structure that allows for easy passage through tissues and eliminates the risk of harboring bacteria. The suture is also coated with silicone, which makes it smooth and easy to handle. Designed for Your Convenience The PROLENE 45cm Blue 5-0 FS-2 comes in a pack of 36 pieces, which is enough to last you for several procedures. The suture is also color-coded blue, making it easy for you to identify it from other types of sutures in your kit. Additionally, the suture has a needle attached to it, which is sharp and sterile, thus ensuring excellent performance and reduced risk of infection. Benefits and Features Highly durable and inert material Excellent knot security Low tissue reactivity Monofilament structure for easy passage through tissues Smooth and easy to handle Color-coded for easy identification Comes with a sharp and sterile needle Pack of 36 pieces Cost-effective solution for your medical practice Overall, the PROLENE 45cm Blue 5-0 FS-2 is an excellent choice for medical practitioners who want a reliable, durable, and convenient suture that facilitates wound healing, and helps to reduce the risk of infection. This suture is the perfect solution for your medical practice and is available at an affordable price. Order today and experience the best suture on the market. ..

263.50 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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