
peroksid tizimi

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Peroksid tizimining yorlig'i BAUUCH & LBBB LIGLE, 3% simeter-Freogel Conitone Conitone Constrol Constrod linzalarini xavfsiz parvarish qilish uchun mo'ljallangan 3% bir bosqichli peroksid ekipaslidir. Ta'sirchan va allergik ko'zlar uchun ideal, 6 soat davomida uning mikroblarga qarshi xususiyatlari bilan 6 soat ichida linzalarni samarali ravishda dezinadi va zararsizlantiradi. Har bir to'plamda uchta 360 mln. Shnurning uchta zararsizlantiruvchi idishlar kiradi. Muhim: Hech qachon echimni bevosita ko'zingizga qo'llamang va kamida 6 soat zararsizlantirish uchun linzalarda qoling. Har doim ishlatilgan echimni olib tashlang va 90 kunlik shishadan foydalanish chekloviga rioya qiling. Sog'liqni saqlash va go'zal mahsulotlar uchun Shveytsariyadan, xususan yaralarni parvarishlash va hamshiralik toifalarida.
Bausch lomb easysept peroksidlari 3 pack 3 x 360 ml

Bausch lomb easysept peroksidlari 3 pack 3 x 360 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4760133

The Bausch & Lomb Easysept is a proven one-step peroxide system (3%) for the safe care of soft contact lenses and preservative-free silicone hydrogel contact lenses, specifically for sensitive and allergic eyes. It has an antimicrobial effect and disinfects and neutralizes the contact lenses within 6 hours. The set contains 3 bottles, each 360ml, and 3 special neutralization containers. Note: The solution must never be put directly into the eye. The contact lenses must never be inserted before at least 6 hours have elapsed in the neutralization container. The solution in the contact lens case must be discarded after each use. The bottle must be emptied 90 days after opening. Note the expiration date...

68.25 USD

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