
hipoalerjenik bandajlar

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Nozik teri uchun maksimal qulaylik va himoyani ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan hipoalerjenik bandajlarimiz qatorini o'rganing. Bizning kollektsiyamiz Hypafix yopishtiruvchi jun, DermaPlast Protect Plus va 3M Nexcare bolalar bandajlari kabi innovatsion mahsulotlarni o'z ichiga oladi, ularning barchasi teriga qulay bo'lgan materiallardan tirnash xususiyati oldini oladi va shifo beradi. Turli xil ilovalar uchun juda mos, bizning hipoalerjenik variantlarimiz nafas oladigan, suv o'tkazmaydigan va moslashuvchan echimlarni taklif qiladi, bu esa terining qulayligini buzmasdan ishonchli yopishishni ta'minlaydi. Nozik teriga ega bo'lgan bolalar va kattalar uchun ideal bo'lgan bu bintlar va bog'lamlar ishonchli himoya va parvarish bilan ta'minlaydi, shu bilan birga jarohatni tiklashga yordam beradi. Shveytsariyadan sog'liqni saqlash va go'zallik mahsulotlarida eng yuqori standartlarga muvofiq ishlab chiqarilgan gipslar, yaralarni yopish chiziqlari va yopishtiruvchi bog'lamlar kabi toifadagi ishonchli brendlar va yuqori sifatli mahsulotlarni kashf eting.
3m nexcare pflaster duo assortimenti

3m nexcare pflaster duo assortimenti

Mahsulot kodi: 7812421

Product Description The 3M NEXCARE Pflaster Duo assortiert is a package of high-quality adhesive bandages of different sizes and shapes, designed to provide maximum comfort and protection for any type of wound. The pack includes 20 pieces of bandages in various sizes, they come with an advanced adhesive technology that ensures they stick better and longer on the skin, making them ideal for both active individuals and those with sensitive skin. Features and Benefits Duo design provides two different adhesive options for optimal sticking power Assorted pack includes a variety of sizes and shapes for any size wound Advanced adhesive technology ensures maximum sticking power and durability The bandages are waterproof, which allows you to carry on with your daily activities without worrying about the bandages coming off Their flexible fabric conforms to the shape of the wound, providing maximum comfort and protection Designed to prevent sticking to the wound, facilitating pain-free removal The bandages are hypoallergenic, making them safe for individuals with sensitive skin Usage Instructions Before using the bandage, ensure that the wound area is clean and dry. Peel the protective film from one side of the bandage and place the adhesive side on the wound, making sure it covers the entire affected area. Then, peel the protective film from the other side and gently press the bandage onto the skin. If the bandage gets wet, replace it immediately,. Conclusion The 3M NEXCARE Pflaster Duo assortiert is the perfect product for anyone seeking the most reliable, high-quality, and comfortable bandages for wound care. Its advanced features, including two different adhesive options, waterproofness and hypoallergenicity, make it one of the best adhesive bandages on the market today...

5,13 USD

3m steri strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt 12 x 5 stk

3m steri strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt 12 x 5 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7089115

3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt 12 x 5 Stk Looking for a reliable and sturdy solution to close dermal wounds? Look no further than 3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt. These reinforced adhesive strips are designed to provide a secure wound closure that helps reduce scarring and promote faster healing. Each pack contains 12 x 5 strips, giving you plenty of supply for your wound care needs. The strips measure 3x75mm and are white in color, making them easy to see against the skin. The reinforced design ensures that the strips won't easily break or tear, providing a strong and reliable hold that can last for up to 7 days. Whether you're dealing with a small wound or a larger incision, 3M Steri Strips are the perfect choice. They are hypoallergenic, making them safe and comfortable for even sensitive skin types. Plus, the sterile packaging ensures that the strips are free from any contaminants or bacteria, giving you peace of mind when it comes to wound care. So why wait? Invest in the best with 3M Steri Strip 3x75mm weiss verstärkt and enjoy an unparalleled wound care experience. ..

34,22 USD

Dermaplast protectplus 6x10cm 10 dona

Dermaplast protectplus 6x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7306707

DermaPlast Protect Plus is flexible, waterproof and permeable to air. The plasters are suitable as protection for particularly stressed areas, as the PE foam provides a cushioning effect. They are also water-repellent and protective, even if micro-perforated.The plasters have a wound pad that does not stick to the wound and are hypoallergenic thanks to the skin-friendly adhesive.These plasters are skin-coloured quick-cut wound dressings that you can cut yourself. The plasters Protect Plus are suitable for both smaller and larger superficial wounds. Dermatologically tested...

10,72 USD

Dermaplast soft silikon chiziqlar 8 dona

Dermaplast soft silikon chiziqlar 8 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7556479

Soft plasters with a special silicone adhesive for particularly gentle protection of the wound and surrounding skin. Suitable for small wounds on irritated and sensitive skin.The plasters are pleasantly soft, permeable to air and do not stick to the wound. They can be removed painlessly and without strong pulling.Through the use of hypoallergenic adhesive, the plasters are suitable even for the most sensitive skin and also the so-called "parchment skin". Also ideal for children. Contents: 6 plasters of 25x72mm and 2 plasters of 40x60mm..

9,00 USD

Happy kids animals 12 dona asfaltlangan 3m nexcare displeyi bolalar

Happy kids animals 12 dona asfaltlangan 3m nexcare displeyi bolalar

Mahsulot kodi: 7344783

3M Nexcare displeyi 12 dona baxtli bolalar hayvonlarini yopmoqda3M Nexcare displeyi bilan tanishtiring. Bolalar uchun baxtli bolalar hayvonlarini yo'l qo'yuvchi 3M Nexcare displeyi, bolalar uchun juda mos keladigan 12 dona qiziqarli va rang-barang yopishqoq bintlardan iborat. Ushbu bandajlar besh xil hayvon dizaynida keladi, ular albatta farzandingizning yuziga tabassum qo'yadi. Dizaynlar jirafa, begemot, panda, sher va filni o'z ichiga oladi.Bintlar teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladigan yumshoq, nafas oladigan materialdan qilingan. Ular, shuningdek, suv o'tkazmaydigan va suv yoki terga duchor bo'lganda ham joyida qoladi. Ushbu bandajlar uchun ishlatiladigan yopishtiruvchi hipoalerjenik bo'lib, uni sezgir teriga ega bolalar uchun xavfsiz qiladi.3M Nexcare Display Children Paving Happy Kids Animals to'plami birinchi navbatda qiziqarli va jo'shqin dam olishni xohlaydigan ota-onalar uchun juda mos keladi. bolalari uchun yordam to'plami. Qadoqlashning ixcham dizayni uni hamyoningiz yoki taglik sumkangizda olib yurishni osonlashtiradi, bu esa uni yo‘lda foydalanish uchun qulay qiladi.Ushbu bandajlar nafaqat funksional, balki ular tarbiyaviy ahamiyatga ega. Hayvonlarning dizaynlari bolalarga turli hayvonlar va ularning yashash joylari haqida o'rgatish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Bu ota-onalar va o‘qituvchilar uchun o‘quv muhitida foydalanish uchun mukammal vosita bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.Umuman olganda, 3M Nexcare displeyi bolalar uchun 12 donadan iborat bo‘lgan bolalar uchun mo‘ljallangan bolalar uchun mo‘ljallangan 12 dona to‘plami o‘z hayotini ta’minlamoqchi bo‘lgan ota-onalar uchun zarurdir. qiziqarli va funktsional birinchi yordam to'plamiga ega bolalar. Hayvonlarning yorqin va rang-barang naqshlari bilan farzandingiz ushbu bandajlarni kiyishni yaxshi ko'radi va ular xavfsiz va teriga yumshoq bo'lishiga amin bo'lishingiz mumkin. Hoziroq buyurtma bering va farzandingizning birinchi tibbiy yordam to‘plamiga zavq bag‘ishlang!..

68,63 USD

Happy kids monsters 12 dona asfaltlangan 3m nexcare bolalar displeyi

Happy kids monsters 12 dona asfaltlangan 3m nexcare bolalar displeyi

Mahsulot kodi: 7344808

Baxtli bolalar yirtqich hayvonlarini yo'lga qo'yayotgan 3M Nexcare displeyi bilan tanishing Bu o'ynoqi Happy Kids Monsters bilan yaratilgan 12 ta bolalar uchun yulka plasterlari to'plami. Bu gipslar yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan bo‘lib, ular xavfsiz, bardoshli va bolangiz terisida foydalanish uchun qulay bo‘lishini ta’minlaydi. Gipslar qiziqarli va jonli ranglarda bo'lib, ular bolangizning e'tiborini tortadi va shifo jarayonini biroz qiyinlashtiradi. Amaldagi yumshoq va egiluvchan material gipslarni qo‘llash oson bo‘lishini ta’minlaydi va ular kun davomida o‘z joyida mustahkam turishini ta’minlaydi. Bu toʻplam ochiq havoda mashgʻulotlar paytida toʻqnashuvlar va qichishishlarga moyil boʻlgan bolali oilalar uchun juda mos keladi. Happy Kids Monsters bolangizni o'zgacha his qiladi va shifo jarayonida jasur bo'lishga undaydi. 3M Nexcare displeyi bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan Happy Kids Monsters hipoalerjenik va latekssiz, bu ularni nozik teriga ega bolalar uchun mos qiladi. Gipslar, shuningdek, suv o'tkazmaydigan bo'lib, ularni suzish va boshqa suv mashg'ulotlarida foydalanish uchun ideal qiladi. Umuman olganda, bu gipslar nafaqat bolangizning yaralarini mukammal himoya qiladi, balki shifo jarayoniga qiziqarli va hayajon elementini ham kiritadi. 3M Nexcare displeyining bolalar uchun baxtli bolalar yirtqich hayvonlarini yo‘lga qo‘yish uchun bugunoq oling va ular sog‘ayayotganda farzandingizning tasavvuriga yo‘l qo‘ying. ..

68,63 USD

Hypafix teriga sezgir silikon 10cmx2m

Hypafix teriga sezgir silikon 10cmx2m

Mahsulot kodi: 7051420

Hypafix Skin sezgir silikon xususiyatlari 10cmx2mEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyOʻramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 153g Uzunligi: 105mm Kenligi: 55mm Balandligi: 55mm Hypafix sotib oling Teri sezgir silikon 10cmx2m onlayn Shveytsariya..

16,92 USD

Hypafix yopishtiruvchi fleece 2,5cmx10m roli

Hypafix yopishtiruvchi fleece 2,5cmx10m roli

Mahsulot kodi: 6494167

Hypafix Adhesive Fleece 2.5cmx10m Roll The Hypafix Adhesive Fleece 2.5cmx10m Roll is a premium quality medical product designed to offer maximum comfort and protection to wounds and injuries. It is made from soft, breathable and hypoallergenic material that is gentle on the skin and ensures proper ventilation to promote quick healing of wounds. The roll comes with a high-quality adhesive that is strong, durable and ensures a firm and secure grip on the wound surface, providing effective protection against contamination and infection. The adhesive is also skin-friendly and does not cause any irritation, rashes or discomfort, making it suitable for use on all skin types, including sensitive skin. The Hypafix Adhesive Fleece Roll is easy to use and can be easily cut into any shape or size to fit the wound area perfectly. It can be used for a wide range of applications, including wound dressing, fixation of catheters, tubes, and probes, and other surgical procedures. The roll is also ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, and at home for wound care and management. The Hypafix Adhesive Fleece 2.5cmx10m Roll is a durable and cost-effective medical product that provides effective wound care and management, making it an essential item in any first aid kit. It is backed by a quality assurance guarantee, ensuring users of its premium quality and performance. Order your Hypafix Adhesive Fleece 2.5cmx10m Roll today and take advantage of our fast and reliable shipping services to get it delivered right to your doorstep!..

10,01 USD

Leukomed t plus teriga sezgir 8x10cm 5 stk

Leukomed t plus teriga sezgir 8x10cm 5 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7766339

Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk - bu tibbiy mahsulot bo'lib, jarohatni parvarish qilish uchun mukammal himoyani ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu mahsulot nozik teriga ega bo'lgan bemorlarga yaralarini istalmagan reaktsiyalarni boshdan kechirmasdan davolashga yordam berish uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan. Ushbu bog'lamlar teriga yumshoq ta'sir ko'rsatadigan hipoalerjenik elimdan tayyorlangan va uzoq vaqt davomida xavfsiz va qulay foydalanish mumkin. Mahsulot xususiyatlari Hipoallergen yopishtiruvchi - nozik teriga ega bo'lganlar uchun juda mos keladi Yumshoq va moslashuvchan - uzoq vaqt kiyishga qulay Markaziy yara yostig'i - suyuqlikni so'rib olish va yarani toza saqlash uchun mo'ljallangan Qo'llash oson - kiyimni tez va oson surtish mumkin Yuqori changni yutish xususiyatiga ega - yaralarni mukammal himoya qiladi Foydalar Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk nozik teriga ega bo'lganlar uchun yaralarni optimal parvarish qilishni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Hipoalerjenik yopishtiruvchi kiyimni terini tirnash xususiyati yoki reaktsiyaga olib kelmasdan uzoq vaqt davomida qulay va xavfsiz ishlatishni ta'minlaydi. Kiyinish, shuningdek, yuqori darajada changni yutish xususiyatiga ega, bu esa qon ketishi yoki suyuqlikni chiqarib yuboradigan yaralar uchun juda mos keladi. Bundan tashqari, markaziy yara yostig'i yarani toza saqlashga yordam beradi va yara bitishi uchun mukammal muhit yaratadi. Qanday foydalanish kerak Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk dan foydalanish oddiy va tushunarli. Kiyinishni qo'llashdan oldin yarani yaxshilab tozalash kifoya. Himoya tayanchini olib tashlang va yopishqoqni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri toza va quruq yaraga qo'llang. Kiyinishning teriga to'g'ri yopishishini ta'minlash uchun uning chetlarini tekislang. Kiyinish muntazam ravishda yoki shifokor ko'rsatmasi bo'yicha o'zgartirilishi kerak. Xulosa Agar siz sezgir teringiz bo'lsa va yaralaringizni davolashning qulay va xavfsiz usulini izlayotgan bo'lsangiz, Leukomed T plus Skin Sensitive 8x10cm 5 Stk siz uchun mukammal mahsulotdir. Hipoalerjenik yopishtiruvchi va yuqori darajada changni yutish xususiyatiga ega markaziy prokladka bilan bu bandaj yaralarni mukammal himoya qiladi, shu bilan birga sizni qulay va xavfsiz saqlaydi...

20,79 USD

Leukomed t teriga sezgir 5x7,5 sm

Leukomed t teriga sezgir 5x7,5 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 7766342

LEUKOMED T Skin Sensitive 5x7.5cm The LEUKOMED T Skin Sensitive 5x7.5cm is a medical product that is ideal for wound dressing purposes. It is designed to cater to people with sensitive skin types, making it safe and gentle to use. The product is an adhesive dressing that is applied to the wound site to protect it from external factors that can cause further tissue damage or infections. The dressing is composed of a thin, transparent polyurethane film that is hypoallergenic and breathable. It is designed to provide secure, reliable coverage to any wound site, while still allowing for airflow to promote faster healing. The adhesive material used is gentle on the skin, causing minimal discomfort or irritation, making it ideal for prolonged use. The LEUKOMED T Skin Sensitive 5x7.5cm is easy to apply and reposition, and its waterproof nature allows for easy cleaning and bathing. The individual dressings come in a compact, sterile packaging, making it safe and convenient to carry around in your first aid kit or purse. Some of the key features of this product include: Hypoallergenic and breathable polyurethane film Gentle adhesive that is kind to sensitive skin types Easy to apply and reposition Waterproof and easy to clean Sterile packaging for convenience and safety Overall, the LEUKOMED T Skin Sensitive 5x7.5cm is an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable, skin-sensitive wound dressing. Its unique composition and design make it suitable for use on any site, and its ease of use makes it a must-have for any home or medical facility. ..

14,59 USD

Leukoplast bolalar qahramoni 6cmx1m

Leukoplast bolalar qahramoni 6cmx1m

Mahsulot kodi: 7784693

LEUKOPLAST kids hero 6cmx1m Product Description: The LEUKOPLAST kids hero 6cmx1m is a must-have in every household's first aid kit. This product is specially designed to provide superior protection and comfort to children's delicate skin. The bandage is made of breathable and gentle materials that won't cause irritation, making it perfect for children's sensitive skin. The bandage is made of a porous and hypoallergenic material that allows the skin to breathe and promotes faster healing. Additionally, it has a strong adhesive that ensures that the bandage stays in place, protecting the wound from contamination and infection. The bandage is perfect for covering cuts, grazes, and other minor wounds. The LEUKOPLAST kids hero 6cmx1m is designed with children in mind, making it easy for them to wear and allowing them to participate in their favorite activities without any discomfort. The bandage is 6cm wide and 1m long, making it perfect for covering larger wounds. It can be cut to size, making it easier to use on smaller wounds as well. The bandage is also decorated with fun and colorful designs that kids will love. This will not only make wearing the bandage more fun but also help put a smile on their face when they need it the most. In conclusion, the LEUKOPLAST kids hero 6cmx1m is a high-quality children's bandage that provides superior comfort, protection, and fun. It is perfect for covering cuts, grazes, and other minor wounds, and its hypoallergenic material allows for faster healing, making it a must-have in every household's first aid kit. ..

7,64 USD

Leykomed teriga sezgir 5x7,2 sm 5 stk

Leykomed teriga sezgir 5x7,2 sm 5 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7821821

Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk Looking for a highly effective wound dressing that is gentle on the skin? Look no further than Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk. This product is specially designed for people with sensitive skin who need reliable wound care. Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is a soft, comfortable, and breathable wound dressing that is gentle on the skin. It is designed to provide optimal protection and support for minor wounds and abrasions, and to help prevent infection and promote faster healing. The dressing is easy to apply and stays in place for extended periods, even after getting wet. This product is ideal for those with sensitive skin who are prone to allergic reactions to traditional wound dressings. The gentle adhesive on this dressing is hypoallergenic and designed to minimise the risk of skin irritation or damage. Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is made with high-quality materials that are safe and effective. It is free from harmful chemicals, latex, and other irritants, making it safe for people of all ages to use. Each package contains five individually wrapped dressings, making it easy to keep in your first aid kit, and to carry with you when you are on the go. Overall, Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is the perfect wound dressing for people with sensitive skin who want a high-quality, reliable and gentle product. If you are looking for a wound dressing that is hypoallergenic, easy to apply, and stays in place, this is the product for you. ..

12,24 USD

Leykoplast leykosan strip 9 stk

Leykoplast leykosan strip 9 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7784703

Leykoplast Leykosan chiziqlari yaralarni samarali davolash uchun birinchi yordam to'plamiga muhim qo'shimcha hisoblanadi. Ushbu paketda yaralarni mahkam yopish va tezroq shifo berish uchun mo'ljallangan 9 ta yopishqoq lenta mavjud. Hipoalerjenik material teriga yumshoq ta'sir qiladi, shuning uchun uni barcha teri turlariga moslashtiradi. Ushbu chiziqlar qo'llanilishi oson va axloqsizlik va bakteriyalarga qarshi ishonchli to'siq bo'lib, infektsiya xavfini kamaytiradi. Uyda, yo'lda yoki sog'liqni saqlash sharoitida, Leukoplast Leykosan chiziqlari yaraning to'g'ri yopilishi va himoyalanishini ta'minlash uchun zarurdir. Sog'liqni saqlash sohasi mutaxassislari tomonidan ishonilgan bu chiziqlar mayda kesmalar, yaralar va jarrohlik kesmalar uchun qulay echimdir. Leykoplast Leykosan yopishtiruvchi tasmalar yordamida yaralaringizni xavfsiz saqlang va optimal davolanishga yordam bering...

13,15 USD

Livsane kinderpflaster jungle animals can 20 stk

Livsane kinderpflaster jungle animals can 20 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7851167

Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk The Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk is a package of 20 colorful and fun band-aids for children. The band-aids are designed with jungle animals, including lions, monkeys, zebras, and elephants, to make the healing process a bit more enjoyable for children. The band-aids are also made with breathable and hypoallergenic materials, preventing discomfort or irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. These band-aids come in a compact and convenient package, making them easy to store at home or in a child's backpack for on-the-go use. Each band-aid has a non-adherent wound pad that comfortably cushions and protects the wound while allowing for faster healing. The Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk is perfect for parents who want to keep their children's wounds clean and protected while also making the healing process less stressful for their little ones. These band-aids are not only practical but also entertaining, providing a fun and playful way for children to recover from minor injuries. Get this exclusive Livsane Kinderpflaster Jungle Animals Ds 20 Stk today and show your child that healing can be fun!..

10,06 USD

Livsane sensitive gipsli chiziqlar 20 dona

Livsane sensitive gipsli chiziqlar 20 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7826460

Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips 20 pcs If you are looking for a reliable adhesive strip that can offer gentle yet firm protection to your cuts and wounds, Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips are perfect for you! Made with high-quality materials, these strips are gentle on your sensitive skin and provide a quick fix to minor cuts or abrasions. These strips are latex-free, which makes them ideal for individuals with a latex allergy. They are also hypoallergenic, meaning that you won't have to worry about developing any skin irritations or rashes when using them. These strips come in a pack of 20 - each strip measures 19mm x 72mm. Features and Benefits: Latex-free and hypoallergenic - perfect for sensitive skin Provides quick relief and protection to minor cuts and abrasions Each strip measures 19mm x 72mm Easy to apply and remove without damaging the skin Comes in a pack of 20 - perfect for on-the-go use and travel These strips are perfect for anyone who has difficulty finding plasters that don't irritate their skin. They are also great for children who may be sensitive to traditional adhesive plasters. Order now and experience the gentle yet effective protection that Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips have to offer!..

8,22 USD

Livsane silikon pflaster-strips assortiert 12 stk

Livsane silikon pflaster-strips assortiert 12 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7739614

Livsane Silikon Pflaster-Strips assortiert 12 Stk Looking for a reliable, comfortable and long-lasting plaster strip for your everyday use? Look no further than the Livsane Silikon Pflaster-Strips assortment pack, which comes with 12 strips of varying sizes to suit all your first-aid needs. These self-adhesive strips are made from high-quality silicone material, which offers superior adhesion, breathability and flexibility compared to traditional plaster strips. Key features: Made from gentle and hypoallergenic silicone material Waterproof and breathable design for greater comfort and convenience Can be easily cut to size and applied to any part of the body Long-lasting and durable formula ensures maximum protection and healing Assortment pack includes 12 strips of varying sizes, perfect for any first-aid kit The Livsane Silikon Pflaster-Strips are designed for use on all skin types, including sensitive and delicate skin. They are completely waterproof, making them ideal for use in the shower or during water sports activities. The breathable design allows your skin to maintain its natural moisture balance, while also preventing the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Thanks to their flexible and stretchy nature, these silicone strips can be easily cut to any size and shape, making them perfect for use on any part of the body. Whether you need to cover a small scratch or a large wound, these strips offer optimal protection and healing, even in the most challenging conditions. So why wait? Order your Livsane Silikon Pflaster-Strips assortment pack today and enjoy superior first-aid protection and comfort!..

14,99 USD

Livsane universal yopishtiruvchi gips 10 dona

Livsane universal yopishtiruvchi gips 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7826459

Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster 10 pcs Looking for a versatile and reliable adhesive plaster for minor cuts and injuries? Look no further than Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster! Made from high-quality material and designed to provide excellent protection, this pack of 10 adhesive plasters is an essential addition to your first-aid kit at home or on-the-go. Each plaster is designed to adhere perfectly to skin, creating a tight and secure seal that protects your wound from bacteria and dirt. The plasters are easy to apply and remove, and come in a convenient size that fits perfectly on various surfaces of your body. They are suitable for all skin types and hypoallergenic, making them safe for anyone to use. Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster is also water-resistant, which means that you can use it when you take a shower or go for a swim. With this pack of 10 plasters, you'll have enough to keep in your first aid kit at home, in your office, or in your backpack when you go on an adventure. Each plaster is individually wrapped, making it easy to carry around and store. Don't let small cuts and injuries come in the way of your daily activities. Trust Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster to provide the protection and security you need to recover fast and keep moving forward!..

8,22 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 18 gacha 18
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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