
to'q bo'lmagan lenta

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
To'liq bo'lmagan lenta - bu liboslar va tibbiy asboblarni osonlikcha ishlab chiqarish uchun mo'ljallangan muhim tibbiy ta'minot. Yumshoq, to'q bo'lmagan materialdan qilingan, bu lenta nozik teriga yumshoq nafas olib, infektsiyalarni oldini olish uchun yuqori nafas olishni taklif qiladi. Unda nam sharoitlarga mos keladigan kuchli yopishtiruvchi xususiyatlar mavjud bo'lib, ular xavfsiz moslash uchun tana konturlariga mos kelishi mumkin. Qulay rulonlarda etkazib beriladi, to'quv bo'lmagan lenta ishonchli va samarali echimlarni qidiradigan sog'liqni saqlash bo'yicha mutaxassislar uchun juda mos keladi.
3m medipore fixationsvlies 10cmx10m liner rolle

3m medipore fixationsvlies 10cmx10m liner rolle

Mahsulot kodi: 7789300

3M Medipore Fixationsvlies 10cmx10m Liner Rolle The 3M Medipore Fixationsvlies 10cmx10m Liner Rolle is a high-quality medical tape designed for securing dressings and other medical devices. The tape is made from a soft, non-woven material that is gentle on the skin, making it ideal for use with patients who have sensitive or delicate skin. It is also highly breathable, allowing the skin to breathe and reducing the risk of complications such as infections or irritation. The Medipore Fixationsvlies tape is extremely versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications. Its strong adhesive properties ensure that it stays in place even in wet or humid conditions, making it ideal for use in high-moisture environments such as the operating room. It is also highly conformable, meaning that it can be easily moulded to the contours of the body for a secure fit. The tape is supplied in a convenient roll format, making it easy to use and store. Each roll measures 10cm x 10m, providing plenty of tape for multiple applications. The liner on the back of the tape ensures easy application and removal, reducing the risk of pain or discomfort during dressing changes. The 3M Medipore Fixationsvlies 10cmx10m Liner Rolle is a reliable and effective medical tape that is trusted by healthcare professionals around the world. Whether you are a clinician, nurse or caregiver, this tape is an essential tool for providing high-quality care to your patients...

15.30 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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