Organik qirol jele
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Arkoroyal shohona jele forte bio 20 trinkamp 10 ml
Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml The Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp is a dietary supplement made of 100% pure organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb. It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that helps to support your overall health and well-being naturally. The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Key Features: 100% Pure Organic Royal Jelly: The product is made of 100% pure, organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb without any additives or preservatives. Rich in Nutrients: It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that help to support your overall health and well-being. Easy to Consume: The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Natural Formula: The product is made with natural ingredients and free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. It is also gluten-free and non-GMO. Benefits: Boosts Immune System: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to boost your immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants in the royal jelly can help to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals and improve your skin's overall health and appearance. Increases Energy Levels: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to increase your energy levels and reduce fatigue, helping you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Improves Digestive Health: The natural formula of the product helps to improve your digestive health and promotes better absorption of nutrients from food. Overall, the Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml is an excellent dietary supplement that offers a range of health benefits to support your overall health and well-being. Its rich nutrients and natural formula make it a perfect choice for anyone looking to boost their immune system, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health and well-being...
78.54 USD
Arkoroyal shohona jeli 1500 mg organik 20 x 10 ml
Yuqori sifatli qirollik jeli (tabiat xazinasi) va asalga asoslangan, bo‘yoqlar, konservantlar va alkogolsiz kafolatlangan Arkoroyal Royal Jelly 1000 mg ampulalari ayniqsa sovuq mavsumda tavsiya etiladi.IngredientlarSuv - Royal jele (*) - Bug'doy siropi (*) - Asal (*) - Apelsin sharbati konsentrati (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) (*).(*) Organik ishlab chiqarish usuli yordamida olingan qishloq xo'jaligidan olingan ingredientlar. Yevropa Ittifoqi/Yevropa Ittifoqiga a'zo bo'lmagan qishloq xo'jaligi.Arkoroyal®: organik shohona jele va organik asal!Qirollik jeli ishchi asalarilar tomonidan ishlatiladi. faqat o'z asalarilaridan birini boqib, uni malika qiladi. Bu ajoyib taom qirolichaning umrini 40 barobarga uzaytiradi va ajoyib mahsuldorlikni beradi. B. 10-HDA yog 'kislotalari 10-HDA (10-gidroksidekanoik kislota) va 10-H2DA (10-gidroksi-2-decenoic kislota)Qirollik jeli barcha qadimgi tsivilizatsiyalarda allaqachon iste'mol qilingan bo'lsa-da, uning xususiyatlari faqat bir necha o'n yillar davomida ma'lum.Qo'llash bo'yicha ko'rsatmalarDiyetik qo'shimchalar.1 ampuladan oling. ertalab, afzal nonushta bilan , bir stakan suv yoki meva sharbati (200 ml) bilan suyultiriladi.Ilovani yiliga bir necha marta, ayniqsa mavsumiy tebranishlar bilan takrorlash mumkin.TavsiyalarAllergik yoki biron bir tarkibiy qismga sezgir odamlar uchun tavsiya etilmaydiTavsiya etilgan sutkalik dozadan oshmang. Xun qo'shimchalari turli va muvozanatli ovqatlanish va sog'lom turmush tarzi o'rnini bosmasligi kerakKichik bolalar qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang..
75.40 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)