
to'pig'ini yostig'i

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 2 gacha 2
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Bizning ViscoSpot va ViscoHeel to'piq yostiqlarimiz yordamida to'pig'ingizni to'g'irlashning eng zo'r yengilligini kashf qiling. To'pig'i to'pig'idan og'riydiganlar uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bu visko-elastik yostiqlar har bir qadamning ta'sirini samarali tarzda o'zlashtiradi. Innovatsion dizayn tovonning nozik joylariga bosimni engillashtiradigan yumshoqroq ko'k dog'ni o'z ichiga oladi, anatomik shakli esa optimal qulaylik va poyabzalning ichiga mukammal joylashishini ta'minlaydi. 41-47 o'lchamlarda mavjud bo'lgan bu yostiqlar Idoralar sertifikatiga ega va Shveytsariyadan kelib chiqqan bo'lib, Evropaning yuqori sifatini ta'minlaydi. Ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlangan to'piq yostiqlari bilan misli ko'rilmagan qulaylik va yengillikdan bahramand bo'ling.
Viscoheel tovon yostig'i gr1 1 juft

Viscoheel tovon yostig'i gr1 1 juft

Mahsulot kodi: 6324092

ViscoHeel to'pig'i yostig'ining xususiyatlari Gr1 1 juftEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 135g Uzunlik: 30mm Keng: 120mm Balandligi: 160mm ViscoHeel tovon yostigʻi Gr1 1 juft Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

53.97 USD

Viscospot tovon yostig'i gr2 chap juftlik 1

Viscospot tovon yostig'i gr2 chap juftlik 1

Mahsulot kodi: 2053839

ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe pain caused by overexertion when walking and standing. The cushion absorbs the impact of every step, while the softer blue dot relieves the sensitive pressure point on the sole of the heel. In addition, the elastic anatomical shape adapts perfectly to the shoe and foot, which guarantees a high level of comfort. Product information The ViscoSpot heel cushion with the relief spot for the left foot and size 2 is suitable for shoe sizes 41-47...

74.07 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 2 gacha 2
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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