Organik spirulina
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Algorigin spirulina tabletkalari bio fl 240 dona
Discover the Power of ALGORIGIN Spirulina Tablets Bio Fl 240 pcs! ALGORIGIN Spirulina Tablets Bio Fl 240 pcs is a natural, vegan-friendly supplement that's rich in nutrients and essential vitamins, making it the perfect addition to your health and wellness routine. It is made from 100% pure and organic spirulina, which is grown sustainably and harvested with care to preserve its natural goodness. Each tablet contains a potent dose of spirulina, which is known for its powerful antioxidant properties that can help protect against oxidative stress and support a healthy immune system. It's also a rich source of protein, amino acids, and omega-3 fatty acids, making it an excellent supplement for vegetarians and vegans who may be struggling to get these essential nutrients from a plant-based diet alone. ALGORIGIN Spirulina Tablets Bio Fl 240 pcs is easy to take and convenient to use. Simply take two tablets daily with a meal for best results. The tablets are also easy to swallow and have a neutral taste, so there's no need to worry about any unpleasant aftertaste. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health, support your immune system, or boost your energy levels, ALGORIGIN Spirulina Tablets Bio Fl 240 pcs is the perfect choice. Order yours today and discover the power of spirulina!..
69.13 USD
Soleil vie spirulina kukuni bio 130 g
Soleil Vie Spirulina Powder Bio 130g Soleil Vie Spirulina Powder Bio 130g is a nutritious and wholesome dietary supplement, packed with essential vitamins and minerals, obtained from 100% organic Spirulina algae. Overview Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is considered a superfood owing to its high nutritional content. This powder is obtained from spirulina algae that is grown in alkaline water, free from contaminants, and dried using a controlled temperature process that preserves its potency. Benefits Rich in antioxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals, thus boosting the immune system Provides essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B12, Iron and Zinc that are important for good health Helps in the repair and regeneration of tissues, aids in digestion and detoxification May help in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels May help in reducing inflammation and preventing the onset of chronic diseases Usage The powder can be added to smoothies, juices, yogurt, and other recipes to enhance the nutrition of your meals. It dissolves easily and does not leave any aftertaste. Conclusion Soleil Vie Spirulina Powder Bio 130g is a must-have supplement for anyone looking to boost their health naturally. It is gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and contains no preservatives or artificial colors. Try it today and experience the benefits of this incredible superfood. ..
20.64 USD
Spirulina flamant vert bio tablets 500 mg can 2000 pcs
Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets 500 mg Ds 2000 pcs Experience the power of natural nutrition with Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets. Made from organic spirulina, a blue-green algae packed with nutrients, these tablets are perfect for health-conscious individuals who want to boost their overall well-being and energy levels. Key Features: Organic spirulina 500mg per tablet 2000 tablets per pack Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Benefits: Spirulina is one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. It contains high levels of vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, C, and E, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc. Additionally, spirulina is a rich source of antioxidants, which are essential for fighting free radicals in the body that can damage cells and lead to chronic diseases. Adding Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets to your diet can help improve your overall health, increase energy levels, and boost the immune system. They are also incredibly versatile and can be added to smoothies, juices, or taken on their own for a quick nutritious boost. How to Use: Take 4-6 tablets daily, preferably with a meal. You can take all at once or spread throughout the day. Upgrade your health with Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets today and experience the benefits of this powerful superfood...
120.61 USD
Spirulina flamant vert powder bio 150 g
Organik spirulina kukuni qo'shilgan parhez ovqat Tarkib Organik spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). Xususiyatlar Oson eriydigan hujayra membranasi tufayli spirulina yosunlari bio-mavjudligi yuqori, tarkibida B12 vitamini, provitamin A, temir va rux ko'p bo'lgan parhez ovqat (87%) hisoblanadi. Proteinlarga boy bo'lgan spirulina suv o'tlari barcha muhim aminokislotalarni ham o'z ichiga oladi. Spirulina ayniqsa sog'lom va vegetarian turmush tarzi uchun juda mos keladi. Spirulina suvo'tlarimiz pestitsidlarsiz tabiiy suvlarda etishtiriladi va tarkibida konservantlar yo'q.Barcha yoshdagi bolalar va kattalar uchun javob beradi. Temir organizmdagi kislorodni normal tashishga va charchoqni kamaytirishga yordam beradi. Rux tug'ilish va normal suyak tuzilishini saqlashga hissa qo'shadi. Bolalar va o'smirlarning o'sishiga yordam beradi. Faol sportchilarning tiklanish vaqtini qisqartiradi. Keksalarning muvozanatli ovqatlanishiga hissa qo'shadi.Kundalik ratsioningizga Flamant Vert Spirulinani qo'shing. Ilova Kattalar: kuchli>Kuniga 1 choy qoshiq (5 g). Bolalar: Kuniga 1/2 choy qoshiq (2,5 g). Oziqlanish qiymatlari Oziqlanish qiymatiQuantityper%O‘lchov aniqligi Energiya20 kkal1 choy qoshiq/c. à thé Energy85 kJ1 choy qoshiq/c . Yog '0,4 g1 choy qoshiq/c . à uglevodlar0,8 g1 choy qoshiq/c . à thé xun tolasi0,3 g1 choy qoshiq/c . Protein 3,0 g1 choy qoshiq/c . natriy 22,5 mg1 choy qoshiq/c . à thé beta-karotin; Provitamin A4,2 mg1 choy qoshiq/c. à Vitamin B122,8 mkg1 choy qoshiq/c. Temir 7,0 mg1 choy qoshiq/c . à thé sink1,7 mg1 choy qoshiq/c . à thé Qaydlar Xun qo'shimchalarini turli xil parhez o'rnini bosuvchi sifatida ishlatmaslik kerak. Kichik bolalar qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang. Tavsiya etilgan sutkalik dozadan oshmang. ..
23.02 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)