(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Artdeco magic fix 1921
ARTDECO Magic Fix 1921 bilan bo'yanish o'yiningizni o'zgartiring. Ushbu innovatsion mahsulot lab bo'yog'ini kun bo'yi qolishi uchun har qanday go'zallik ishqibozlari uchun bo'lishi shart. Magic Fix 1921 o'zining noyob formulasi bilan lab bo'yog'i ustida himoya plomba hosil qilib, bo'yash, xiralashish va o'tishni oldini oladi. Doimiy teginishlar bilan xayrlashing va benuqson, uzoq muddatli lab bo'yog'iga salom ayting. Ushbu mahsulot lab bo'yog'i ertalabdan kechgacha mukammal bo'lishini istagan har bir kishi uchun o'yinni o'zgartiradi. ARTDECO Magic Fix 1921 ni go‘zallik tartibingizga qo‘shing va uzoq davom etadigan jonli, o‘tkazilmasin burishdan bahramand bo‘ling...
29.92 USD
Lavilin oyoq dezodorant kremi 14 g
LAVILIN oyoq dezodoranti kremi 14 g Tunda doimiy tana harorati tufayli 72 soatlik dezodorantning uzoq muddatli ta'siriga erishish mumkin - Stiklar uxlashdan oldin qo'llanilganda mustahkamlanadi. Xususiyatlar Uzoq muddatli ta'sir; 4-7 kun davomida terning hidini oldini oladi. 1 banka 5-6 oyga kifoya qiladi. Suvga chidamli, alyuminiysiz, alkogolsiz. ..
27.15 USD
Sanotint sensitive ochiq soch rangi 80 yorqin tabiiy sarg'ish
Sanotint Sensitive Light hair color 80 bright natural blond Sanotint Sensitive Light hair color 80 bright natural blond is an excellent product for those who want to add a natural shine to their hair without harming their scalp. Unlike other products that use harsh chemical ingredients, this hair color is made with only natural ingredients. It is a gentle formula free of ammonia, parabens, and fragrances, making it safe for people with sensitive skin. Benefits: Provides a natural, vibrant color to hair Gentle formula makes it safe for those with sensitive skin No harsh chemicals like ammonia or parabens Long-lasting formula ensures color that stays for weeks Easy-to-use application process Sanotint Sensitive Light hair color 80 bright natural blond is perfect for those who want to achieve a natural-looking hair color. The formula contains golden millet and olive oil, which nourish and protect hair while coloring it. The result is hair that is both beautiful and healthy. This formula is great for those who want to cover gray hair or just add some shine and vibrancy to their natural color. The product comes with detailed instructions that make it easy to apply at home. It is also cost-effective and provides salon-quality results without breaking the bank. Overall, Sanotint Sensitive Light hair color 80 bright natural blond is a great solution for anyone who wants to add a natural-looking color to their hair without harming the scalp. It is a safe, affordable, and effective way to achieve beautiful hair color without any harsh chemicals or fragrances...
33.77 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)