interproksimal cho'tka
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Curaprox cps 011 prime plus qulay 5 ta interdental cho'tka + 1 ushlagich
Introducing Curaprox CPS 011 prime plus handy 5 interdental brushes + 1 holder Looking for an efficient interdental brush that will help remove even the most stubborn plaques and food debris between your teeth? Look no further than the Curaprox CPS 011 prime plus handy 5 interdental brushes + 1 holder. These interdental brushes feature an ultra-fine wire core that is coated with CUREN filaments, making them incredibly gentle on gums while still being strong enough to effectively clean between teeth. The brushes come in 5 different sizes, ranging from 0.6mm to 1.3mm, ensuring a perfect fit for any tooth gap. The brushes are also super easy to use, thanks to the ergonomic handle that allows for a comfortable grip and precise control as you clean between your teeth. Plus, the set comes with a handy holder that keeps your interdental brushes organized and hygienic when not in use. With the Curaprox CPS 011 prime plus handy 5 interdental brushes + 1 holder, you'll no longer have to sacrifice dental hygiene for convenience. These brushes make it easy to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile ? so why wait? Order yours today!..
15.68 USD
Curaprox cps 06 prime plus qulay 5 ta interdental cho'tka ushlagichi + 1
Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1 Introducing the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1, the perfect solution for your oral hygiene needs. This product is a must-have for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy smile and prevent gum disease or tooth decay. The Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1 is designed to reach the areas between your teeth where regular flossing and brushing cannot reach. It is made of high-quality bristles that can clean effectively without causing any damage to your gums or teeth. The five interdental brushes come in different sizes, making it easier for you to choose the one that is perfect for your teeth. The handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip, which allows you to maneuver the brush easily. The holder also provides easy storage for the brushes, keeping them clean and safe for use. Here are a few reasons why you should choose the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1: It is designed to reach the areas between your teeth, which regular brushing and flossing cannot reach. It is made of high-quality bristles that can clean effectively without causing any damage to your gums or teeth. The handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip that allows you to maneuver the brush easily. The holder provides easy storage for the brushes, keeping them clean and safe for use. It comes with five interdental brushes of different sizes, which can be used according to your teeth's individual needs. Maintaining a healthy smile is essential, and the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1 makes it easier for you to achieve this. Order yours today and experience the difference!..
15.68 USD
Curaprox cps 11 oddiy interdental cho'tka yashil 5 dona
Curaprox CPS 11 Oddiy tishlararo cho'tka yashil 5 dona CPS oddiy cho'tkalari birinchi navbatda ikkilamchi profilaktika uchun ishlatiladi. Ochiq interdental bo'shliqlar uchun tavsiya etiladi: ayniqsa plomba, toj, ko'priklar va ayniqsa o'jar blyashka uchun. 5 CPS 11 oddiy tishlararo cho'tka bilan to'ldirish to'plami Mavjudligi: 1,1 mm / samaradorlik: 2,5 mm ..
15.68 USD
Curaprox cps 15 muntazam tishlararo cho'tkasi qora 5 dona
Curaprox CPS 15 ning xarakteristikalari oddiy tishlararo cho'tkasi qora 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm p>Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Curaprox CPS 15 oddiy tishlararo cho‘tkasi qora 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
15.63 USD
Curaprox cps 405 perio plus 5 ta interdental cho'tka + ushlagich
Curaprox CPS 405 perio xususiyatlari va 5 ta tishlararo cho'tka + ushlagichO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Curaprox CPS 405 perio plus 5 ta tishlararo choʻtka + ushlagichni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
19.60 USD
Curaprox ls 632 cho'tkasi x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona
Curaprox LS 632 cho'tkasining xususiyatlari x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 8 donaOg'irligi: 7g Uzunligi: 3mm Eng: 65 mm Balandligi: 117 mm Curaprox LS 632 cho'tkasi x-fine interdental cho'tkalar 8 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
16.61 USD
Emoform tishlararo cho'tkasi 1,9 mm och yashil 5 dona
EMOFORM tishlararo cho'tkasining xususiyatlari 1,9 mm och yashil 5 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 5 donaOg'irligi: 21 g Uzunligi: 12 mm Eng: 75 mm Balandligi: 110 mm EMOFORM tishlararo cho‘tkasi 1,9 mm och yashil 5 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
14.11 USD
Gum sunstar proxabrush trav-ler iso 2 0,9 mm silindrsimon apelsin 6 dona
GUM SUNSTAR Proxabrush Trav-Ler ISO 2 xususiyatlari 0,9 mm silindrsimon apelsin 6 donaO‘ramdagi miqdori: 6 donaOg‘irligi: 18 g Uzunlik : 10 mm Eni: 76 mm Balandligi: 146 mm GUM SUNSTAR Proxabrush Trav-Ler ISO 2 0,9 mm silindrsimon apelsin 6 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
18.44 USD
Paro 3star-grip 2mm xxx-fine red zylin 4 pcs
The Paro 3Star is an interdental brush. Thanks to its triangular shape, it adapts perfectly to the natural profile of the interdental space. Properties The Paro 3Star is an interdental brush. Thanks to its triangular shape, it optimally adapts to the natural profile of the interdental space and is therefore more efficient in cleaning. The triangular cross-sectional shape is also much easier to insert into the interdental space.mØ 2mm ..
12.75 USD
Paro interspace cho'tkasi tutqichi oq f 2 cho'tkalar
PARO Interspace cho'tkasi F ushlagichi oq 2 ta cho'tka Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. Xususiyatlar Ko'pgina Paro tish cho'tkalarining dastasi uchiga qavslar va qattiq ortodontik asboblarni qo'shimcha tozalash uchun mos keladi. ..
7.89 USD
Paro isola long 2,5 mm xx nozik ko'k silindr 10 dona
PARO ISOLA LONG 2,5 mm xx-nozik ko'k silindrning xususiyatlari Eng: 33 mm Balandligi: 100 mm Shveytsariyadan PARO ISOLA LONG 2,5 mm xx-fine blue cyl 10 dona onlayn xarid qiling..
15.27 USD
Paro isola long 5 mm nozik yashil silindrli 10 dona
PARO ISOLA LONG 5 mm nozik yashil silindrli 10 dona Tishlararo bo'shliqlar, implantlar, ko'priklar va bar konstruksiyalarini tozalash uchun interface cho'tkasi . Xususiyatlar Ushbu kosmik cho'tkalarning uzun simli uchi osongina kerakli shaklga egilishi mumkin. Bu degani, oldingi tishlar orasidagi bo'shliqlar va orqa sohadagi erishish qiyinroq joylar yaxshi tozalanishi mumkin. Uzun cho'tka maydoni har bir orqaga va oldinga harakatda optimal tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Cho'tka implantlar, ko'priklar va novda tuzilmalarini tozalash uchun ham mos keladi. div>..
14.79 USD
Paro isola long 8 mm o'rta yashil cyl 5 dona
Paro Isola Long 8 mm o'rta yashil silindrning xususiyatlari p>Eng: 34 mm Balandligi: 100 mm Shveytsariyadan Paro Isola Long 8 mm O'rta Yashil 5 dona 5 dona sotib oling..
11.03 USD
Paro tish cho'tkasi m43 o'rta 4 qatorli interspace
Xususiyatlar PARO M43 o'rtacha 4 qatorli InterspaceO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 19g Uzunligi: 19 mm Eni: 42 mm Balandligi: 235 mm Interspace bilan 4 qatorli M43 o'rta PARO tish cho'tkasini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
8.02 USD
Tepe angle interdental cho'tkasi 0,5 mm qizil 6 dona
TePe burchakli tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,5 mm qizil 6 dona Tishlararo bo'shliqlarni har kuni yumshoq va yaxshilab tozalash uchun burchakli interdental cho'tkalar mos keladi. Shvetsiyaning TePe brendi og'iz va tishlar salomatligini saqlash uchun turli mahsulotlarni taklif etadi. Tishlarni parvarish qilishda kirish qiyin bo'lgan joylar muhim rol o'ynaydi. Tishlararo cho'tkalar va maxsus tish cho'tkalarining keng assortimenti TePe tishning 5 tomonining har biriga tegmaslik va tozalash imkonini beradi. Barcha TePe mahsulotlari stomatologlar bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqilgan. TePe ANGLE tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,4 mm pushti blister, 6 dona 5782929TePe ANGLE tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,45 mm to'q sariq rangli blister, 6 dona 5782935TePe qizil cho'tkasi blister. dona 5782941TePe ANGLE tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,6 mm ko'k blister 6 dona 5782958TePe ANGLE tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,7 mm sariq blister 6 dona 5782964TePe ANGLE tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,8 mm yashil blister, 6 dona Interrushe 578 6 5782987 ..
21.92 USD
Tepe interdental cho'tkasi 0,4 mm pushti 6 dona
TePe tishlararo cho'tkasining xususiyatlari 0,4 mm pushti 6 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 6 donaOg'irligi: 33 g Uzunligi: 12 mm Eni: 72 mm Balandligi: 172 mm TePe tishlararo cho'tkasi 0,4 mm pushti 6 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
21.92 USD
Tepe interdental cho'tkasi 0,6 mm ko'k blister 6 dona
TePe Interdental Brush xususiyatlari 0,6 mm ko'k Blist 6 donaO'ramdagi miqdori: 6 donaOg'irligi: 15 g Uzunligi: 12 mm Eng: 75 mm Balandligi: 127 mm TePe Interdental Brush 0,6 mm ko‘k Blist 6 dona Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
19.55 USD
Tepe interdental cho'tkasi 1,3 mm kulrang 6 dona
Choose the brush sizes that are right for your interdental spaces. Every user often has to use several sizes. The Swedish brand TePe offers a variety of products to maintain healthy mouth and teeth. Hard-to-reach places play an important role in dental care. The wide TePe range of interdental brushes and special toothbrushes makes it possible to optimally reach and clean each of the 5 sides of a tooth. All TePe products have been developed in collaboration with dental specialists. ..
19.57 USD
Tepe interdental cho'tkasi 0,7 mm x-yumshoq sariq blister 6 dona
TePe Interdental cho'tkasi 0,7 mm x-yumshoq sariq Blist 6 dona? tozalash uchun mo'ljallangan oddiy tish cho'tkasi qila olmaydigan tishlar orasidagi bo'shliqlar erishish. Ushbu interdental cho'tka uzun tutqichga va burchakli boshga ega orqa tishlar orasiga kirishni osonlashtiradi. Tishlar va tishlarni saqlash uchun har kuni foydalaning sog'lom va yangi. TePe burchagi? Interdental cho'tkalar 6 ta rang kodli o'lchamda keladi. TePe? ta'minlash uchun stomatologlar bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqilgan har bir detalda eng yuqori sifat. Kundalik foydalanish 40% gacha ko'proq olib tashlashi mumkin blyashka faqat tish cho'tkasi va samarali blyashka olib tashlashni oldini oladi tish go'shti yallig'lanishi, bo'shliqlar va yomon hid. Tishlar orasidagi blyashka olib tashlashning eng samarali usuli. Bu sim tabiiy tishlar va implantlar atrofida xavfsiz va yumshoq tozalash uchun plastik qoplangan. Uzun tutqich va burchakli bosh orqa tishlarga ichki va tashqi tomondan oson kirish imkonini beradi. Blister to'plamida qayta foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan himoya qalpoqli 6 dona mavjud ..
19.57 USD
Tepe interdental cho'tkasi 0,8 mm x-yumshoq yashil blister 6 dona
TePe Interdental cho'tkasi 0,8 mm x-yumshoq yashil Blist 6 dona - Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling Brush Original dental cho'tkalar TePe PL brendi tomonidan stomatologlar bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqilgan. Oddiy cho'tka yeta olmaydigan tishlar orasidagi bo'shliqlarni tozalash uchun maxsus kichik qurilmalar mo'ljallangan. Ular kundalik foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan, juda oddiy, qulay va xavfsiz. Ular og'iz bo'shlig'ining yuqori sifatli gigienasini ta'minlashga yordam beradi, og'izdan yoqimsiz hid, karies va tish go'shti yallig'lanishining oldini oladi. TePe Brush Original tishlararo cho'tkalar to'plamining xususiyatlari:- turli o'lchamlar mavjud - o'lchami 0 (0,4 mm) dan 8 o'lchami (1,5 mm) gacha;- kichikroqlari (0-3) yaxshi kirish uchun egiluvchan bo'yinga ega, kattaroqlari (4-8) qalinroq moslashuvchan simga ega;- barcha cho'tkalar tishlar, implantlar, tojlar va ko'priklar orasidagi bo'shliqlarni tozalash, shuningdek mahkamlangan qavslarni tozalash uchun mos keladi- ishonchli tutqich va boshqarishni ta'minlaydigan qulay tutqich bilan;- xavfsizlik va qulaylik uchun yumaloq uchi bilan;- jarrohlik tikuv materialidan tayyorlangan - tibbiy silikon bilan qoplangan poliamid ip;- bilan muntazam foydalanish, ular olib tashlashga yordam beradi Cho'tkaga qaraganda 40% ko'proq tish plastinkasi ..
19.57 USD
Trisa pro duo tishlararo yumshoq
Trisa Pro Duo interdental yumshoq xususiyatlariO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 60 g Uzunligi: 20 mm Kengligi: 70 mm Balandligi: 250 mm Trisa Pro Duo interdental soft-ni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
13.10 USD
Trisa tishlararo cho'tkasi iso 3 1,1 mm 3 dona
Trisa Interdental Brush ISO 3 1.1mm 3 Pieces Trisa Interdental Brush ISO 3 1.1mm 3 Pieces is a top-quality oral care product that is specially designed to clean the spaces between your teeth where conventional toothbrushes cannot reach. This interdental brush has a compact and flexible design that enables you to easily and comfortably reach the inaccessible areas in your mouth, leaving your teeth and gums clean and healthy. This Trisa Interdental Brush ISO 3 1.1mm 3 Pieces set comes with three brushes that are specifically tailored for maximum effectiveness. The 1.1mm bristles are small and slim, making them ideal for use in small spaces. They have an ergonomic grip that makes it easy for you to handle and control the brush, ensuring that you get a thorough clean no matter where you need to reach. These interdental brushes are made with high-quality materials that are gentle yet effective, so they are perfect for people with sensitive teeth and gums. They come with a protective cap that keeps the bristles clean and hygienic when not in use, making it very easy to carry around with you wherever you go. With the Trisa Interdental Brush ISO 3 1.1mm 3 Pieces, you can easily remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria from the crevices between your teeth, ensuring excellent oral hygiene and gum health. They are ideal for people who wear braces, crowns, and bridges or have wide spaces between their teeth, making them an essential tool for maintaining proper dental hygiene. Features: Compact and flexible design Three brushes specifically tailored for maximum effectiveness 1.1mm bristles that are small and slim, ideal for use in small spaces Ergonomic grip for easy handling High-quality materials that are gentle yet effective Protective cap for hygienic storage Invest in your oral health today with Trisa Interdental Brush ISO 3 1.1mm 3 Pieces and experience the difference it can make in your overall dental care routine...
6.50 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)