dori-darmonlarni boshqarish
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Bort easylife ko'k tabletkalarni ajratuvchi
BORT EASYLIFE ko'k tabletkalarni ajratuvchi xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 30g Uzunligi: 100 mm Kengligi: 55 mm Balandligi: 26 mm Shveytsariyadan BORT EASYLIFE koʻk tabletkalarni ajratuvchi vositani onlayn xarid qiling..
19.88 USD
Comprimat tablettenmörser
Comprimat Tablettenmörser is a convenient and easy-to-use product designed to help individuals who face difficulty in swallowing pills and tablets. This handy device is perfect for people of all ages who have trouble with medication intake. The tablettenmörser comes with a robust and sturdy base, which has an ample space to hold the pills and tablets. The base is constructed with high-grade plastic material, making it durable and long-lasting. The product also has a lid with a raised grip, which makes it easy to twist and grind the pills without any spillage. The design of Comprimat Tablettenmörser ensures that the pills and tablets are ground evenly, creating consistency in medication intake. The device is specially designed to crush even the hardest of pills and tablets without any difficulty, ensuring that individuals receive their medication in a form that is easy to consume. The tablettenmörser is compact, lightweight and easy to handle, making it convenient to store and use anywhere, whether at home, in the office or traveling. With this product, individuals no longer need to worry about struggling to swallow medication that is too large or difficult to swallow. Crush it into a fine powder and mix it with water, sprinkle it on food, or consume it as it is. The Comprimat Tablettenmörser is a lifesaver for people with health conditions, swallowing difficulties, or for those who take multiple medications. It provides them with a simple and effective solution for managing their medication intake, making their lives easier and more comfortable. ..
20.15 USD
Dosett maxi dosing french
Dosett Maxi Dosing French The Dosett Maxi Dosing French is a premium quality dosing device that is specially designed to provide convenience and ease of use for people who require medication in their daily routine. Its unique design allows for easy management of multiple medications, which can be easily organized by day and dosage using the French labels. The Dosett Maxi Dosing French has seven compartments, one for each day of the week, and each compartment is clearly labeled in French with the first letter of each day, making it easy to identify and use. The compartments are spacious, allowing for large pills or multiple doses to be placed in each. Additionally, the compartments are easy to open and close, with a simple push button release mechanism, making it easy for those with arthritis or mobility issues to use. The Dosett Maxi Dosing French is made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. It is compact and portable, allowing for easy transportation and storage. The device can also be easily cleaned with soap and water, making it easy to maintain and keep hygienic. The Dosett Maxi Dosing French is ideal for people of all ages, especially those who require medication management for chronic conditions or for those who travel frequently. With its unique design and premium quality, the Dosett Maxi Dosing French is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and convenient way to manage their medications. ..
51.97 USD
Germann tagesmedikamentendisp oq / qizil harflar
GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp - White / Red Lettering The GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp is a high-quality, practical pill dispenser that ensures safe and efficient medication management for patients of all ages. This medication dispenser is designed to make it easy to organize and manage your daily medication routine, whether you're at home, at work, or on-the-go. The GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp features a sleek white design with red lettering that makes it easy to read and use. This pill dispenser features 28 compartments that are clearly labeled for each day of the week. Each compartment can easily accommodate several pills of varying sizes, and the individual compartments are easily removable for added convenience. The GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp also features a convenient snap-shut lid that ensures your pills stay secure and protected at all times. The GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp is made from high-quality, durable materials that are designed to last for years of regular use. This medication dispenser is easy to clean and maintain, and its compact size makes it easy to store in a medicine cabinet or drawer. The GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp is ideal for anyone who needs to manage multiple medications or who has trouble remembering to take their medication on a regular basis. With the GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp, you can be confident that you're getting a high-quality, reliable medication dispenser that will make it easy to manage your medication routine. Whether you're taking prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, or a combination of both, the GERMANN Tagesmedikamentendisp is the perfect solution for safe and efficient medication management...
5.23 USD
Livsane tablettenmörser 3 in 1
Livsane Tablettenmörser 3 in 1 The Livsane Tablettenmörser 3 in 1 is a versatile device that enables you to effectively crush, cut and store your medication, making it easier for you to take your prescriptions. The device is designed to meet pharmaceutical industry standards for crushing and dispensing medication, ensuring that you get the full benefit of your medication. Key Features Three-in-one functionality that allows you to crush, cut, and store tablets in one convenient device. The device is small, portable, and easy to use, making it perfect for individuals who need to take medication on the go. The device is made of high-quality components that are built to last, ensuring you get value for your money. The Livsane Tablettenmörser 3 in 1 is suitable for use with different types of medication, including tablets, capsules, and pills. The device features a safety lock that prevents accidental spillage or crushing of the medication, making it a safer option for use. Instructions for Use The Livsane Tablettenmörser 3 in 1 is easy to use, even for individuals who are not familiar with the device. Simply open the device by twisting the top lid, place the tablet or pill inside, and use the inbuilt crusher to grind or crush the medication. The device also has a blade that you can use to cut the tablet into smaller pieces if needed. Once you're done crushing or cutting the tablet, the device has a built-in storage compartment to store your medication until you're ready to take it. Conclusion The Livsane Tablettenmörser 3 in 1 is a valuable addition to any medicine cabinet. It provides a safe, convenient, and effective way to crush, cut, and store your medication, making it easier to consume your prescriptions. The device is built to last, easy to use, and versatile, making it perfect for individuals of all ages who take medication regularly...
16.54 USD
Medi-7 mediator uno 7 kun dam olish
Medi-7 mediatorining xususiyatlari 7 kunlik dam olishO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 47g Uzunligi: 22 mm Kengi: 134 mm Balandligi: 51 mm Medi-7 medicator uno-ni Shveytsariyadan 7 kunlik chegirmaga onlayn xarid qiling..
15.68 USD
Medi-7 mediatori nemis / frantsuz / italyan ko'k
Medi-7 mediatorining xususiyatlari nemis / frantsuz / italyan ko'kYevropa CE sertifikatiO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 247 g Uzunlik: 51mm Eng: 125mm Balandligi: 114mm Medi-7 medicator nemis / frantsuz / italyan koʻklarini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling ..
34.48 USD
Sahag medi-7 medicator 7 days off french
SAHAG Medi-7 Medikamentendosierer 7 Tage blau F SAHAG Medi-7 Medikamentendosierer rejalashtirilgan dori-darmonlarni talab qiladigan odamlar uchun ajoyib yechimdir. Dispenser 7 kunlik quvvatga ega, kuniga 4 ta uyaga ega va har qanday dori dozasini o'tkazib yubormaslikka yordam berish maqsadida ishlab chiqilgan. Dori-darmon dispenserining qopqog'i har qanday dori to'kilmasligi uchun mahkam yopilgan. Dispenserning ixcham dizayni foydalanuvchilarga uni sayohat paytida va yo‘lda ham oson olib yurish imkonini beradi. To'g'ri dori-darmonlarni to'g'ri vaqtda qabul qilishni ta'minlash uchun dispenser haftaning har bir kuni uchun aniq, jozibali etiketli bo'limlarga ega. Har bir bo'lim osonlikcha oson bosish tugmasi bilan ochiladi. Bundan tashqari, dispenser qopqog‘i shaffof bo‘lib, hafta davomida qabul qilingan dorilar va dozalarni aniq ko‘rish imkonini beradi. Sog'ligi va farovonligini saqlab qolish uchun dori-darmonlarga tayanadigan bemorlar Sahag Medi-7 Medikamentendosiererni bebaho topadilar. Foydalanish uchun qulay va rangli kodlangan bo'limlar sizning dori-darmonlaringiz tartibini boshqarishni osonlashtiradi. Bo'limlarni olib tashlash va o'zingiz yoqtirgan dori bilan to'ldirish ham oson. Qurilma kundalik foydalanishga bardosh beradigan tarzda ishlab chiqilgan va uning mustahkamligi sizga kelgusi yillar davomida yaxshi xizmat qilishini kafolatlaydi. Sahag Medi-7 Medikamentendosiererning ko‘k “F” varianti bilan foydalanuvchilar dori vositalari xavfsiz ekanligiga va hech qanday dozani o‘tkazib yubormasliklariga ishonch hosil qilishlari mumkin. Qurilma sizga dori-darmonlarni samarali boshqarish uchun kerak bo'lgan narsadir. Dori-darmonlarni qabul qilish tartibini osonlashtirish uchun bugunoq buyurtma bering! ..
38.80 USD
Sahag medi-7 medidosierer 7 tage 4 fächer bunt d
Sahag Medi-7 mediatorining xususiyatlari 7 kun Kuniga 4 ta bo'lim rangli nemisO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 252g Uzunligi: 115 mm Keng: 130 mm Balandligi: 55 mm Sahag Medi-7 mediatorini 7 kunlik kuniga 4 ta boʻlakli rangli nemis tilini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
44.62 USD
Supairbox 1x7 haftalik nemis / frantsuz ko'k
Supairbox 1x7 HAFTALIK Xususiyatlari Nemis/Frantsuz koʻkEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaOʻramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOgʻirligi: 37g Uzunlik: 19mm Kengi: 73mm Balandligi: 191mm Supairbox 1x7 HAFTAKOL Nemis/Frantsuz koʻk rangni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
20.81 USD
Wiegand medidispenser m-flex 22,8x8,1 sm, ajratgichlar bilan 7
Wiegand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8x8,1 sm ajratgichli 7 ning xususiyatlariO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 60g Uzunligi: 120 mm Keng: 270 mm Balandligi: 25 mm Wigand MediDispenser M-Flex 22,8x8,1 sm, ajratgich 7 bilan Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
16.34 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)