Namlik to'siq
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
3m cavilon terini uzoq muddatli himoya qiluvchi krem
3M Cavilon uzoq muddatli terini himoya qiluvchi krem 3M Cavilon uzoq muddatli terini himoyalovchi kremi bilan terini himoya qilishning eng yuqori darajasini his eting. Ushbu tibbiy darajadagi to'siq kremi teringizni namlik, ishqalanish va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi moddalardan himoya qiluvchi nafas oladigan, suv o'tkazmaydigan qalqon hosil qiladi. Nozik teriga ega, o'zini tuta olmaslik yoki og'ir sharoitlarga tez-tez ta'sir qiladigan odamlar uchun ideal. Asosiy imtiyozlar Uzoq muddatli namlik to'sig'ini ta'minlaydi Teri parchalanishi va tirnash xususiyati paydo bo'lishidan himoya qiladi Sezuvchan teri uchun ideal Suvga chidamli va nafas oladigan Hipoallergen va xushbo'y hidsiz Siz quruq teri, idrorni ushlab turolmaslik yoki tez-tez qo'l yuvish bilan shug'ullanasizmi, 3M Cavilon terini uzoq muddatli himoya qiluvchi krem sizga kerakli ishonchli himoyani taklif etadi. Bugun buyurtma bering va farqni his qiling!..
51.82 USD
Cutimed protect cream 28 g
Kutimed Protect kremi bilan tanishing, bu sizning yarani parvarish qilish va parvarish qilish rejimingizga muhim qo'shimcha. Qulay 28 g naychada mavjud bo'lgan ushbu maxsus krem muhtoj bemorlar uchun terini yuqori darajada himoya qiladi. Sog'liqni saqlash sohasidagi mutaxassislar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan Cutimed Protect Cream namlik, tirnash xususiyati va ishqalanishga qarshi nafas oluvchi to'siq yaratib, optimal shifo sharoitlarini ta'minlaydi. Siz sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassisi bo'lasizmi yoki uyda parvarishlash bilan shug'ullanasizmi, bu krem terining shikastlanishining oldini olish va terining butunligini saqlashda muhim vositadir. Nozik terini himoya qilish va tiklanishni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun Cutimed Protect kremiga ishoning...
12.09 USD
Cutimed protect sprayay 28 ml
Cutimed Protect Spray 28 ml: Effective Protection for Your Skin Do you suffer from skin irritation caused by incontinence, wound exudate, or other sources of moisture? Then Cutimed Protect Spray 28 ml is the solution you've been looking for. This innovative skin protectant spray forms a transparent film on your skin that prevents excessive moisture from penetrating your skin and causing irritation. How Does Cutimed Protect Spray Work? Cutimed Protect Spray is based on a unique silicone technology that creates a breathable barrier on your skin. The spray forms a transparent, waterproof film that protects your skin from moisture, friction, and other irritants. The barrier film allows your skin to breathe and maintain its natural pH balance, while keeping it moisturized and hydrated. Benefits of Cutimed Protect Spray 28 ml There are several benefits of using Cutimed Protect Spray. Firstly, it provides effective protection against skin irritation caused by incontinence or wound exudate. Secondly, the spray is quick and easy to apply, as it comes in a handy spray bottle. Thirdly, it is transparent and does not leave any residue on your skin or clothing. Finally, it is hypoallergenic and free from fragrances, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin. How to Use Cutimed Protect Spray 28 ml Using Cutimed Protect Spray is easy. Simply clean and dry the affected area of your skin, then hold the spray nozzle about 10 cm away from your skin and apply a thin layer of the spray. Allow the film to dry for a few minutes before putting on clothing or a dressing. You can reapply the spray as often as needed, depending on the level of moisture and irritation. Order Cutimed Protect Spray 28 ml Today If you want to protect your skin from irritation and moisture, order Cutimed Protect Spray today. The 28 ml spray bottle is small enough to fit in your bag or purse, so you can take it with you wherever you go. Don't let skin irritation affect your quality of life ? try Cutimed Protect Spray and enjoy soft, healthy skin...
20.66 USD
Qatlamlangan zamonaviy plyonka hosil qiluvchi yarani bog'lovchi jel tube 5 g
Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel The Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel is a must-have for anyone dealing with wounds, burns, and scars. This specially formulated gel creates a breathable, flexible, and protective layer on your skin, providing instant relief while promoting optimal healing. Features: Creates protective barrier: Stratamed modern film-forming wound dressing gel creates a barrier that keeps the wound area moist, which, in turn, promotes optimal healing of the wound surface. Stays in place: Once applied, the gel stays in place, ensuring that it covers the wound and protects it from further damage. Reduces itching and redness: The gel provides instant relief from itching, burning, and redness caused by wounds, burns or scars. Easy to apply: The Stratamed modern film-forming wound dressing gel comes in a 5g tube, which makes it easy to apply on targeted areas efficiently. Invisible and odorless: The gel is invisible and odorless, providing comfort and discretion during the treatment process. How to Use: Clean the wound or burn area and make sure it is dry. Apply a thin layer of the gel to cover the wound or burn area. Make sure the gel is covering the entire affected area. Allow the gel to dry before covering it with clothing. Reapply the gel at least once a day or as directed by a healthcare provider. Overall, the Stratamed Modern Film-Forming Wound Dressing Gel is a practical and effective solution for anyone dealing with wounds and burns. It helps in faster healing, relief from painful symptoms like itching, burning, and redness. Its easy-to-apply format and odorless feature make it an ideal choice for people who want discreet healing without any hassles!..
45.74 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)