
katta qo'l manjeti

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"Katta qo'l manjeti" yorlig'ida qo'l atrofi kattaroq odamlar uchun mo'ljallangan maxsus manjetlar mavjud. Qon bosimini aniq nazorat qilish uchun ideal bo'lgan bu yuqori sifatli manjetlar standart manjetlarni etarli emas deb hisoblaganlar uchun zarurdir. Bardoshli va qulay, ular 22-45 sm gacha bo'lgan qo'l o'lchamlari uchun aniq o'lchovlarni ta'minlaydi, ayniqsa YE650A qon bosimi monitori kabi mos qurilmalar bilan bog'langanda. Foydalanish, tozalash va saqlash oson, bu manjetlar sog'liq va go'zallikning amaliy ehtiyojlarini qondirib, Shveytsariya aniqligi va ishonchliligini o'zida mujassam etgan. Shaxsiy foydalanish va sayohat uchun juda mos keladi, ular salomatlikni boshqarish uchun yuqori darajadagi yechimni taqdim etadi.
Livsane manshette xl 22-45 sm va blutdruckmessgerät ye650a

Livsane manshette xl 22-45 sm va blutdruckmessgerät ye650a

Mahsulot kodi: 7819193

The Livsane Manschette XL 22-45cm is a high-quality cuff designed to work with the YE650A Blood Pressure Monitoring device. This cuff is an essential accessory for those individuals who have a larger arm circumference, making it difficult to get an accurate reading using standard cuffs. This XL cuff is a perfect solution for a wide range of individuals who require precise blood pressure measurements. It has a durable construction and is made from high-quality materials. The Livsane Manschette XL 22-45cm is suitable for people with arm circumferences between 22-45cm. The cuff is easy to use and provides accurate measurements with the right YE650A blood pressure monitoring device. It features a comfortable design that ensures that no discomfort, pain, or discomfort is experienced while taking blood pressure measurements. Additionally, the Livsane Manschette XL 22-45cm folds easily and can be stored compactly when not in use, which makes it easy to carry when traveling. It is also easy to clean, and you don't have to worry about any maintenance issues. To summarize, the Livsane Manschette XL 22-45cm is a premium quality blood pressure monitoring accessory, designed for larger arms. It is easy to use, high in quality, and essential for accurate blood pressure monitoring. ..

21.11 USD

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