loson aplikatori
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Roll easy aplikatori losonlar uchun 4 ta biriktirma bilan
ROLL EASY Applicator for Lotions - 4 Attachments Introducing the ROLL EASY Applicator for Lotions, the perfect solution for those hard-to-reach areas on your body. The ROLL EASY Applicator allows you to apply lotions, creams, and oils effortlessly to your back, legs, feet and more with its innovative rolling design and four easily interchangeable attachments. Features: Four easily interchangeable attachments for different parts of the body including a standard roller, foot roller, pumice stone and brush An adjustable handle length for custom reach Smooth rolling action to ensure even application of your lotion or oil Ergonomic grip for comfortable use Easy attachment and detachment of the different rollers and brushes with a simple press-and-release mechanism Can be used on all skin types Benefits: Save time and effort by easily applying lotions and creams to your own back and other hard-to-reach areas without assistance Increased accuracy and coverage resulting in a more thorough application of your lotion, cream or oil The different attachments provide a versatile tool for not just lotion application, but also exfoliation and smoothing of rough areas on your feet with the fitted pumice stone The adjustable handle length allows you to use the ROLL EASY Applicator in a seated or standing position, making it a convenient and flexible tool for your skincare regime How to Use: Simply attach the desired roller or brush to the handle, add lotion or oil to the applicator head and roll gently over the desired area. The rollers glide smoothly over the skin, evenly applying the lotion or oil for a thorough, streak-free finish. The brush attachment is perfect for exfoliation, while the pumice stone attachment is ideal for smoothening away rough patches on your feet. After use, gently wash the attachments with warm water and soap and air-dry. Order Your ROLL EASY Applicator for Lotions Today Experience the convenience and versatility of the ROLL EASY Applicator for Lotions today, and bring a new level of ease to your daily skin care routine. Order now, and receive your product quickly and securely right to your doorstep. ..
36.97 USD
Vitility lotion applicator dalton
Vitility Losyon Aplikatori Dalton Vitility Lotion Applicator Dalton - bu qulay va qulay vosita bo'lib, yordamga muhtoj bo'lmasdan tanangizning istalgan qismiga losonlar, kremlar va malhamlarni osongina surtish imkonini beradi. Sizning harakatchanligingiz cheklanganmi, artrit yoki tanangizning ayrim joylariga etib borishni qiyinlashtiradigan boshqa kasalliklar mavjudmi, bu loson aplikatori mukammal yechimdir. Dalton uzun tutqichga ega bo‘lib, u sizga tanangizning istalgan qismiga, jumladan, orqa, oyoq va oyoqlarga oson yetib borish imkonini beradi. Tutqich bardoshli materiallardan tayyorlangan va hatto bosim o'tkazganingizda ham qulay ushlab turish uchun ergonomik tarzda ishlab chiqilgan. Loson aplikatori, shuningdek, yumshoq, yumshoq va abraziv bo'lmagan shimgich boshi bilan birga keladi. Shimgich boshi ham olinadigan va yuvilishi mumkin, bu foydalanishdan keyin uni osongina tozalash imkonini beradi. Dalton loson aplikatoridan foydalanish juda oddiy. Siz shunchaki loson, krem yoki malhamni shimgichning boshiga surting, so'ngra uni teringizga surtish uchun tutqichdan foydalaning. Uzun tutqich mushaklar va bo'g'imlarni zo'riqtirmasdan tanangizning istalgan qismiga etib borishingizni ta'minlaydi. Bu qoʻllari, yelkalari yoki orqalarida egiluvchanligi yoki harakatchanligi cheklangan odamlar uchun ideal variant boʻladi. Vitility Losyon Aplikatori Dalton loson va kremlarni oson va oson surtmoqchi bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun amaliy va hamyonbop yechimdir. Bu, shuningdek, bemorning terisiga dori-darmonlar yoki topikal muolajalarni qo'llashi kerak bo'lgan g'amxo'rlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir. Bardoshli konstruktsiyasi va ishlatish uchun qulay dizayni bilan Dalton loson aplikatori terisini hech qanday qiyinchiliksiz parvarish qilishni istagan har bir kishi uchun zarur vositadir. ..
23.62 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)