
Qo'lda ko'krak nasosi

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
"Qo'lda ko'krak nasoslari sut sog'ib olishning samarali tajribasini qidirayotgan emizikli onalar uchun muhim vositadir. Medela Harmony nasosi va ozuqa to'plami kabi yuqori sifatli variantlarni kashf eting, yumshoq teginishli ergonomik tutqich va tabiiy sut oqimi uchun 2 fazali ifodalash texnologiyasi bilan yaratilgan. Moslashuvchan foydalanish uchun qo'lda va elektr rejimlarini taklif qiluvchi MAM 2in1 yagona ko'krak pompasi kabi ko'p qirrali echimlar uchun Nasoslar emizishning uzluksiz o'tishini ta'minlash va turmush tarzingizni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun portativlik, qulaylik va innovatsion xususiyatlarni birlashtiradi va ona va chaqaloq ehtiyojlarini birinchi o'ringa qo'yadigan ishonchli mahsulotlar uchun bizning Salomatlik va Go'zallik assortimentimizni o'rganing.
Mam 2in1 bitta ko'krak pompasi elektr va qo'lda

Mam 2in1 bitta ko'krak pompasi elektr va qo'lda

Mahsulot kodi: 7626487

MAM 2in1 yagona ko'krak nasosi - elektr va qo'lda Yuqori sifatli elektr va qo'lda ishlaydigan ko'krak pompasini qidiryapsizmi? MAM 2inBu innovatsion ko‘krak pompasi ikkala dunyoning eng yaxshi tomonlarini o‘zida mujassamlashtirganidan boshqa narsaga e’tibor bermang, bu sizga sutni ehtiyojlaringiz va turmush tarzingizga mos keladigan tarzda sog‘ish uchun moslashuvchanlikni beradi. Asosiy xususiyatlar Ikki funksiya uchun elektr va qo‘lda rejimlar Qulay ifodalash tajribasi uchun sozlanishi so‘rish kuchi Oson tozalash va ixcham dizayn, ko'chirish uchun Konfor va xavfsiz joylashtirish uchun yumshoq silikon huni Sizning xotirjamligingiz uchun BPA-siz Nega MAMni tanlash kerak? MAM - bu ota-onalar va chaqaloqlar uchun yaratilgan yuqori sifatli, innovatsion mahsulotlarni ifodalovchi brend. MAM 2in1 ko'krak pompasi bundan mustasno emas. U eng so'nggi texnologiya va materiallardan foydalangan holda eng qulay va samarali ifodalash tajribasini taqdim etish uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqilgan. Mijoz fikr-mulohazasi Bizning mijozlarimiz MAM 2in1 yagona ko'krak nasosini yaxshi ko'radilar - elektr va qo'lda. Biz olgan fikrlarning bir nechtasi: "Bu men ishlatgan eng yaxshi ko'krak pompasi. Qo'lda va elektr rejimlarini almashtirish juda oson va so'rish qulay va sozlanishi." - Sara "Bolam uchun yetarli sut sog'a olamanmi, deb xavotirlanardim, lekin MAM 2in1 yagona ko'krak pompasi qutqaruvchi bo'ldi. Foydalanish oson, tozalash oson va haqiqatan ham samarali." - Emma "Men yillar davomida bir nechta turli xil ko'krak nasoslaridan foydalanganman, lekin bu eng yaxshisi. Bu haqiqatan ham portativ va ko'p joy egallamaydi, lekin ayni paytda juda kuchli va samarali." - Laura MAM 2in1 yagona ko'krak nasosiga buyurtma bering - elektr va qo'lda bugun Agar siz o'zingizning ehtiyojlaringizdan kelib chiqqan holda ishlab chiqilgan yuqori sifatli elektr va qo'lda ishlaydigan ko'krak nasosini qidirsangiz, bugun MAM 2inOrder qurilmasini qidiring va ishonch va osonlik bilan ifodalashni boshlang...

211.06 USD

Medela harmony nasosi va ozuqa to'plami

Medela harmony nasosi va ozuqa to'plami

Mahsulot kodi: 7772188

Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set The Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set is an all-in-one solution for breastfeeding mothers who want to efficiently and comfortably express milk. This handy set includes a manual breast pump, breastmilk storage bags, and a Calma feeding nipple, making it perfect for use both at home and on-the-go. Features Manual breast pump: The Medela Harmony Pump is designed for easy and efficient use, featuring a soft-touch ergonomic handle that requires minimal effort and a 2-phase expression technology that mimics the way babies naturally breastfeed. Breastmilk storage bags: The included storage bags are designed to fit all Medela breast pumps, with an easy-to-close zip seal that ensures your precious breastmilk stays safe and secure. Calma feeding nipple: With its unique design, the Calma nipple allows babies to suck, swallow, and breathe in a natural rhythm, making it easier for them to transition between breast and bottle. Compact and portable: The Harmony Pump and Feed Set is lightweight and easy to carry, making it ideal for use on the go. It also comes with a handy drawstring bag for easy storage and transport. Benefits When it comes to expressing milk, the Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set makes it easy and stress-free. With its intuitive design and high-quality materials, it helps to promote milk production and allows you to express milk quickly and comfortably, helping you to get back to your busy schedule while ensuring your baby receives all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Overall, the Medela Harmony Pump and Feed Set is a must-have for any breastfeeding mother who wants to simplify their pumping routine and provide their baby with the best possible nutrition...

99.54 USD

Medela harmony qo'lda ko'krak pompasi

Medela harmony qo'lda ko'krak pompasi

Mahsulot kodi: 7772187

Hand breast pump suitable for occasional pumping. Light and discreet. Simple and small for on the go. Properties The hand breast pump is suitable especially for mothers who mostly breastfeed. Because the pump is lightweight and discreet, it's ideal for on the go. Thanks to the Flex technology, the breast shield adapts to the respective breast shape. The milk can thus be pumped in any position (360 degree rotation). Manual breast pumpEasy and small to take with youWith Flex technology li>360 degree rotationLight and discreet Content Harmony manual breast pump1x handle1x Handle with O-ring1x Harmony Flex connector1x membrane, 1x valve head, 1x valve membrane (including spare membrane)1x PersonalFit Flex TM breast shield, size M1x 150ml milk bottle with lid 1x bottle holderInstructions for use ..

78.82 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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