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Nam yara muhitini saqlab qolish va tabiiy davolanish jarayonlarini yaxshilash uchun mo'ljallangan ilg'or jarohatni parvarish qilish mahsulotlari tanlovimizni o'rganing. Bizning assortimentimiz alginat yara qoplamalari, faollashtirilgan uglerod prokladkalari, gidrokolloid yara qoplamalari va boshqalarni o'z ichiga oladi. Namlikni samarali boshqarish uchun yaratilgan ushbu innovatsion yechimlar turli xil jarohatlar, jumladan, travmatik va jarrohlik yaralar, yaralar va kuyishlar uchun idealdir. Shveytsariya sifatli sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlari bilan bizning tajribali yaralarni parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan mahsulotlarimiz bilan optimal shifo va qulaylikni ta'minlang.
Carboflex faollashtirilgan uglerod qoplamasi 10x10 sm steril 10 dona

Carboflex faollashtirilgan uglerod qoplamasi 10x10 sm steril 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1956404

CARBOFLEX Activated Carbon Dressing 10x10cm Sterile 10 pcs CARBOFLEX Activated Carbon Dressing is a sterile and versatile wound dressing designed to promote wound healing and reduce the risk of infection. The dressing is composed of a thin, flexible, and porous foam pad infused with activated carbon particles that provide superior odor control and absorb excess fluids. The dressing is coated with a hydrophilic layer that creates a moist wound environment, allowing for faster healing and decreased pain during dressing changes. The dressing is designed to stick to itself and not the wound bed, ensuring easy removal and minimal pain for the patient. CARBOFLEX Activated Carbon Dressing is indicated for use on wounds such as pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, and post-operative wounds. The dressing is also suitable for use on debrided wounds, infected wounds, and wounds with heavy exudate. Each box contains 10 individually sealed and sterile CARBOFLEX Activated Carbon Dressings, each measuring 10x10cm in size. The dressing is easy to apply and remove, and provides a convenient and effective solution for wound care management. ..

172.07 USD

Cutimed siltec l silikon ko'pikli qoplama 10x10 sm superabsorbent 10 dona

Cutimed siltec l silikon ko'pikli qoplama 10x10 sm superabsorbent 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7065391

Cutimed Siltec L Silicone Foam Dressing 10x10cm Superabsorbent - 10 Pcs Introducing the Cutimed Siltec L Silicone Foam Dressing, designed to provide an unparalleled healing experience for patients dealing with wounds of varying degrees of severity. The unique and innovative dressing system is clinically proven to create a moist wound environment that promotes healing and prevents infections for optimal recovery. Key Features High-quality silicone foam that molds to the contours of the wound Superabsorbent to reduce the need for frequent dressing changes Designed to promote healing and prevent infection by creating an optimal wound environment Helps reduce pain and discomfort for patients 10 individual pieces of 10x10cm dressing included in each pack Benefits The Cutimed Siltec L Silicone Foam Dressing has numerous benefits that you can expect to experience when you use it. These benefits include: Excellent absorbency to reduce the frequency of dressing changes and lower the risk of maceration or leakage Soft, comfortable, and flexible material that ensures maximum patient comfort Minimal pain or discomfort for patients when used to dress wounds Helps maintain an optimal moisture balance at the wound site, promoting a faster and more effective healing process High-quality silicone foam ensures easy application, shaping, and removal while maintaining the dressing's integrity and efficacy How to Use Cutimed Siltec L Silicone Foam Dressing is easy to use, even for individuals with no prior experience. Simply: Make sure that the wound is adequately cleaned, disinfected, and dried before applying the dressing Peel off the protective layer covering the adhesive surface of the dressing and position it carefully over the wound Smooth down any wrinkles or folds in the dressing, ensuring that it adheres correctly to the skin and creates a secure seal Make sure to change the dressing regularly, as directed by your healthcare provider Invest in the Cutimed Siltec L Silicone Foam Dressing today and say goodbye to painful wound dressing changes and ineffective wound healing. With our super absorbent silicone foam dressing, your wound will be on the road to recovery in no time!..

94.13 USD

Kaltostat kompresslar 10x20 sm steril 10 dona

Kaltostat kompresslar 10x20 sm steril 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1689245

KALTOSTAT kompresslar 10x20 sm Steril 10 dona KALTOSTAT kompresslari yarani samarali va samarali davolash uchun mo'ljallangan steril yara bog'ichlaridir. Ushbu kompresslar har biri 10x20 sm o'lchamdagi 10 donadan iborat bo'lib, kattaroq yaralar uchun mos keladi. KALTOSTAT kompresslari yara ekssudati bilan aloqa qilganda jelga aylanadigan tabiiy tsellyuloza moddasidan iborat noyob dizaynga ega. Bu gel shakllanishi yara atrofida nam muhitni saqlashga yordam beradi, bu esa tabiiy shifo jarayonini kuchaytiradi. KALTOSTAT kompresslari jarohatlar, jarrohlik yaralari va bosim yaralari va diabetik yaralar kabi surunkali yaralarni o'z ichiga olgan keng doiradagi yaralarni davolashda samarali. Ular kuyishlar uchun ham mos keladi, chunki ular shikastlangan hududni tinchlantirishga yordam beradigan sovutish effektini beradi. Kompreslardan foydalanish oson va har qanday yara o'lchami yoki shakliga mos ravishda kesilishi mumkin. Ular, shuningdek, moslashuvchan bo'lib, yaxshilangan qulaylik va harakat paytida og'riqni kamaytirish uchun tananing konturiga mos keladi. Kompresslar steril bo‘lib, klinik sharoitlarda foydalanish uchun xavfsiz bo‘lishini ta’minlaydi va foydalanilgunga qadar sterilligini saqlab qolish uchun alohida o‘raladi. Umuman olganda, KALTOSTAT kompresslari yarani samarali davolashni istagan har bir kishi uchun muhim element hisoblanadi. Samarali dizayni va nam yara muhitini yaratish qobiliyati bilan ular tabiiy shifo jarayonini tezlashtirishga va infektsiya xavfini kamaytirishga yordam beradi. Bugungi kunda KALTOSTAT kompresslar toʻplamiga buyurtma bering va yaralarni samarali davolashning afzalliklaridan bahramand boʻling. ..

242.73 USD

Kesilgan sorbion plus 10x10cm 10 dona

Kesilgan sorbion plus 10x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6522001

Cutimed Sorbion Plus 10x10cm 10 pcs Looking for a reliable wound dressing that can provide high absorbency and effective wound healing? Choose Cutimed Sorbion Plus dressings. This product pack contains 10 pieces of high-quality wound dressings with a size of 10x10cm for easy application and coverage of large wounds or multiple small wounds. Benefits of Cutimed Sorbion Plus High absorbency - This dressing can hold up to 30 times its own weight, making it ideal for wounds with heavy exudates. Efficient wound healing - The hydrophilic fibers integrated into the dressing promote a moist wound environment, which is essential in promoting cellular growth and regeneration. Minimal risk of maceration - The superabsorbent micro-beads quickly absorb exudates and lock them away, preventing the dressing from becoming oversaturated and minimizing the risk of maceration. Long-lasting coverage - The high-quality construction of Cutimed Sorbion Plus ensures long-lasting protection that doesn?t need to be changed as frequently as other wound dressings. How to use Cleanse the wound using a mild wound cleanser, then dry the surrounding skin. Choose the appropriate size of Cutimed Sorbion Plus dressing for your wound and cut it to fit if necessary. Remove the paper backing and apply the dressing with the adhesive side down directly over the wound. Cover the dressing with an appropriate secondary dressing if needed. Take advantage of the powerful wound-healing benefits of Cutimed Sorbion Plus dressings to help your wounds heal faster and more efficiently. Order your 10-piece pack today and experience the exceptional absorbency, protection, and wound healing that this product provides. ..

119.86 USD

Kesilgan sorbion sachet s 20x10cm 10 dona

Kesilgan sorbion sachet s 20x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6521585

Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S 20x10cm 10 pcs The Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S is a top-quality wound dressing that is specifically designed to support the natural wound healing process of the body. It's made up of durable, polyethylene mesh sheets that contain a unique, super-absorbent layer. This layer is capable of absorbing excess wound exudate while locking in the moisture and preventing maceration. The transportation of exudate from the wound is facilitated by the wavy structure of the mesh sheets. Due to this property, the dressing ensures that the wound environment remains moist for the healing process to take place effectively. The flexible size of the sachet makes it easy to use on any wound, from small or superficial wounds to more complex surgical wounds. The property of the Sachet to absorb high amounts of exudate means it reduces the need for changing the dressing frequently. When combined with a woundcare regimen, the Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S helps to promote quicker wound closure, leading to faster patient recovery. Super-absorbent layer with a wavy structure that absorbs excess wound exudate. Polyethylene mesh sheets that allow for easy transportation of exudate to maintain a moist wound environment. Suitable for managing different levels of wound exudate. Flexible size makes it ideal for use on various types of wounds. Reduces the frequency of dressing changes, leading to better comfort for the patient. Available in a pack of 10 sachets measuring 20x10cm. The Cutimed Sorbion Sachet S ensures that patients receive quality wound care while protecting the wound from any further complications. ..

172.97 USD

Mepitel plyonkasi safetac 6x7cm 10 dona

Mepitel plyonkasi safetac 6x7cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7779030

Mepitel plyonka Safetac 6x7cm 10 dona - Kengaytirilgan jarohatni bog'lash Mepitel Film Safetac - yaralarni davolash uslubingizni o'zgartirishni va'da qiladigan inqilobiy yara bog'lovchisi! O'zining ilg'or dizayni va ilg'or texnologiyasi bilan yaraning tezroq bitishini ta'minlaydi va jarohatni parvarish qilish bilan bog'liq og'riq va jarohatlarni kamaytiradi. Yaralar bilan kurashayotgan har bir kishi, jumladan, tibbiyot mutaxassislari, bemorlar va parvarish qiluvchilar uchun bu yara bandaji birinchi yordam to'plamida bo'lishi shart.Asosiy xususiyatlar Mepitel Film Safetac ning asosiy xususiyatlaridan biri uning noyob Safetac elimidir, u kiyinishni o'zgartirish paytida og'riq va shikastlanishni kamaytiradi. U yara to'shagiga yopishmaydi, bu kiyinishni qo'llash va olib tashlashni osonlashtiradi. Ushbu yopishtiruvchi, shuningdek, namlikning o'tishiga imkon berib, har qanday oqishning oldini olish uchun yarani samarali tarzda yopishadi. Bundan tashqari, Mepitel Film Safetac yumshoq, egiluvchan va nafas oluvchi bo‘lib, shu bilan maksimal qulaylik va qulaylikni ta’minlaydi.Foydalanish uchun ko‘rsatmalar Mepitel Film Safetac ko'plab jarohatlar, jumladan kuyishlar, abrazivlar, jarrohlik yaralari va yaralar uchun javob beradi. Nozik yoki surunkali yarangiz bo'ladimi, bu mahsulot yakuniy ballistik yechimdir. U nam yara muhitini ta'minlovchi to'siq vazifasini bajaradi, bu esa tezroq shifo vaqtini ta'minlaydi.Qanday foydalaniladi Ushbu mahsulotni ishlatish uchun avval jarohatni tozalash va dezinfeksiya qilish kerak. Qo'llab-quvvatlovchi qog'ozni kiyinishdan echib oling va uni yaraga qo'ying. Kiyinish qirralarini ohista bosib, uni joyiga qo'ying va hamma narsa tayyor! Mepitel Film Safetac filmini yangisiga almashtirishdan oldin bir necha kun kiyishingiz mumkin.Xulosa Umuman olganda, Mepitel Film Safetac o'z foydalanuvchilariga misli ko'rilmagan qulaylik va qulaylikni ta'minlovchi yaralarni parvarish qilishdagi muhim yangilikdir. Uning ilg'or xususiyatlari, shu jumladan, noyob Safetac yopishtiruvchi va nafas oladigan dizayni, uni tezroq shifo berishni va jarohatni parvarish qilish bilan bog'liq og'riq va jarohatlarni kamaytirishni istagan har bir kishi uchun zarur qiladi. Shunday qilib, agar siz yarani o'zgartiruvchi yechim izlayotgan bo'lsangiz, Mepitel Film Safetac-dan boshqa narsani qidirmang!..

94.26 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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