
sanoat ko'zoynaklari

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Sanoat ko'zoynaklari turli xil ish muhitlarida ko'zlaringizni himoya qilish uchun zarurdir. Bizning kollektsiyamiz, jumladan, 3M Schutzbrille AS/AF klar 2820, tirnalishga qarshi va tumanga qarshi qoplamalar kabi xususiyatlar bilan yuqori himoyani taklif etadi. Sanoat ilovalari uchun juda mos bo'lgan ushbu bardoshli va qulay himoya ko'zoynaklari yuqori sifatli polikarbonatdan tayyorlangan va og'ir sharoitlarga bardosh berishga mo'ljallangan. To'siqsiz ko'rish va sozlanishi moslashish uchun shaffof linzalari bilan ular ko'rinishni saqlab qolish va ko'z zo'riqishini kamaytirish uchun ideal. Evropa xavfsizlik standartlariga mos keladigan ushbu ko'zoynaklar qurilish, muhandislik va laboratoriya sharoitida foydalanish uchun javob beradi, bu esa talabchan ish muhitida jamoalar uchun ko'zni har tomonlama himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi.
3m schutzbrille as/af klar 2820 20 stk

3m schutzbrille as/af klar 2820 20 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 5407172

3M Schutzbrille AS/AF klar 2820 20 Stk The 3M Schutzbrille AS/AF klar 2820 20 Stk is a clear protective eyewear that provides both Anti-Scratch and Anti-Fog properties, making it an ideal solution for a variety of industrial applications. The glasses are constructed using high-quality polycarbonate material, which ensures they are durable and can withstand harsh working conditions. The design has been created to provide a comfortable and secure fit, ensuring the glasses stay firmly in place during use. These safety glasses have a minimalist design making them lightweight, and they are fully adjustable to fit different face shapes and sizes. The clear lens design provides unobstructed vision, which enhances visibility, reduces eye strain and provides high definition clarity. The AS/AF coating on glasses helps protect against scratches which can impair vision, while the anti-fog coating ensures that they remain fog-free even in humid or wet conditions. This combination of features ensures that these goggles remain clear and distortion-free even during the most strenuous activities. The 3M Schutzbrille AS/AF klar 2820 20 Stk meets strict European safety standards and is CE certified. They are ideal for use in a diverse range of applications where eye protection is essential, including construction, factory environments, engineering, and laboratory settings. With 20 pieces in each pack, you can ensure that every member of your team is equipped with protective eyewear, providing a safe and secure working environment for everyone. ..

358.69 USD

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