
okklyuziya terapiyasi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 5 gacha 5
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Og'ir terapiya mahsulotlari ambekiya va bolalarda asabiylashayotgan ko'z sharoitlarini samarali davolash uchun zarurdir. Bizning oralig'imizda yumshoq, qulay va xavfsiz qamrovni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan Ortopadpfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffflaster va 3M optikonli silikon ko'z bantasidir. Ushbu mahsulotlar sezgir terapiya uchun ko'proq jalb qilinishi uchun xavfsizlik va qulayliklarni ta'minlaydigan hipoalerjenik materiallar bilan tayyorlanadi va turli o'lcham va dizaynlarga kelinadi. Evropada sertifikatlangan va qo'llash va olib tashlash oson, bu ko'zlar sog'liqni saqlash va qarashlarni yaxshilash uchun tibbiy xodimlar tomonidan belgilangan okklyuziy terapiyani osonlashtiradi. Shveytsariyada onlayn xarid qilish uchun ishonchli va ishonchli okklyuzi davolash uchun bizning tanlovimizni kashf eting.
3m opticlude silicones eye dressing 5x6cm mini boys 50 pcs

3m opticlude silicones eye dressing 5x6cm mini boys 50 pcs

Mahsulot kodi: 7775572

3M Opticlude silikon ko'z bandaji ko'zlar uchun yumshoq va xavfsiz okklyuzion terapiyani ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. 5x6 sm o'lchamdagi bu mini o'lchamdagi bintlar o'g'il bolalar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqarilgan va 50 donadan iborat qulay paketga kiradi. Yumshoq silikon yopishtiruvchi qulaylik va qulaylik uchun ushbu ko'z bandaji ko'z kasalliklarini tezroq davolashga yordam beradi va yorug'lik sezgirligini boshqarishga yordam beradi. 3M Opticlude Silikon ko'z bandaji yaralarni parvarish qilish va parvarish qilish uchun, ayniqsa ko'z bo'limlari uchun ideal, nozik ko'z sohalari uchun ishonchli himoya va yordam beradi...

52.77 USD

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster o'rta qizlar 2-4 yosh 50 dona

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster o'rta qizlar 2-4 yosh 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3203413

Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster Medium Girls 2-4 years 50 pcs Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is a high-quality medical grade eye patch specially designed for children between the ages of 2 to 4 years. The patches are made with a gentle cotton material that is comfortable for children to wear and does not cause any irritation or discomfort during use. The medium-sized patch is perfect for covering the child's eye completely, ensuring that they receive the appropriate level of occlusion therapy recommended by their healthcare provider. The patches are ideal for treating amblyopia, lazy eye, strabismus, and other eye conditions that require occlusion therapy. The Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster comes in a pack of 50, ensuring that parents have enough patches to last them for several weeks or months. The product is specifically designed for girls, making it perfect for parents who want to provide their daughters with a comfortable and stylish occlusion patch. The patches are easy to apply and remove, and they come with a special adhesive that ensures that they stay in place. The hypoallergenic adhesive does not cause any skin irritation or discomfort, making it perfect for children with sensitive skin. The Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is a reliable and effective way to provide children with the occlusion therapy they need to correct their eye conditions. The product is safe, comfortable, and easy to use, making it the perfect choice for parents who want to ensure their child receives the best possible eye care. ..

76.65 USD

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster o'rtacha 2-4 yosh o'g'il bolalar 50 dona

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster o'rtacha 2-4 yosh o'g'il bolalar 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3203407

Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster medium Boys 2-4 years 50 pcs Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is designed for young boys age 2-4 to help treat and prevent amblyopia or ?lazy eye?. These cotton patches gently adhere to the skin around the eye, fully covering the affected eye to encourage usage of the non-affected eye. The medium size is perfect for young children with a smaller facial structure, allowing for a comfortable fit and minimal irritation. Each package contains 50 patches, providing ample supply for extended patching use. The cotton material is gentle on the skin and breathable, which helps prevent irritation or discomfort. The adhesive is hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe for all skin types including sensitive skin. With these patches, parents can help their child develop strong and healthy vision in both eyes. The bright and colorful designs on each patch make them fun and enjoyable to wear, encouraging children to comply with treatment. The patches are also easy to remove and leave minimal residue, making them convenient for parents to use. Overall, the Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is an effective and safe product for treating amblyopia or ?lazy eye? in young boys age 2-With its comfortable fit, gentle cotton material, and fun designs, this product makes patching a more enjoyable experience for both parents and children. ..

74.14 USD

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster junior 50 dona

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster junior 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 5548004

Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster junior 50 dona xususiyatlariEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyO‘ramdagi miqdor: 50 donaOg'irligi: 90g Uzunligi: 96mm Kenligi: 85mm Balandligi: 97mm Sotib oling Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster junior 50 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn..

76.65 USD

Ortopad occlusionspflaster 4 yoshdan boshlab oddiy teri 50 dona

Ortopad occlusionspflaster 4 yoshdan boshlab oddiy teri 50 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2208041

Ortopad Occlusionspflaster xususiyatlari 4 yoshdan boshlab oddiy teri 50 donaYevropa CE sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyMiqdori paketda : 50 donaOg'irligi: 131 g Uzunligi: 94 mm Kenligi: 94 mm Balandligi: 117 mm p>Ortopad Occlusionspflaster 4 yoshdan boshlab oddiy terini 50 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

58.72 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 5 gacha 5
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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