
maksimal changni yutish qobiliyati

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 7 gacha 7
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
O'rtacha va og'ir darajadagi inkontinansni boshdan kechirganlar uchun mo'ljallangan, maksimal changni yutish mahsulotlari to'plamini o'rganing. Bizning assortimentimiz TENA Flex Plus, Attends Pull Ons va MOLICARE Premium formasi kabi innovatsion echimlarni o'z ichiga oladi, ularning barchasi yuqori darajadagi himoya, qulaylik va qulaylikni taklif qilish uchun yaratilgan. Ushbu mahsulotlar nafas oladigan materiallar, hidni nazorat qilish, namlik ko'rsatkichlari va elastik belbog'lar kabi ilg'or xususiyatlar bilan jihozlangan. Xavotirsiz faol hayot tarzini saqlab qolish uchun ideal bo'lgan ushbu yuqori sifatli o'g'irlab ketish mahsulotlari kundalik hayot uchun xotirjamlik va ishonchni ta'minlaydi.
Ishtirok etiladi 8 l

Ishtirok etiladi 8 l

Mahsulot kodi: 6050909

The Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant L - bu himoya va xotirjamlikni ta'minlab, o'zini tuta olmaslikni boshqarish uchun ishonchli yechimdir. 16 dona to'plami bilan bu taglikka o'xshash shimlar oqish va baxtsiz hodisalardan ehtiyotkor va qulay himoyaga muhtoj bo'lganlar uchun idealdir. Qulaylik uchun mo'ljallangan, ular xavfsiz joylashishni saqlab, tez o'zgartirish uchun oson tortib olinadigan uslubga ega. Nafas oladigan material terining sog'lig'ini saqlashga va tirnash xususiyati oldini olishga yordam beradi, bu ularni uzoq muddat foydalanish uchun mos qiladi. Yuqori sifatli inkontinans mahsulotlarini qidirayotganlar uchun juda mos keladi Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant L kun davomida qulaylik va ishonchni ta'minlaydi...

49.70 USD

Molicare premium shakli 3

Molicare premium shakli 3

Mahsulot kodi: 7830951

MOLICARE Premium Form 3 The MOLICARE Premium Form 3 is an adult diaper that is designed for maximum absorbency and comfort. It is specifically designed for people who are experiencing incontinence and require extra protection to prevent leaks, keeping them dry and comfortable at all times. These diapers are made using high-quality materials that are soft and gentle on your skin. The super absorbent core is designed to quickly draw moisture away from your skin, preventing skin irritation and discomfort. The Molicare Premium Form 3 diaper comes with a wide range of features to ensure maximum protection and comfort. One of the key features is the moisture indicator, which indicates when it?s time to change the diaper. The elastic waistband ensures a snug fit, preventing leakage, and the delicate leg cuffs ensure that there are no leaks on the sides. The Molicare Premium Form 3 is available in different sizes, making it suitable for people of all body types. They come in packs of 30, making them convenient to use, and the resealable tabs make it possible to adjust the fit as needed. The Molicare Premium Form 3 is the perfect solution for people who want maximum comfort and protection from incontinence. The high-quality materials used, along with the excellent design, makes these diapers a reliable and comfortable choice for everyone. ..

46.11 USD

Tena flex plus l 30 dona

Tena flex plus l 30 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7833396

Product Description: TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs Experience discreet and reliable protection with TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs. This innovative product is designed to provide maximum absorbency and comfort for those who experience moderate to heavy bladder weakness. TENA Flex Plus L is the perfect solution for individuals who don't want to compromise on their active lifestyles. The TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs comes equipped with unique features that make it one of the best available products in the market. The product is designed with ConfioAir Breathable Technology, providing maximum breathability and promoting healthy skin. Moreover, the product uses a 100% breathable backsheet, allowing air to circulate, thereby preventing skin irritation and dampness. The product also has an elasticated waistband that ensures a comfortable and snug fit. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs has a fast-acting core that quickly absorbs and locks in moisture, reducing the possibility of wetness and odors. The product is also designed with an improved urine dispersion pattern, distributing the fluid evenly and quickly throughout the pad, ensuring maximum absorption. The product also holds a high capacity, and can absorb up to 2550 ml. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs is also easy to use, thanks to its patented hook and loop fastening system. It comes with a simple application guide, making the product easy to use even for those with reduced mobility. The product also features wetness indicators, a color-coded system that lets you know when it's time to change your pad. TENA Flex Plus L 30 pcs is a reliable and discreet solution for those who experience bladder weakness. With its advanced features, superior comfort, and maximum absorbency, you can rest easy and enjoy life to the fullest. ..

103.13 USD

Tena flex ultima l

Tena flex ultima l

Mahsulot kodi: 7835097

TENA Flex Ultima L Agar siz kun davomida va tashqarida o'rtacha yoki og'ir darajadagi inkontinansni boshdan kechirayotgan odam bo'lsangiz, TENA Flex Ultima L sizga kerak bo'lgan narsadir. Bu yuqori sifatli inkontinans shimlari mukammal himoya, qulaylik va ixtiyoriylikni ta'minlovchi ilg'or xususiyatlar bilan yaratilgan. Shimlar erkaklar va ayollar uchun mos boʻlib, maqsadli singdirish va oqishdan yuqori himoya qiladi. Xususiyatlar Foydalanish uchun qulay, sozlanishi belbog‘i bilan mukammal moslash uchun qayta mahkamlash mumkin Ptentli ConfioAir texnologiyasi bilan mukammal changni yutish kuchi terining nafas olishi va sog‘lom bo‘lishiga imkon beradi Oqishning oldini oluvchi yuqori changni yutish xususiyatiga ega material va xavfsiz to'siqlar bilan oqishdan yuqori himoyani ta'minlaydi Yumshoq, qulay va shovqinsiz matoga o'xshash material, u haqiqiy ichki kiyimga o'xshab ketadi va ixtiyoriylikni ta'minlaydi Oʻzgartirish vaqti kelganini bildirish uchun rangini oʻzgartiruvchi namlik koʻrsatkichi Afzalliklar Maksimum xavfsizlik, qulaylik va o'rtacha va og'ir darajadagi o'g'irlab ketmaslik uchun himoyani taklif qiladi Oqish natijasida kelib chiqadigan xavotir va xijolatni yo'q qiladi Ilg'or hidni nazorat qilish texnologiyasi yordamida hidni kamaytiradi O'zining nafas oladigan va hipoalerjenik dizayni bilan terining tirnash xususiyati va toshmalar paydo bo'lishining oldini oladi Kundalik ishlar bilan shug'ullanish va hayotdan to'liq zavqlanish uchun sizga ishonch beradi Foydalanish Shunchaki oddiy ichki kiyim kabi TENA Flex Ultima L shimlarini kiying, belbog'ingizni o'lchamingizga moslang va siz tayyor bo'lasiz. Shimlar bir martalik bo'lib, foydalanishdan keyin ularni axlat qutisiga tashlash kerak. Xulosa Agar siz o'zingizga bo'lgan ishonchni qayta tiklashni va hayotingizdan zavqlanishni hech qanday bezovtaliksiz yashashni istasangiz, TENA Flex Ultima L siz uchun mukammal yechimdir. Ushbu shimlar maksimal qulaylik, ixtiyoriylik va himoyani taqdim etadi, bu sizga cheklovsiz hayot kechirishga imkon beradi. ..

126.63 USD

Tena flex ultima xl 17 stk

Tena flex ultima xl 17 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7835099

TENA Flex Ultima XL 17 Stk - Description The TENA Flex Ultima XL is a highly advanced product designed for individuals with heavy incontinence issues. This product is designed with a host of features that make it highly effective in managing incontinence problems. The product comes in a pack of 17 and is designed for both men and women. Features Maximum Absorbency: This product offers maximum absorbency and is designed to handle heavy leakage. It can hold up to 1,950 ml of liquid, ensuring that you stay dry and comfortable. Flexible Design: The TENA Flex Ultima XL has been designed to fit snugly around your body, providing maximum comfort and flexibility. The product can be easily adjusted to fit your unique body shape, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. Odor Control: The product features odor control technology, which helps to neutralize odors instantly, ensuring that you stay fresh and confident throughout the day. Breathable Material: The product is designed using breathable materials that allow air to circulate freely, helping to keep your skin dry and healthy. Easy to Use: The product is incredibly easy to use, making it ideal for individuals who require assistance with incontinence management. The product features tear-away sides that allow for easy removal and disposal. Conclusion The TENA Flex Ultima XL is a highly effective product that offers maximum absorbency, flexibility, and odor control. Its breathable material and tear-away sides make it an easy-to-use product that is ideal for individuals who require assistance with incontinence management. With a pack of 17, this product offers long-lasting protection, ensuring that you can go about your day with confidence and comfort...

136.56 USD

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