
bezovta qiluvchi bo'lmagan

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G'azablanmaydigan mahsulotlar teriga yumshoq muomalaga ega bo'lib, ularni sezgir teri, tirnash xususiyati yoki allergiya bilan bo'lgan shaxslar uchun idealizatsiya qiladi. Ushbu mahsulotlar qattiq kimyoviy moddalar, eritgichlar, konservantlar va sun'iy ingredientlardan xoli, ular noqulaylik yoki salbiy reaktsiyalarga olib kelmasdan tinchlantiruvchi tajribani ta'minlaydilar. Terining xavfsiz va samarali echimlarini qidirayotganlar uchun juda mos keladi.
Puressentiel neytral planshetlar 30 dona

Puressentiel neytral planshetlar 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7644433

Puressentiel Neutral Tablets 30 pcs Puressentiel Neutral Tablets 30 pcs is an essential tool for aromatherapy enthusiasts who wish to create their own blends of essential oils. These neutral tablets are an ideal base for essential oils that require dilution before use. Puressentiel Neutral Tablets are made of corn starch and allow for quick and easy absorption, allowing for a smooth mixing process. The Neutral Tablets are ideal for people who suffer from skin sensitivities, irritations, or allergies. These tablets are non-irritating and non-abrasive, ensuring a smooth application on the skin. They are also free from any solvents, preservatives, or artificial ingredients, making them a natural method of skin care. Puressentiel Neutral Tablets provide maximum versatility to customise your essential oil blends to personal preferences. Whether you require a relaxing massage oil, a revitalising body lotion, or an energising bath blend, these tablets are perfect for creating your desired product. The Neutral Tablets are eco-friendly, with all materials used being 100% biodegradable, ensuring they have a minimal impact on the environment. These tablets come in a pack of 30 and are suitable for all skin types and ages. They are easy to store and can be kept in a cool, dry place until ready to use. Puressentiel Neutral Tablets are perfect for anyone looking to create their own personalised aromatherapy blends. They're easy to use, eco-friendly and free from irritants, making them the perfect addition to any aromatherapy routine...

18.71 USD

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