
gialuron kislotasi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 25 gacha 58
(hammasi 3 sahifa)
Yuqori darajada namlash va yoshartirish uchun gialuron kislotali mahsulotlarimizning keng assortimentini kashf eting. Terini parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan mahsulotlardan oftalmik eritmalargacha gialuron kislotasi namlovchi va qarishga qarshi xususiyatlari bilan mashhur. Quruq terini to'ldirishni, tirnash xususiyati beruvchi ko'zlarni tinchlantirishni yoki go'zallik tartibingizni yaxshilashni xohlaysizmi, bizning tanlovimiz hamma uchun nimanidir taklif qiladi. Gialuron kislotasining kuchini qo'llang va tanani parvarish qilish, ko'zni parvarish qilish, yuz bo'yanish va boshqalarni o'z ichiga olgan sog'liq va go'zallik toifalarida o'zgartiruvchi natijalarni his qiling. Mahsulotlarimizni bugun o'rganing va yorqin, yosh ko'rinadigan teri va jonlangan ko'z qulayligini oching.
24 mettler luminosity nemlendirici krem ​​pot 50 ml

24 mettler luminosity nemlendirici krem ​​pot 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6565720

Introducing the 24 Mettler luminosity hydrating cream pot 50 ml Get ready to indulge in the ultimate hydration experience with our 24 Mettler luminosity hydrating cream pot. This luxurious cream is specially formulated to help replenish and nourish your skin, leaving you with a radiant and youthful glow. Features Potent hydrating formula: Our cream contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients that work to deeply moisturize and hydrate the skin. It helps to restore the skin's natural barrier, preventing moisture loss and keeping your skin soft and supple. Intense nourishment: In addition to its hydrating properties, our cream also provides essential nourishment to the skin. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to protect and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it looking and feeling revitalized. Lightweight and non-greasy: Despite its rich and nourishing formula, our cream is lightweight and non-greasy. It absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving no oily residue behind. Suitable for all skin types: Our cream is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is free from harsh chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances, making it safe and gentle for daily use. Usage To use, apply a small amount of cream to your face and neck, and massage gently into the skin. Use in the morning and evening for best results. Ingredients Our 24 Mettler luminosity hydrating cream is made with a potent blend of natural and organic ingredients, including: Hyaluronic acid: helps to deeply hydrate and plump the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Jojoba oil: nourishes and soothes the skin, leaving it soft and supple. Aloe vera: soothes and calms irritated skin, reducing redness and inflammation. Vitamin E: a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage. Green tea extract: helps to protect the skin from environmental stressors, reducing the signs of aging. Experience the ultimate hydration and nourishment with our 24 Mettler luminosity hydrating cream pot. Try it today!..

115.69 USD

Artdeco rich treatment foundation 485.15

Artdeco rich treatment foundation 485.15

Mahsulot kodi: 3393129

Artdeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485.15 Artdeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485 yordamida tabiiy goʻzalligingizni jonlantiring va yaxshilang. Tonal krem ​​teringizning tashqi koʻrinishini yaxshilash va tengsiz qoplamani taʼminlash uchun moʻljallangan. Ardeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485.15 terini parvarish qilish va bo'yanishning mukammal aralashmasidir. Tonal krem ​​ikra ekstrakti va gialuron kislotasi kabi faol moddalar bilan to'ldirilgan bo'lib, ular teringizga kerakli davolanishni ta'minlaydi. Ikra ekstrakti terini A, D va E vitaminlari bilan oziqlantirib, elastiklikni, namlanishni va kollagen stimulyatsiyasini oshirishga yordam beradi. Gialuron kislotasi terining namligini tiklaydigan, ajinlarni kamaytiradigan va terining umumiy tuzilishini yaxshilaydigan tabiiy moddadir. Tonal kremning hashamatli teksturasi dasturni osonlashtiradi. Formula oson aralashtiriladi, silliq va bir tekis tugatish ta'minlaydi. Artdeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485.15 yuqori qoplamani ta'minlaydi, bu uni dog'larni qoplashda yoki benuqson qoplama uchun poydevor sifatida ishlatish uchun ideal qiladi. Mahsulot tonal kremni tarqatishni oson va gigiyenik qilish imkonini beruvchi nasosli silliq shishaga qadoqlangan. Artdeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485.15 turli xil ranglarda mavjud boʻlib, mijozlar oʻz teri rangiga mos keladigan soyani topishlarini taʼminlaydi. Artdeco Rich Treatment Foundation 485.15 - mukammal qoplamani ta'minlab, terini parvarish qilish uchun foyda keltiradigan tonal kremni qidirayotganlar uchun mukammal tanlovdir. Mahsulot kun davomida teringizni yorqin, namlangan va sog‘lom ko‘rinishda qoldiradi. ..

42.07 USD

Bepanten ko'z tomchilari fl 10 ml

Bepanten ko'z tomchilari fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7649465

Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari Fl 10 ml Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari shox parda uchun bitta steril, konservantsiz, viskoelastik, shaffof himoya plyonka hosil qiladi. Ular tabiiydan qilingan; biologik moddalar. Bularga gialuron kislotasining natriy tuzi kiradi; o'zining maxsus jismoniy xususiyatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda, uniformaga ega bo'lishi; Ko'rish qobiliyatini buzmasdan, shox pardada barqaror va ayniqsa uzoq muddatli himoya plyonka hosil qiladi. Bundan tashqari, Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari tarkibida yuqori suv bog'lash qobiliyati tufayli ko'zni yangilash va qo'shimcha ravishda parvarish qilish qobiliyatiga ega provitamin B5 (dekspantenol) mavjud. Bu natriy gialuronatning namlovchi xususiyatlarini samarali qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. Natriy gialuronat (ko'z yoshi plyonkasini barqarorlashtiruvchi) va dekspantenol (oziqlantiruvchi, tinchlantiruvchi) kombinatsiyasi ko'zning sirtini himoya qiladi va namlaydi va uni moylash imkonini beradi. Bu bilan bog'liq shikoyatlardan uzoq muddatli yordam beradi? mexanik stress, masalan. qattiq yoki yumshoq kontaktli linzalarni kiyish yoki diagnostik ko'z protseduralari paytida yuzaga kelgan; ekologik stress, masalan. konditsioner, shamol, sovuqdan kelib chiqqan; Quruqlik yoki havo ifloslanishi; zo'riqqan ko'zlar, masalan. kompyuter ekranlarida yoki uzoq avtomobil sayohatlarida ishlaganda.Ular konservantlardan xoli bo'lganligi sababli, Bepanthen ko'z tomchilari uzoq vaqt davomida ishlatilganda ham ayniqsa yaxshi muhosaba qilinadi. Bepanten ko'z tomchilari kontakt linzalarini taqib olganlar uchun ham mos keladi. Ko'zlaringizni Bepanthen® PRO ko'z tomchilari bilan himoya qiling va namlang, amaliy 10 ml tomchi shishada mavjud. Gialuron kislotasi shox pardada ayniqsa uzoq muddatli himoya plyonka hosil qiladi va provitamin B5 (dekspantenol) namlaydi va oziqlantiradi. Ko'z tomchilari uzoq muddatli yengillikni ta'minlaydigan steril va konservantsiz himoya plyonka hosil qiladi. Damlamalar doimiy namlovchi ta'sirga ega va ko'rish qobiliyatini buzmasdan ko'zlarni himoya qiladi. Ayniqsa, kontakt linzalarini kiyganlar quruq ko'zlardan ta'sirlanishi mumkin, lekin doimiy ravishda ekranda yoki uzoq avtomobil safarlarida ko'zlar haddan tashqari zo'riqishlarga duchor bo'ladi. Egzoz gazlari va gulchanglar, quruq isitish havosi yoki konditsioner kabi atrof-muhit ta'siri ham quruq ko'zlarga olib kelishi mumkin. Natijada qizarish, tirnash xususiyati va qichishish paydo bo'ladi. Bepanthen® PRO ko'z tomchilari tez va ishonchli yordam beradi. Har bir ko'zga kuniga 3-5 marta bir tomchi tomizing. Ularga g'amxo'rlik qiladi, himoya qiladi va ayniqsa, uzoq muddatli ilovalarda ham yaxshi muhosaba qilinadi...

26.14 USD

Biolan eye drops

Biolan eye drops

Mahsulot kodi: 2810648

Composition 0.15% hyaluronic acid, sodium salt, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, water purified. Properties Features: also suitable for contact lens wearers (all types of contact lenses); without preservative substances; Remarks: Dosage: 1-2 drops per eye several times a day; Application dry eyes; irritated eyes; Composition 0.15% hyaluronic acid, sodium salt, sodium dihydrogen phosphate , disodium hydrogen phosphate, purified water. Properties Properties: also suitable for contact lens wearers (all types of contact lenses); without preservative substances; Remarks: Dosage: 1-2 drops per eye several times a day; Application dry eyes; irritated eyes; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

54.47 USD

Cerave moisturizer can 454 g

Cerave moisturizer can 454 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7402090

CeraVe namlovchi krem ​​Ds 454 g Quruq va juda quruq teri uchun oziqlantiruvchi krem. Xushbo'y hidsiz, keramidlar va gialuron kislotasi bilan yuz va tanada kundalik foydalanish uchun. CeraVe namlovchi kremi tarkibida uchta muhim keramidlar 1, 3 va 6-II kombinatsiyasi mavjud bo'lib, ular terining himoya to'sig'ini hosil qiladi va terini yana yumshoq va baxmal qiladi. Keramidlar va gialuron kislotasi kabi faol moddalar kun davomida patentlangan faol moddalar orqali chiqariladi va quruq teriga uning farovonligini qaytaradi....

33.32 USD

Cerave namlovchi tozalovchi fl 88 ml

Cerave namlovchi tozalovchi fl 88 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7401908

Moisturizing cleansing lotion for normal to dry skin. Perfume-free and with ceramides for daily use on the face and body. Properties The CeraVe moisturizing cleansing lotion with ceramides and hyaluronic acid cleans and moisturizes without attacking the skin's protective barrier. It is suitable for normal to dry skin for daily cleansing and care of the face and body.Paraben-, perfume- and soap-free. Compatibility confirmed. Application Put cleansing lotion in the palms of your hands, apply to damp skin and massage in gently. rinse off Avoid eye contours. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly.Suitable for adults and children. ..

11.63 USD

Cerave nemlendirici tube 177 ml

Cerave nemlendirici tube 177 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7402084

CeraVe namlovchi krem ​​Tb 177ml Quruq va juda quruq teri uchun oziqlantiruvchi krem. Xushbo'y hidsiz, keramidlar va gialuron kislotasi bilan yuz va tanada kundalik foydalanish uchun. CeraVe namlovchi kremi tarkibida uchta muhim keramidlar 1, 3 va 6-II kombinatsiyasi mavjud bo'lib, ular terining himoya to'sig'ini hosil qiladi va terini yana yumshoq va baxmal qiladi. Keramidlar va gialuron kislotasi kabi faol moddalar kun davomida patentlangan faol moddalar orqali chiqariladi va quruq teriga uning farovonligini qaytaradi....

21.19 USD

Cerave nemlendirici tube 50 ml

Cerave nemlendirici tube 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7401943

CeraVe namlovchi krem ​​Tb 50 ml Quruq va juda quruq teri uchun oziqlantiruvchi krem. Xushbo'y hidsiz, keramidlar va gialuron kislotasi bilan yuz va tanada kundalik foydalanish uchun. CeraVe quruq va juda quruq teri uchun namlovchi krem, 3 ta asosiy keramid va 50 ml gialuron kislotasi bilan..

9.79 USD

Cerave regenerating ko'z kremi tube 14 ml

Cerave regenerating ko'z kremi tube 14 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7401966

Regenerating eye cream against dark circles and puffiness. Perfume-free and with ceramides and hyaluronic acid for daily care around the eye area. Properties The CeraVe Regenerating Eye Cream with ceramides and hyaluronic acid reduces dark circles and swelling and supports the renewal of the skin's protective barrier. The cream cares for and protects the sensitive area around the eyes. Application Apply around the eyes several times a day and massage in gently if necessary. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes when using. In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water.Paraben and perfume free. Compatibility confirmed. ..

29.60 USD

Collypan dry eyes gd opht 15 monodoseos 0,35ml

Collypan dry eyes gd opht 15 monodoseos 0,35ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6169869

Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos 0.35ml Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos is a solution specially designed for the treatment of dry eye syndrome, a condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears to keep them properly lubricated. This can cause discomfort, itching, redness, and even blurred vision. The solution comes in 15 single-dose vials of 0.35ml each, making it easy to carry and use on-the-go. The monodoses are also hygienic and convenient, reducing the risk of contamination or waste. Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht contains a combination of active ingredients that work together to moisturize and protect the eyes. It includes hyaluronic acid, a natural lubricant found in the eye that helps to retain moisture and improve tear film stability. Sodium hyaluronate, another form of hyaluronic acid, helps to increase the viscosity of the solution, prolonging its effects. It also contains vitamin B12, which has been shown to improve symptoms of dry eye. The product is easy to use. Simply twist off the top of the vial, place a drop of the solution in the corner of your eye, and blink a few times to spread it across the surface. The solution is suitable for daily use, and can even be used with contact lenses in place. Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos 0.35ml is a safe and effective solution for those suffering from dry eye syndrome, providing long-lasting relief and protection for the eyes. ..

28.72 USD

Dermasel niqobi tungi ta'mirlash nemis / frantsuz / italyan bataloni 12 ml

Dermasel niqobi tungi ta'mirlash nemis / frantsuz / italyan bataloni 12 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7815314

Dermasel Night Repair Mask ? For a Restful and Rejuvenating Sleep The Dermasel Night Repair Mask is the ultimate skin repair solution for your nighttime skincare routine. This German/French/Italian Battalion 12ml mask is packed with essential nutrients that penetrate deeply into your skin to rejuvenate and nourish it while you sleep. The key ingredients in this mask include dead sea minerals, hyaluronic acid, and essential oils. Dead sea minerals help to rid your skin of impurities, keeping it fresh and clean. Hyaluronic acid locks in moisture, ensuring that your skin is well-hydrated and plump. Essential oils such as lavender and chamomile help to soothe your skin, promoting a restful sleep. This night repair mask is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is designed to be used at least once a week or as often as required to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Its lightweight formula is easily absorbed into the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and silky-smooth. To use, apply a generous amount of the mask to your face and neck before bedtime. Leave it on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Wake up to a revitalized and refreshed complexion. Take the first step in achieving a healthier, glowing complexion with the Dermasel Night Repair Mask. Order yours today and experience the difference it can make in your skin. ..

6.52 USD

Eucerin hyaluron-filler + volume-lift eye care 15ml tube

Eucerin hyaluron-filler + volume-lift eye care 15ml tube

Mahsulot kodi: 7233523

Eucerin Hyaluron-FILLER xususiyatlari + Volume-Lift Eye Care 15ml TbSaqlash harorati min/maks. 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 mlOg'irligi: 30g Uzunligi: 25mm Kenligi: 42mm Balandligi: 141mm Eucerin Hyaluron-FILLER sotib oling + Volume-Lift Eye Care 15ml Tb Shveytsariyadan onlayn..

54.49 USD

Eucerin hyaluron-to'ldiruvchi ko'zni parvarish qilish 15 ml

Eucerin hyaluron-to'ldiruvchi ko'zni parvarish qilish 15 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3554905

Eye care with SPF 15, hyaluronic acid and glycine saponin, which fills in even deep wrinkles. Properties without perfume; SPF 10 and UVA protection; Application Dab a pea-sized amount of eye care under and around the eyes and gently massage in with fingertips, avoiding eye contact . ..

52.96 USD

Eucerin hyaluron-to'ldiruvchi kunduzgi parvarish 50 ml

Eucerin hyaluron-to'ldiruvchi kunduzgi parvarish 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 3275401

A day cream with pure hyaluronic acid that plumps up the skin from the inside out, so that even deep wrinkles are visibly reduced. Properties Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Day Cream plumps up the skin from the inside out to visibly reduce even deep wrinkles. The day cream with SPF 15 and UVA Protection effectively protects against premature skin aging and deepening of wrinkles.Highly concentrated saponin deeply redynamizes the skin's own hyaluronic acid production, so that the skin is plumped up again in a natural way.The skin becomes supplied with pure hyaluronic acid, the long-chain hyaluronic acid acts at the origin of fine wrinkles in the upper epidermal skin layers, while the short-chain hyaluronic acid penetrates deeper into the epidermal skin layers, where deeper wrinkles form. Skin compatibility dermatologically tested Application Apply the day cream to cleansed face in the morning before going to bed. div>..

64.31 USD

Fermavisc xavfsiz tomchisi gd opht 0,1% fl 10 ml

Fermavisc xavfsiz tomchisi gd opht 0,1% fl 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5757096

Eye drops for natural eye lubrication with hyaluronic acid, without preservatives. Properties h3> The Fermavisc Safedrop eye drops are moisturizing, highly viscous eye drops with hyaluronic acid.The drops ensure natural moistening.It is soothing, well tolerated and long-lasting.10ml eye drops with 0.10% sodium hyaluronate Safe without preservatives Notes Keep out of reach of children.After Can be used for six months once opened.Read the leaflet before use.This product is CE-marked . This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

23.52 USD

Hans karrer face cream repair eco tube 50 ml

Hans karrer face cream repair eco tube 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6693518

Hans Karrer Repair Eco face cream based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) ideally cares for dry facial skin with a special combination of active ingredients. Thanks to skin-like hyaluronic acids (50 kDa and 200 kDa) and glycerine, your skin is optimally supplied with moisture. Free from emulsifiers Free from fragrances Free from mineral oils Free from silicones Free from preservatives Free from parabens Hans Karrer Repair Eco face cream based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) ideally cares for dry facial skin with a special combination of active ingredients. Thanks to skin-like hyaluronic acids (50 kDa and 200 kDa) and glycerine, your skin is optimally supplied with moisture.Free from emulsifiersFree from fragrancesFree from mineral oilsFree from siliconesPreservative freeParaben free ..

31.64 USD

Hyaluronik regulatpro 20 x 20 ml

Hyaluronik regulatpro 20 x 20 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6986864

Regulatpro® Hyaluron - the anti-aging beauty drink Property name The vegan beauty drink Regulatpro® Hyaluron naturally supplies the skin1, connective tissue4, hair2 and nails3 with essential nutrients. Get the beauty boost with just one bottle a day. Composition Water, REGULATESSENZ (cascade-fermented concentrate of: water, lemons, figs, dates, Walnuts, soybeans, onions, coconuts, glycerin (vegetable), celery, mung bean sprouts, acerola extract (17.5% Vit. C) 1.4%, artichokes, peas, millet, spice mixture, turmeric, saffron) plum concentrate, pear concentrate, horsetail extract 1%, L-ascorbic acid 0.375%, zinc gluconate 0.185%, hyaluronic acid 0.45%, copper sulphate 0.0049%, D-biotin 0.00025%DE. Application Just take a beauty shot undiluted in the morning or between meals. You should then drink a glass of still water so that the hyaluronic acid can swell optimally. A cure application of two to three packs of 20 bottles each is recommended. To maintain the positive effects, you should then drink a bottle every 2 to 3 days. Due to its excellent tolerability, Regulatpro® Hyaluron can also be taken daily and permanently.The stated recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Do not use as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of small children.A balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important for your health. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy tr> Energy308 kJ100 gExact value (=)Energy72 kcal100 g Exact value (=)Fat0.1 g100 gSmaller than ()Fat, of which saturated fatty acids0 g100 g Smaller than ()Carbohydrates9.3 g100 gExact value (=)Carbohydrates, including sugar8.3 g100 gExact value (=)Dietary fiber0 g100 gSmaller than ()protein0 g 100 gExact value (=)Salt0.02 g100 gExact value (=)Vitamin C90 mg td>100 gExact value (=)Biotin225 µg 100 gExact value (=)Copper 0.00125 mg100 gExact value (=)Zinc23 mg100 gApproximate value (~) div> ..

136.45 USD

Hylo gel gd opht 0,2% 2 x 10 ml

Hylo gel gd opht 0,2% 2 x 10 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 4750896

Eye drops for the treatment of severely dry and chronically dry eyes, which ensure intensive and long-lasting moisturizing of the surface of the eye. A lasting moisturizing effect can only be achieved with highly viscous eye drops, which remain on the surface of the eye for significantly longer. The ingredient hyaluronic acid contained in Hylo-Gel is almost predestined for this task. Due to its special properties and the extraordinarily high quality of the hyaluronic acid contained in Hylo-Gel, a concentration of 0.2% is already sufficient to achieve a significantly increased viscosity of the drop solution. It is important that, despite the almost gel-like consistency of Hylo-Gel, there is no impairment of visual performance...

61.82 USD

Ialuril prefill 50 ml oldindan to'ldirilgan shpritslar

Ialuril prefill 50 ml oldindan to'ldirilgan shpritslar

Mahsulot kodi: 7746702

Tibbiy qurilma tarkibi Har bir 50 ml oldindan to'ldirilgan Ialuril Prefill shpritsida quyidagilar mavjud: suv, kaltsiy xlorid, gialuron kislotasi natriy tuzi, natriy xondroitin sulfat. Galenik shakli va birlikdagi faol moddalar miqdori Luer qulf adapteri va Ialu adapteri bilan oldindan to'ldirilgan 50 ml shprits. Tarkibida natriy gialuronat (1,6% - 800 mg/50 ml), natriy xondroitin sulfat (2% - 1 g/50 ml) va kaltsiy xlorid (0,87%) bo'lgan steril eritma - 440 mg/50 ml). Ko'rsatmalar/ilovalar Ialuril Prefill vesikal uroteliyning glikozaminoglikan qatlamlarini (GAG) tiklash uchun, ularning yo'qolishi tez-tez va takrorlanadigan shikoyatlarni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin bo'lgan hollarda (masalan, turli xil etiologiyali sistit) ).Ialuril Prefill glikozaminoglikan qatlamlari yo'qolgan hollarda ham ko'rsatiladi. (GAG) surunkali yallig'lanish shakllari bilan bog'liq bo'lib, unda bu qatlamlarning tarkibi va yaxlitligi o'zgaruvchan tarzda buzilgan. Qo'llash dozasi/h3> Vezikal instilatsiya uchun. Har bir oldindan to'ldirilgan shprits faqat bitta bemor uchun mo'ljallangan. Qo'llash chastotasi Tavsiya etiladi 1 ta oldindan toʻldirilgan shprits tarkibini quyidagi sxema boʻyicha tomizing: Birinchi oy davomida haftasiga 1 marta; ikkinchi oyda har ikki haftada 1 marta. Keyingi oylarda har bir tomchiga 1 tomchi tomiziladi. Oy belgilari barqaror bo'lgunga qadar yoki shifokor ko'rsatmasi bo'yicha tavsiya etiladi. Ialuril Prefill kateter yoki Ialuadapter orqali kiritilishi mumkin. Qo'llash usulini tanlash har bir bemor uchun tibbiy fikrga asoslanadi. Ialurilni qo'llash Kateter orqali oldindan to'ldirish Bemor o'z-o'zidan siydik chiqargandan so'ng, siydik pufagi barcha siydikdan tozalanishi kerak. qoldiqni maxsus ishlab chiqilgan steril kateter yordamida tashqi uretra teshigi (meatus urethrae externus) orqali tozalang. Oldindan to'ldirilgan shpritsga taqdim etilgan piston rodini joylashtiring va mahkam burab qo'ying. Luer qulf adapterini oldindan to'ldirilgan shpritsning yuqori qismiga ulang va uni sterilga ulang. siydik pufagida joylashgan kateter. Sekin-asta bir martalik suyuqlikning butun tarkibini to'kib tashlang. shpritsni siydik pufagiga kateter orqali kiriting. Mahsulot siydik pufagiga tomizilgach, kateterni shprits bilan ehtiyotkorlik bilan olib tashlang va tashlang. /li> Ialuril Prefill ilovasi orqali Ialuadapter Davolashni boshlashdan oldin bemordan siydik chiqarishi so'raladi va tomizishdan oldin siydik pufagi to'liq bo'shligiga ishonch hosil qiling. va mahkam burab qo'ying. Ialuadapterni oldindan to'ldirilgan shpritsning yuqori uchiga yarim burilish harakati bilan o'rnating. ushlab turing. Ialu adapteri yordamida bir martalik shpritsning butun tarkibini siydik pufagiga sekin tomizing. Mahsulot siydik pufagiga kiritilishi bilanoq, Ialuadapterni shprits bilan ehtiyotkorlik bilan olib tashlang va uni tashlang. Ialuril Prefillni qovuqda shunday qoldiring iloji boricha uzoqroq (tavsiya etilgan minimal yashash vaqti 30 daqiqa). Qo'llash mumkin bo'lmagan holatlar Hozirgi kunga qadar Ialuril Prefillni qo'llash bilan bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan ma'lum kontrendikatsiyalar mavjud emas. Ialuril Prefill preparatining biron bir tarkibiy qismiga yuqori sezuvchanligingiz ma'lum bo'lsa, foydalanmaslik kerak. Ogohlantirishlar va ehtiyot choralariIaluril Prefillni kateter yoki Ialuadapter orqali yuborish faqat amalga oshirilishi kerak. malakali xodimlar tomonidan. Ushbu muolaja steril sharoitda va sezgirlik bilan amalga oshirilishi kerak, chunki bemorda, masalan, interstitsial sistit mavjud bo'lsa ayniqsa, bemorda bakterial sistitning rivojlanishi, bu kasallikning alomatlarini yomonlashtiradi, qorinning pastki qismidagi og'riqlardan shikoyat qiladi, qorinning pastki qismida og'riqni kuchaytirmaslik uchun ataylab kamroq siyish siyish natijasida kelib chiqqan (og'riqdan kelib chiqqan mushaklarning gipertoniyasi). Iloji bo'lsa, antibakterial tozalash vositasi bilan qo'llarni ehtiyotkorlik bilan yuving, so'ngra preparatni boshlashdan oldin steril qo'lqop kiying. Ialuril Prefillni qo'llash. Intravezikal instilatsiyani o'tkazish bo'yicha qo'llanmadagi ko'rsatmalarga diqqat bilan amal qiling. O'zaro ta'sirlar Hech qanday dori yo'q. Ialuril Prefillning turli xil etiologiyali sistit bilan og'rigan bemorlar tomonidan qo'llaniladigan boshqa dorilar bilan ma'lum o'zaro ta'siri. keraksiz ta'sir Ialuril Prefill dan foydalanish natijasida yuzaga keladigan nojo'ya ta'sirlar ma'lum emas. Ba'zida bemorlarda instilatsiya jarayoni tufayli mahalliy reaktsiyalar (tirnash xususiyati, yonish) paydo bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bu Ialuril Prefill tibbiy qurilmasiga bog'liq emas. Agar biron bir nojo'ya ta'sir yuzaga kelsa, davolashni to'xtatish kerak. Xususiyatlar/ta'sirlar Suroteliy asosan glikozaminoglikanlardan (GAG) tashkil topgan polianion molekulalar qatlami bilan qoplangan, siydikda mavjud bo'lgan toksik va tirnash xususiyati beruvchi moddalarga (masalan, bakteriyalar, mikrokristallar, oqsillar, ionli va noaniq) qarshi o'tib bo'lmaydigan va neytrallashtiruvchi himoya to'sig'ini tashkil etuvchi aminokislotalar sinfi. ion qoldiqlari va boshqalar) va ularning tizimli reabsorbsiyasi.Of the Ushbu himoya to'sig'ini tashkil etuvchi GAG'lar, xondroitin sulfat va gialuron kislotasi to'siqning o'zi funktsiyasida markaziy rol o'ynaydi. Bu ikki GAGning turli darajadagi sifat va miqdoriy tebranishlari to'siq ta'sirini faolsizlantiradi va shu bilan bir qator sharoitlarni keltirib chiqaradi. turli tabiatdagi sistitning paydo bo'lishi (masalan, interstitsial sistit, infektsiyalardan kelib chiqqan takroriy sistit, saraton kasalligini davolashda ishlatiladigan moddalardan kelib chiqqan sistit). , radiatsiyadan kelib chiqqan sistit, travmatik sistit).Ialuril Prefill, natriy gialuronat, xondroitin sulfat va kaltsiy xloridning muvozanatli kombinatsiyasi kaltsiy xloridning ta'siri tufayli to'siq bilan funktsional ravishda birlashtirilishi va shu bilan uning himoya funktsiyasini tiklashi mumkin. Boshqa ma'lumotlar Ialuril Oldindan to'ldirish bug'da sterillangan. Ialuril Prefill latekssiz. Ialuril Prefill faqat paketda ko'rsatilgan yaroqlilik muddati tugagunga qadar ishlatilishi mumkin. Paket ochilgan yoki shikastlangan bo'lsa, Luer Lock adapteridan foydalanmang. Paket bo'lsa, Ialuadapterdan foydalanmang. ochilgan yoki shikastlangan. Agar paket ochilgan yoki shikastlangan bo'lsa, Ialuril Prefill ishlatilmasligi kerak. Ialuril Prefill ishlatilmasligi kerak. agar eritmada ifloslanish yoki chiziqlar aniq bo'lsa. Qayta sterilizatsiya qilmang. Ishlatilmagan eritma qoldiqlari endi ishlatilmasligi mumkin. Kontaminatsiya xavfini oldini olish uchun qayta ishlatmang. Ialuril Prefill ochilgandan so'ng darhol ishlatilishi va ishlatilgandan keyin tashlab yuborilishi kerak. 0-25°C gacha va issiqlik manbalaridan uzoqda. BOLALAR qo'li etmaydigan joyda saqlang.Faqat shifokorga qarshi berilishi mumkinmi? retsept. Sotuvchi kompaniya IBSA Institut Biochimique SA, CH-6903 Lugano. Luer qulf adapteri ishlab chiqaruvchisi Primed Halberstadt Medizintechnik GmbH, Strasse des 20. 1-iyul, D-38820 Halberstadt. Ialu adapteri Dispomedicor Zrt, Füredi ùt 98, H-4032 Debrecen. Ialuril Oldindan to‘ldirilgan shprits IBSA Farmaceutici Italia Srl, Via Martiri di Cefalonia 2, I-26900 Lodi (LO). ..

255.74 USD

Mettler intensiv namlovchi sarum 30 ml

Mettler intensiv namlovchi sarum 30 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6293463

Introducing the Mettler intense moisture serum ? the ultimate solution to dehydrated and dull skin! If you're looking for a powerful and efficient way to nourish and hydrate your skin, look no further than our Mettler intense moisture serum. This potent serum is specifically designed to deliver deep hydration to your skin, leaving it feeling soft, plump, and radiant. Our serum is packed with high-quality ingredients that work together to deliver maximum moisture retention to your skin. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is known for its ability to hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, making it one of the most effective hydrating ingredients available. Additionally, our serum is infused with vitamin C and E, natural antioxidants that help protect your skin from environmental damage. The Mettler intense moisture serum is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is free from parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, making it a safe and effective choice for anyone looking to improve the overall health and appearance of their skin. To use, simply apply a small amount of the serum to your face and neck after cleansing and toning. Gently massage the serum into your skin using circular motions until it is fully absorbed. For best results, use morning and night as part of your daily skincare routine. Experience the transformative power of our Mettler intense moisture serum and achieve a healthy, youthful-looking complexion that glows from the inside out. Order now and see the difference for yourself!..

110.61 USD

Neutrogena hydroboost krem ​​jeli can 50 ml

Neutrogena hydroboost krem ​​jeli can 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7771904

Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML The Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML is a powerful moisturizer that deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin. It is specially formulated to provide 24-hour hydration, leaving your skin feeling silky smooth and looking radiant. The cream gel is made using a unique formula that contains purified hyaluronic acid, olive extract, and glycerin, which work together to provide intense hydration to the skin. It is free from oil, dye, and fragrance, making it gentle and safe for use on all skin types, including sensitive skin. The Hydroboost Cream Gel DS is non-comedogenic, which means it won't clog your pores or cause any breakouts. It is lightweight and absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving behind no greasy residue. You can wear it alone or under your makeup for a smooth and flawless application. The product comes in a convenient 50 ML size, making it easy to take with you on-the-go. It is also dermatologist tested, so you can trust that it is safe and effective. Give your skin the hydration it deserves with Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML. ..

32.61 USD

Phytopharma throat 30 tabletka

Phytopharma throat 30 tabletka

Mahsulot kodi: 6247285

The Phytopharma throat tablets are a medical product that protect the mouth and the mucous membrane of the throat.The lozenges alleviate throat irritation, hoarseness, sore throat and soothe heavily stressed vocal cords.The tablets contain a hydrogel complex with hyaluronic acid. Without preservatives and coloringsSugar freeGluten freeLactose free Use Depending on your needs, suck a throat tablet several times a day, e.g. every 2 - 3 hours. Hints The tablets should not be chewed or swallowed whole.The tablets contain sorbitol and can have a laxative effect if consumed in excess. ..

25.00 USD

Vichy minéral 89 ko'zni parvarish qilish fl 15 ml

Vichy minéral 89 ko'zni parvarish qilish fl 15 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7638349

Eye care with thermal water, hyaluronic acid and pure caffeine. For a radiant look and to reduce dark circles. Composition Aqua, Propanediol, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter/Shea Butter, Glycerin, Carbomer, Caffeine, Sodium Hyaluronate, Adenosine, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorella Vulgaris Extract, Citric Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Biosaccharide Gum-1. Properties The Vichy Mineral89 eye care ensures a radiant look every day. The eye care contains the highly concentrated power of 89% thermal water, combined with hyaluronic acid of natural origin and pure caffeine. The unique freshness boost also strengthens the skin's defenses against internal and external influences. These include stress, fatigue, smoking, cold and pollution. Suitable for all skin typesReduces dark circles or lightens dark circlesStrengthens verifiably the skin barrierHas a plumping effectMakes the skin more resistantProvides 24-hour moistureWithout fragrances, without alcohol Dermatologically testedNon-comedogenic (does not clog pores) Thermal water This water is rich in 15 rare minerals, it is a natural active ingredient for healthy-looking and beautiful skin.To relax the area around the eyes and counteract dark circles, the care can be massaged into the eye contour with 2 fingers with rolling pressure.To smooth out wrinkles, fingers can be used to stroke from the inner to the outer corner of the lower eye area and the eyelid. Application A drop of eye care on the fingertips and gently tap under each eye. ..

39.38 USD

Vichy mineral 89 fl 75 ml

Vichy mineral 89 fl 75 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7638473

The Vichy Mineral 89 Booster ensures a healthy radiance every day with the natural thermal water from Vichy and hyaluronic acid. Composition Aqua, PEG/PPG/Polybutylene Glycol-8/5/3 Glycerin, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Methyl Gluceth-20, Carbomer, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid, Biosaccharide Gum-1. Properties The Vichy Mineral89 Booster ensures a healthy radiance every day. The care contains the highly concentrated power of 89% thermal water, combined with hyaluronic acid of natural origin. The unique freshness boost also strengthens the skin's defenses against internal and external influences. These include stress, tiredness, smoking, cold and pollution. Provided to strengthen the skin barrierHas a plumping effectMakes the skin more resilient Moisturizes with immediate effect: the skin feels smoother immediately after use, is optimally moisturized and radiatesVery light and quickly absorbing textureIdeal as the first step of the daily care routine Thermal water This water is rich in 15 rare minerals, it is a natural active ingredient for a healthy-looking and beautiful skin. Application Apply 2 drops to cleansed face in the morning and evening.Gently rub in with your fingertips in back and forth movements activates the microcirculation and spreads the product all over the face.For a smoothing effect: Distribute the care product from the inside to the outside with upward stroking movements.With one hand on each side of the face Sweep your chin up over the bridge of your nose to your forehead. = Large 8Run your fingertips from the inner corner of the eye over the eyebrows (here with a little more pressure) then over the temples and dark circles. = Small 8Hold your index fingers in a 9 (index finger over eyebrow, thumb toward chin) on each side of the face, sweeping firmly from the inside of the eye to the forehead, then gently to the temples to the Cheekbones. ..

56.40 USD

Vichy minéral 89 german fl 50 ml

Vichy minéral 89 german fl 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 6992014

The Vichy Mineral 89 Booster ensures a healthy radiance every day with the natural thermal water from Vichy and hyaluronic acid. Absorbs immediately without being greasy. Composition Aqua, PEG/PPG /Polybutylene Glycol-8/5/3 Glycerin, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Methyl Gluceth-20, Carbomer, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid, Biosaccharide Gum-1. Properties The Vichy Mineral89 Booster ensures a healthy radiance every day. The care contains the highly concentrated power of 89% thermal water, combined with hyaluronic acid of natural origin. The unique freshness boost also strengthens the skin's defenses against internal and external influences. These include stress, tiredness, smoking, cold and pollution. Provided to strengthen the skin barrierHas a plumping effectMakes the skin more resilient Moisturizes with immediate effect: the skin feels smoother immediately after use, is optimally moisturized and radiatesVery light and quickly absorbing textureIdeal as the first step of the daily care routine Thermal water This water is rich in 15 rare minerals, it is a natural active ingredient for a healthy-looking and beautiful skin. Application Apply 2 drops to cleansed face in the morning and evening.Gently rub in with your fingertips in back and forth movements activates the microcirculation and spreads the product all over the face.For a smoothing effect: Distribute the care product from the inside to the outside with upward stroking movements.With one hand on each side of the face Sweep your chin up over the bridge of your nose to your forehead. = Large 8Run your fingertips from the inner corner of the eye over the eyebrows (here with a little more pressure) then over the temples and dark circles. = Small 8Hold your index fingers in a 9 (index finger over eyebrow, thumb toward chin) on each side of the face, sweeping firmly from the inside of the eye to the forehead, then gently to the temples to the Cheekbones. ..

44.52 USD

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