
Organik dehqonchilik

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Organik dehqonchilikning afzalliklarini, shu jumladan, alohida mahsulotlar, shu jumladan organosil G7 organik kremniy fl va jentskura morgentund's bilan olishning afzalliklarini bilib oling. Bizning qurbonliklarimiz organik dehqonchilikdan ingredientlardan foydalangan holda, sifat va barqarorlikning eng yuqori standartlarini ta'minlaydi. Organosil G7 o'simliklarning o'sishini kuchaytiradi, stressning bag'ruzini oshiradi va organik bog'dorchilikka, Jentskura MorgenTund organik tariq va karabuğday-dan tayyorlangan to'yimli, kleydensiz pyuresi. Sog'liqni saqlash sayohatini Shveytsariya salomatligi va go'zallik mahsulotlari bilan ko'taring, tabiatning pokligini innovatsion echimlar bilan aralashtirish.
Jentschura morgenstund' 2000 g

Jentschura morgenstund' 2000 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7788972

Jentschura MorgenStund' 2000 g Tariq grechka meva va urug'li bo'tqa. Tarkib Tariq*; Karabuğday*, quritilgan mevalar 13,5% (ananas*, olma*), yog‘li urug‘lar 8,5% (qovoq urug‘i*, kungaboqar urug‘i*, shirin bodom*), amarant*. *Organik dehqonchilikdan... Xususiyatlar Vegan. Shakar qo'shilmagan (tabiiy ravishda shakar mavjud). Ilova MorgenStund' 3 osh qoshiqni (taxminan 35 g) taxminan. 120-140 ml qaynoq suv va shishib ketishi uchun 1-2 daqiqaga qoldiring. Yoki MorgenStundni taxminan aralashtiramiz. Ko'pirtirgich bilan 160-180 ml suv. Aralashtirganda qaynatib oling va past olovda 1-2 daqiqa qaynatib oling. Oziqlanish qiymatlari Oziqlanish qiymatiQuantitypro%o‘lchov aniqligi energiya 1606 kJ100 gEnergiya381 kkal100 gFat7;30 g td>100 gFat; shundan to'yingan yog' kislotalari0;95 g100 gUglevodlar62;50 g100 g uglevodlar; shundan shakar12;82 g100 g Elyaf6;80 g100 gOqsil 12;90 g100 gTuz0;04 g100 gTiamin (vitamin B1)0;32 mg100 g Piridoksin (Vitamin B6)0;28 mg100 gtin ..

65.34 USD

Organosil g7 organik kremniy shishasi 500ml

Organosil g7 organik kremniy shishasi 500ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7309344

Organosil G7 Organic Silicon Fl 500 ml - Product Description The Organosil G7 Organic Silicon Fl is a highly effective plant growth and development supplement that is designed to improve plant vigor, quality, and yield. It is an organically derived liquid that is packed with the essential nutrients that plants need to thrive, including organic silicon, calcium, magnesium, and other micronutrients. This product is specifically formulated to enhance plant growth and development, improve stress tolerance, and enhance soil health. The Organosil G7 Organic Silicon Fl is made from a unique blend of organic ingredients that are derived from plant and animal sources. It is free from any harmful chemicals or synthetic compounds that may harm plants or the environment. This product is also highly soluble and easily absorbed by plants, making it highly effective in promoting healthy growth and development. The Organosil G7 Organic Silicon Fl is ideal for use in both outdoor and indoor gardens, as well as hydroponic systems. It is suitable for use on a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and ornamental plants. It is also safe and non-toxic, making it suitable for use in organic farming and gardening practices. Key Benefits Enhances plant vigor, quality, and yield Improves stress tolerance and resistance to pests and diseases Promotes healthy root development and nutrient uptake Enhances soil health and fertility Easy to use and highly soluble Safe and non-toxic Suitable for use in organic farming and gardening practices Overall, the Organosil G7 Organic Silicon Fl is a highly effective plant growth and development supplement that provides a wide range of benefits for plants and soil. It is easy to use, safe, and highly effective, making it an ideal choice for gardeners and farmers who want to improve the health and productivity of their crops. ..

23.62 USD

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