hid neyteratsiyasi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Aromalife room fragrance orange 110 ml
Aromalife apelsin xonasining tetiklantiruvchi hidi bilan yashash joyingizni o'zgartiring. Ushbu 110 ml purkagich uy atmosferasini ko'tarmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun bo'lishi kerak. Apelsinning jo'shqin mohiyati bilan to'ldirilgan bu xona xushbo'yligi hidlarni zararsizlantirish va mehmondo'st muhit yaratish uchun mo'ljallangan. Havoda tinmay qoladigan tsitrus mevalaridan bahramand bo'lish uchun bir necha marta seping. Uyingizning istalgan xonasida foydalanish uchun ideal, bu Raum-deo mahsuloti sizning makoningizni yangi va jozibali hidli saqlash uchun ko'p qirrali yechimdir. Aromalife apelsin xona parfyumining ko‘taruvchi kuchini bugun his qiling...
61.60 USD
Paper armenia barglari 12 dona
PAPER ARMENIE Leaves 12 pcs These beautiful PAPER ARMENIE leaves are perfect for those who want to create a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere in their home or office. These leaves are made from a special paper that works as a smoke deodorizer, meaning they absorb unpleasant odors and leave a fresh and clean scent behind. Each pack contains 12 pieces of PAPER ARMENIE leaves, so you can enjoy their benefits all year round. Simply light one up and let it burn for a few seconds. Then, extinguish the flame and let it smolder to release the pleasant scent. It's that simple! In addition to their odor-neutralizing properties, these leaves also create a cozy and inviting ambiance wherever they are used. Their subtle scent is perfect for relaxation, meditation, or simply enjoying a cup of tea on a lazy afternoon. Whether you're looking for a natural way to freshen up your space or simply want to add a touch of elegance to your decor, these PAPER ARMENIE leaves are the perfect choice. They're easy to use, eco-friendly, and highly effective at deodorizing your home. So why wait? Order your pack of PAPER ARMENIE leaves today and experience the natural beauty and fresh scent they provide! ..
8.40 USD
Sanaya aroma and bachblut sprayay zen bio
SANAYA Aroma & Bach Blood Spray Zen Bio bilan tanishtiramiz, bu sizning yashash joyingizda tinch va tetiklantiruvchi muhit yaratish uchun mo'ljallangan xonani parvarish qilish uchun inqilobiy yechim. Ushbu innovatsion mahsulot aromaterapiyaning afzalliklarini Bax gulining mohiyati bilan birlashtirib, noyob yaxlit tajriba taqdim etadi. Zen Bio spreyi hidlarni samarali ravishda zararsizlantiradi va tinchlantiruvchi xushbo'ylikni chiqaradi, bu esa tinchlanish va farovonlikka yordam beradi. Uylarda, ofislarda yoki yoshartiruvchi kuchga muhtoj bo'lgan har qanday joyda kundalik foydalanish uchun ideal. SANAYA Aroma & Bach Blood Spray Zen Bio bilan muhitingizga muvozanat va uyg'unlik keltiring...
35.32 USD
Tena slip maxi kichik 24 dona
TENA Slip Maxi small 24 pcs The TENA Slip Maxi small 24 pcs is a premium quality incontinence product designed to cater to the needs of people who suffer from moderate to severe incontinence. The pack contains 24 pieces of the slip maxi small, providing an excellent incontinence solution to customers. It is equipped with advanced features such as wetness indicator, odor neutralizer, and adjustable tapes that ensure maximum comfort and convenience. The wetness indicator works as a signal to alert the user that it's time to change the pad. It reduces incontinence-related stress, as the user can be aware of their hygiene needs. Moreover, TENA Slip Maxi small 24 pcs is an excellent product for controlling odor. It features an odor-neutralizing technology that captures and binds odor molecules to prevent any unpleasant odor. This feature ensures long-lasting freshness and comfort for the user. The TENA Slip Maxi small 24 pcs is designed to fit snugly and comfortably. It provides an ergonomic fit that adapts well to the body shape of the user. It features fast-absorbing polymers that can lock away moisture, keeping the user dry and comfortable throughout the day or night. TENA Slip Maxi small 24 pcs is an epitome of quality and reliability and an excellent incontinence product that is not only dependable but also cost-effective. It is an ideal choice for people who suffer from moderate to severe incontinence and require a product tailored to their specific needs. ..
87.91 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)