
yuqori changni yutish qobiliyati

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Yuqori changni yutish qobiliyatiga ega mahsulotlar yarani samarali parvarish qilish uchun zarurdir, chunki ular qon, ekssudat va yara ajralishlari kabi suyuqliklarni tezda o'zlashtiradi va infektsiya xavfini kamaytiradi. Ushbu mahsulotlar, ayniqsa, nozik teriga ega bo'lgan odamlar uchun foydali bo'lib, tirnash xususiyatisiz yumshoq himoya qiladi. Operatsiyadan keyingi jarohatlar, mayda kesishlar, aşınmalar va kuyishlarni davolash uchun ideal bo'lib, ularning konstruktsiyasi odatda bakteriya va tashqi ifloslantiruvchi moddalar uchun steril, o'tkazmaydigan to'siqni ta'minlash uchun viskoza jun va himoya poliuretan plyonkani o'z ichiga oladi. Ushbu kiyim-kechaklarning mos keladigan, cho'ziladigan va nafas oladigan tabiati tabiiy shifo berishga imkon beradi va ularning uzoq muddatli dizayni ular bir necha kun davomida o'z joyida qolib, barqaror himoyani ta'minlaydi. Kasalxonalar va klinikalar kabi uy va professional sharoitlarga mos keladigan yuqori changni yutish qobiliyatiga ega ushbu mahsulotlar har qanday birinchi tibbiy yordam to'plamiga muhim qo'shimcha bo'lib, jarohatlarning butun davolanish jarayonida toza va himoyalangan bo'lishini ta'minlaydi.
Leukomed t plus teriga sezgir 5x7,2 sm

Leukomed t plus teriga sezgir 5x7,2 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 7766338

LEUKOMED T plus skin sensitive 5x7.2cm The LEUKOMED T plus skin sensitive 5x7.2cm is a sterile, self-adhesive wound dressing designed for the management of post-operative wounds, minor cuts, abrasions, and burns. It is an ideal choice for individuals with sensitive skin, as it causes no irritation or allergic reactions. The wound dressing has a high absorbent capacity that enables it to quickly absorb fluids such as blood, exudate, and wound excretions. The central absorbent pad is made of viscose fleece and is covered by a thin polyurethane film that provides an impermeable layer to bacteria and external contaminants, thus preventing wound infection. Its adhesive properties are designed to provide gentle fixation, easy removal, and minimal trauma to the skin. The LEUKOMED T plus skin sensitive 5x7.2cm is conformable, stretchable, and breathable, an important feature that facilitates gas exchange and allows the wound to heal naturally. The dressing also features a transparent window that allows for visual monitoring of the wound without disturbing the dressing, thus reducing the chances of bacterial contamination. It can be worn for up to seven days, providing a long-lasting barrier against external contaminants until the wound has healed. The LEUKOMED T plus skin sensitive 5x7.2cm comes in a convenient pack of ten single-use sterile dressings, making it easy and hygienic to use. It is an essential item that should be in every first aid kit and is suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, and households. To use, ensure the wound is clean and dry, remove the protective paper from the dressing, and gently apply the adhesive side to the wound. Ensure the dressing is well fixed to the skin to prevent it from peeling off. Replace the dressing as required, or as directed by a healthcare provider. Get your LEUKOMED T plus skin sensitive 5x7.2cm today and keep your wounds properly protected while they heal...

13.45 USD

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