Maksimal himoya
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Rexona deo cream maksimal himoya qiluvchi strong stick 45 ml
Rexona Deo Cream Maksimal Himoyalovchi Kuchli Stik 45mlRexona Deo Cream Maksimal Himoyali Kuchli Stik bilan uzoq muddatli tazelik va kun bo'yi kuchli himoyani his eting. Bu noyob dezodorant tayoq o'zining ilg'or formulasi va innovatsion aplikatori tufayli o'zingizni ishonchli va qulay his qilishingiz uchun 48 soatgacha mo'ljallangan.Rexona Deo Cream maksimal himoya qiluvchi kuchli tayoq silliq, oson bajariladigan xususiyatga ega. -hech qanday yopishqoq yoki yog'li qoldiq qoldirmasdan silliq siljiydigan va tez quriydigan krem surting. Stik ixcham va ko‘chma bo‘lib, kun davomida teginish uchun yo‘lda o‘zingiz bilan olib yurishni osonlashtiradi.Ushbu dezodorant faol hayot tarzi bilan shug‘ullanadigan hamda ter va ter va suvdan ishonchli himoyaga muhtoj bo‘lganlar uchun juda mos keladi. hid. Rexona Deo kremi maksimal himoya qiluvchi kuchli tayoq tarkibida alyuminiy tsirkonyum tetraklorogidreks glyusi kabi kuchli ingredientlar mavjud bo'lib, ular terlashni nazorat qilish va tana hidining oldini olishga yordam beradi.O'zining qulay va samarali formulasi bilan Rexona Deo kremi maksimal himoya qiluvchi kuchli tayoqdir. kun bo'yi tazelik va himoya izlayotgan har bir kishi uchun bo'lishi kerak. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va farqni o‘zingiz his qiling!..
20.18 USD
Shelter-san premium anatomik shakldagi qo'shimcha nr4 20x44 sm yashil assimilyatsiya qilish hajmi 800 ml 28 dona
Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 20x44cm Green Suction Capacity 800 ml of 28 pcs The Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 is a highly-absorbent personal hygiene product designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. This product is anatomically shaped to fit comfortably between the legs, providing freedom of movement and maximum protection against leaks and moisture. Made from soft and breathable materials, this incontinence insert is gentle on the skin and reduces the risk of irritation or infection. The green color of the insert indicates the level of absorbency, which is an impressive 800 ml. With a pack of 28 pieces, the Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 provides reliable and long-lasting protection, ensuring the user stays dry throughout the day. The insert is latex-free, odor-free, and dermatologically tested, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. The unique suction capacity of the insert allows moisture and urine to be quickly absorbed, leaving the surface dry and comfortable. This product is perfect for use during the day or night, and it is convenient to use as it can be easily disposed of without any fuss. This Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr4 is designed to provide excellent protection, comfort, and peace of mind for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. Whether you lead an active lifestyle or require assistance with daily hygiene, this product is an excellent choice that ensures maximum hygiene. ..
29.47 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)