tibbiy foydalanish
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Tibbiy foydalanish yorlig'ida Shveytsariyadan yuqori sifatli sog'liq va go'zallik mahsulotlari, jumladan 3M Scotch Cast Soft Cast 5cmx3,65m ko'k va Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT mavjud. Ushbu mahsulotlar tibbiy muassasalar uchun ideal bo'lib, Evropa Idoralar sertifikatiga ega gipsli bandajlar va kuchli dezinfektsiyali eritmalarni taklif qiladi. Jismoniy yordam uchun yumshoq gipslar va tibbiyot muassasalarida samarali sterilizatsiya qilish uchun formaldegid eritmalari kabi muhim vositalarni toping, ularning barchasi tibbiy muhitda sterillik va tozalikni saqlashga mo'ljallangan.
3m scotch cast soft cast 5cmx3.65m koʻk
3M Scotch Cast Soft Cast xususiyatlari 5cmx3,65m koʻkEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaOʻramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOgʻirligi: 108g p>Uzunlik: 49mm Keng: 94mm Balandligi: 160mm Shveytsariyadan 3M Scotch Cast Soft Cast 5cmx3.65m koʻk rangli onlayn xarid qiling p>..
21.97 USD
Hanseler formaldegid eritmasi 4% 1 lt
Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT The Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT is a high-quality solution used for medical and laboratory purposes. This product is specially formulated to contain 4% formaldehyde, a chemical commonly used as a disinfectant and preservative in healthcare settings. With its strong antibacterial properties, this formaldehyde solution is a reliable choice for sterilizing equipment, medical instruments, and laboratory surfaces. This 1-liter container of Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio is perfect for use in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities where cleanliness and sterility are critical. This product is also suitable for use in scientific research and industrial applications. Features: Formulated to contain 4% formaldehyde Strong antibacterial properties Perfect for sterilizing equipment, medical instruments, and laboratory surfaces 1-liter container Suitable for use in healthcare facilities, scientific research, and industrial applications Benefits: Effective disinfectant and preservative Reliable choice for cleanliness and sterility High-quality solution Easy to use and store Safe for the environment when used according to instructions With its strong antibacterial properties and high-quality formulation, the Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT is an excellent choice for healthcare facilities, scientific research, and industrial applications. Order your supply today and experience the benefits of this reliable and effective disinfectant and preservative solution...
38.78 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)