
issiqlik terapiyasi

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 25 gacha 26
(hammasi 2 sahifa)
Qulaylik va yengillikni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan yuqori sifatli mahsulotlarimizdan tayyorlangan tanlovimiz bilan issiqlik terapiyasining tinchlantiruvchi kuchini kashf eting. Mushaklar og'rig'ini engillashtirishingiz, bo'g'imlardagi noqulaylikni engillashtirishingiz yoki sovuq kechalarda issiq turishingiz kerakmi, bizning issiqlik terapiyasi echimlarimiz juda mos keladi. Ishonchli brendlardan biz keng assortimentni taklif qilamiz, jumladan, termoplastik issiq suv idishlari, o'z-o'zidan isitiladigan prokladkalar va og'riqni boshqarish va dam olishni rag'batlantirish uchun ideal terapevtik yamoqlar. Sizning ehtiyojlaringiz uchun mukammal vositani topish uchun bizning kollektsiyamizga sho'ng'ing, ularning har biri sifat va xavfsizlikka e'tibor qaratilgan. Samarali issiqlik taqsimotining afzalliklaridan bahramand bo'ling va Shveytsariyadan sog'liq va go'zallik takliflarimiz bilan iliqlik va qulaylikni kundalik hayotingizning bir qismiga aylantiring.
3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23,5 x 11 sm thinsulate

3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23,5 x 11 sm thinsulate

Mahsulot kodi: 7413225

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Flexible Thinsulate, 23.5 cm x 11 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Flexible is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for a sprained ankle, strained muscles on legs/arms after sports activities, contusion swelling e.g. B. on the knee and ligament strains. Use the heated product for muscle spasms in the arm/hand caused by repetitive movements, e.g. B. caused by playing tennis or golf, knee or general leg muscle tension and arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis (without acute inflammation) such. B. for wrist osteoarthritis.BENEFITS: - Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. - Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Includes protective cover and strap with Thinsulate? fabric for hands-free use- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: approx. 235 mm x 110 mm This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

30.54 USD

3m nexcare coldhot bio gel mini

3m nexcare coldhot bio gel mini

Mahsulot kodi: 5889509

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Coldhot Bio Gel Mini ..

29.15 USD

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 x 11 sm 2 dona

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 x 11 sm 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7467422

The reusable ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses from Nexcare can be used both cold and warm. It uses the natural power of cold and warmth and uses it as an alternative therapy.As a heat compress, it helps to relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain, soothe and relax.As a cold compress, it helps Relief of pain, inflammation and swelling.A protective cover is supplied with the gel compresses, which ensures safety and enables easy and comfortable use.The gel contained is non-toxic and 99% of the time biodegradable (99% of the active ingredients are according to 84/449 / EEC). This makes it particularly environmentally friendly and safe for the whole family.ApplicationCold therapy :Use for: toothache, acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps), nosebleeds, swelling after infections or insect bites, fever (not intended to lower body temperature).Keep the gel compress in the refrigerator or freezer so that it is always ready to use. It must be refrigerated or frozen (in the refrigerator or freezer) for more than 2 hours before the compress can be used.Always use the gel compress with the protective cover provided or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin.Do not use the compress for more than 20 minutes to avoid burns and frostbite. Wait 20 minutes before using again, meanwhile put again in the refrigerator or freezer.Heat therapy:Use for: Growing pains, stomach pains (only due to tense muscles), warming the hands.Water bath:Boil water and remove from the heat source. Put the gel compress in the water for 60 seconds and then carefully remove it from the hot water. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Microwave:Place the gel compress flat in the microwave for 20 seconds at 640 W and then carefully remove it from the microwave. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Always use the gel compress with the enclosed protective cover or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin. If the compress is too hot, let it cool down before use.The compresses can be washed by hand with mild soap.No alcohol or use other solvents for cleaning.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses can be disposed of with normal household waste.NoteFor external use only.Discontinue use if you experience discomfort.If discomfort or discomfort persists Consult a doctor.Do not use on injured or sensitive skin areas.People who are known or suspected of having nervous or circulatory problems should only use these compresses Use with a doctor's prescription.Use on children or people with intellectual disabilities only under supervision.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compress not to be used as a toy ends.Never heat the compress if it is folded, kinked or frozen. This can lead to leakage.Damage to the compresses due to overheating.Do not heat in the oven or grill.Do not sit on the gel compress, lean against it or excessively Apply pressure as this can cause damage and / or leakage. Do not use while sleeping.Check the tightness before use.Never use damaged compresses. Discard if leaks.Use caution to avoid frostbite or damage to the nerves.The heat can cause local burns due to its analgesic effect.?Which packs are available?3M Nexcare coldhot Happy Kids 12 x 11cm 2 pcs?????..

28.74 USD

3m nexcare coldhot terapiya paketi jel konfor termoindikatori 26x1

3m nexcare coldhot terapiya paketi jel konfor termoindikatori 26x1

Mahsulot kodi: 7749312

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Comfort Thermoindicator yordamida tez yengillik va qulaylikni his qiling. Ushbu ko'p qirrali terapiya to'plami turli xil og'riqlar, og'riqlar va jarohatlarni davolash va tinchlantirish uchun samarali sovuq yoki issiqlik terapiyasini ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. 26x1 dyuymli o'lcham bilan u tananing turli joylarida maqsadli foydalanish uchun keng qamrovni taklif qiladi. Innovatsion Thermoindicator xususiyati haroratni kuzatishga yordam beradi, xavfsiz va optimal terapiya qo'llanilishini ta'minlaydi. Sovuq terapiya yordamida shish va yallig'lanishni kamaytirishingiz yoki mushaklarning kuchlanishini engillashtirishingiz va issiqlik terapiyasi yordamida qon aylanishini yaxshilashingiz kerakmi, bu to'plam sog'liqni saqlash ehtiyojlaringiz uchun ishonchli hamrohdir. Birinchi tibbiy yordam to'plamlari, sport jarohatlari, operatsiyadan keyingi tiklanish va kundalik qulaylikni saqlash uchun ideal bo'lgan 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel sog'lom turmush tarzingizga qimmatli qo'shimcha hisoblanadi. Ushbu qulay va samarali yechim bilan harorat terapiyasining kuchidan foydalaning...

29.23 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 sm

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 7413194

Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi, 20 cm x 30 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for swelling from bruises/injuries (major leg bruises e.g. thigh) and acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps). Use the heated product for lower back pain, e.g. B. during pregnancy, menstrual pain or abdominal pain (only if this is due to muscle tension) as well as chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system as a result of previous bruises or a general feeling of cold (use as a hot water bottle).? Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.- Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Comes with a convenient protective case- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: 30 x 20 cm This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

51.70 USD

3m nexcare issiqlik patch 9,5 x 13 sm 5 dona

3m nexcare issiqlik patch 9,5 x 13 sm 5 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6518264

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Heat Patch 9.5 x 13 cm 5 pcs ..

29.25 USD

Actimove physio pack 12x29cm 25 pcs

Actimove physio pack 12x29cm 25 pcs

Mahsulot kodi: 7739497

Actimove Physiopack 12x29cm ko'p qirrali va yaralarni parvarish qilish, hamshiralik va sog'liqni saqlash dasturlari uchun zarur mahsulotdir. Ushbu paket har birining o'lchami 12x29 sm bo'lgan 25 donadan iborat bo'lib, u turli xil terapevtik maqsadlarda foydalanish uchun mos keladi. Shishishni kamaytirish va og'riqni yo'qotish uchun sovuq terapiya bilan ta'minlash yoki qon aylanishini yaxshilash va davolanishni yaxshilash uchun issiqlik terapiyasini qo'llashdan qat'i nazar, bu mahsulot turli ehtiyojlarni qondirish uchun mo'ljallangan. Actimove Physiopack qulay, ishlatish uchun qulay va optimal qulaylik va tiklanish uchun samarali haroratni boshqarishni taklif qiladi. Ushbu ishonchli va yuqori sifatli mahsulot bilan sovuq va issiqlik bilan davolash tajribangizni yangilang...

334.62 USD

Dolor-x hot pad issiqlik konvertlari 2 dona

Dolor-x hot pad issiqlik konvertlari 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6516638

What is Dolor-X Hot Pad and when is it used? Dolor-X Hot Pad is a self-heating compress for the lower back that effectively and specifically relieves muscle and joint pain.Dolor-X Hot Pad relieves back pain caused by muscle and joint problems;muscle cramps and strains;muscle strains;Arthrosis;chronic and occasional ailments. How does the Dolor-X Hot Pad work? Dolor-X Hot Pad delivers pain-relieving heat to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow to the pain site. What precautions should be taken? The development of heat begins after opening the bag and is greatest after about 30 minutes. When should Dolor-X Hot Pad not be used? Dolor-X Hot Pad must not be used if the heating chambers are leaking or damaged;along with medicated liniments, patches, or other types of heat;on diseased, injured or damaged skin;on bruises or swelling;on body parts without heat sensation;by people who cannot remove the Dolor-X Hot Pad on their own or who cannot follow the instructions for use, eg children or some elderly people.within the first 24 hours after an injury;if you have active, recent or potential bleeding;for burns;in acute inflammatory diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis);in thrombophlebitis, peripheral arterial disease (PVD), deep vein thrombosis (DVT);in cancer diseases;in case of eye irradiation (infrared irradiation);if you have a fever or infection;in skin infections;on X-rayed skin areas;over superficial metal implants;in venous ulcers. Stop use and talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you experience irritation, burns, swelling, rashes or other persistent changes to your skin at the application area, or if your pain gets worse after 7 days become or continue. When is caution required when using Dolor-X Hot Pad? Heat-generating products can cause skin irritation and burns. This risk increases with age. Do not use near a heat source or during exercise.The heat chambers contain iron powder. The product can only be used once! Check the skin regularly for signs of skin irritation or burns. If the Dolor-X Hot Pad feels too hot, remove the envelope.Remove the Dolor-X Hot Pad prior to an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist will provide you with further information on use in diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve damage, sensory disorders, skin diseases or during pregnancy. How do you use Dolor-X Hot Pad? Only open the sachet immediately before use. What should also be noted? Do not use after the expiration date. After use, Dolor-X Hot Pad can be disposed of with household waste.Don't ingest. What is included in Dolor-X Hot Pad? Iron powder, activated carbon, sodium polyacrylate, sodium chloride, vermiculite, water. Where can you get Dolor-X Hot Pad? Dolor-X Hot Pad is available in pharmacies and drugstores.Packs of 2 and 4 heat packs. Distribution Axapharm AG, Zugerstrasse 32, CH-6340 Baar. ..

23.26 USD

Emosan issiq suv shishasi yarim panjur qizil

Emosan issiq suv shishasi yarim panjur qizil

Mahsulot kodi: 6679470

Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Red Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Red is a perfect solution to keep you warm and cozy during the chilly seasons. Crafted with high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to provide you with efficient warmth for a longer duration. The elegant red color and unique half-louver design add a touch of sophistication and style to its appearance. The bottle is made from a durable, flexible, and leak-proof material that can withstand high temperatures. Its large capacity ensures you have enough hot water to last you the entire night. The half-louver design ensures effective heat distribution, allowing the warmth to spread evenly across the bottle. The Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Red is incredibly easy to use. Simply fill it up with hot water, tighten the lid, and enjoy the warmth. It comes with a protective cover that helps insulate the bottle, ensuring your skin is not scalded by the hot water. Whether it?s for cuddling on the sofa, easing cramps, or soothing sore muscles, this hot water bottle is perfect for all your warmth needs. It is a must-have item for the winter season and also makes for an ideal gift for your loved ones. Order the Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Red today and enjoy the warmth and comfort it brings to your life...

21.60 USD

Emosan issiq suv shishasi yarim panjurli ko'k

Emosan issiq suv shishasi yarim panjurli ko'k

Mahsulot kodi: 6679464

Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Blue The Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Blue is the perfect way to stay warm and cozy during the cold winters. This high-quality hot water bottle is made from durable material and is designed to last long. Its half louver design ensures that the heat is distributed evenly, providing you with a comfortable and soothing experience. The bottle comes in a beautiful blue color that is sure to complement your style. The soft and smooth texture of the bottle makes it comfortable to hold and use. Its compact size ensures that it can be easily stored in your backpack or purse, making it great for travel or outdoor activities. The Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Blue can hold up to 1.5 liters of water, making it perfect for providing heat for longer periods. To use it, simply fill it up with hot water, screw the cap back on securely, and place it against your skin for immediate warmth. Whether you're suffering from muscle cramps, joint pain, or just looking for a way to stay warm, the Emosan Hot Water Bottle Half Louver Blue is an ideal choice. It's easy to use, safe, and effective in providing the heat you need to stay comfortable during colder weather. Order yours today and stay warm all winter long! ..

21.60 USD

Fashy issiq suv shishasi termoplastik 2 litrli yarim panjurli safir

Fashy issiq suv shishasi termoplastik 2 litrli yarim panjurli safir

Mahsulot kodi: 6339314

Fashy Hot Water Bottle Thermoplastic 2L Half Louver Sapphire Stay warm and cozy this winter with the Fashy Hot Water Bottle Thermoplastic 2L Half Louver Sapphire. Made from high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to keep you warm and toasty, no matter how cold it gets outside. Thermoplastic Material: Made from the highest quality, odor-free thermoplastic material that is safe, hygienic, and 100% recyclable. 2L Half Louver Design: The half louver design helps to distribute heat evenly throughout the hot water bottle, keeping you warm and cozy for hours on end. Sapphire Color: The beautiful sapphire color adds a touch of elegance to your home and makes it easy to spot your hot water bottle on a chilly night. Easy to Use: The Fashy Hot Water Bottle is easy to fill and comes with a secure cap that keeps the water from leaking or spilling out. Perfect for Any Occasion: Whether you're battling the winter chill, trying to ease aches and pains, or looking for a quick and easy way to warm up, the Fashy Hot Water Bottle Thermoplastic 2L Half Louver Sapphire is the perfect choice. Order yours today and experience the warmth and comfort that only the Fashy Hot Water Bottle can provide...

24.74 USD

Fashy wärmflasche 2l doppellamelle saphir termoplastik

Fashy wärmflasche 2l doppellamelle saphir termoplastik

Mahsulot kodi: 6661375

Fashy Wärmflasche 2l Doppellamelle saphir Thermoplastik The Fashy Wärmflasche (hot water bottle) is a high-quality, 2-liter hot water bottle that is perfect for warming up on chilly evenings or relieving pain and discomfort. It is made from durable thermoplastic material, making it suitable for regular use and easy to clean. The elegant sapphire blue color adds a touch of style to the product, making it perfect as a gift for yourself or loved ones. One of the unique features of this hot water bottle is the Doppellamelle (double ribbed) design, which provides maximum comfort and safety. The double ribbed surface ensures even heat distribution and prevents the hot water bottle from becoming too hot to touch. This makes it ideal for children, the elderly, and anyone who needs to use a hot water bottle to relieve pain and discomfort. This Fashy Wärmflasche is easy to fill with hot water and comes with a secure screw cap that prevents any leaks or spills. It is also lightweight and easy to carry around, making it a convenient travel accessory. This hot water bottle is perfect for use at home, in the office, or while traveling, and it is suitable for all ages. In summary, the Fashy Wärmflasche 2l Doppellamelle saphir Thermoplastik is the perfect hot water bottle for anyone looking for a comfortable, safe, and stylish way to warm up on cold days or relieve pain and discomfort. Its double ribbed surface ensures even heat distribution and maximum safety, while its durable thermoplastic material ensures long-lasting use. Get yours today and experience the ultimate in comfort and warmth! ..

25.88 USD

Frosch wärmflasche pvx 1,8 l hochflorbezug grau

Frosch wärmflasche pvx 1,8 l hochflorbezug grau

Mahsulot kodi: 7082811

FROSCH Wärmflasche PVC 1.8l Hochflorbezug grau Stay cozy and warm with the FROSCH Wärmflasche PVC 1.8l Hochflorbezug grau. This hot water bottle is the perfect remedy for those cold nights and aches and pains. With a large capacity of 1.8 liters, it can hold enough hot water to keep you warm all night long. The hot water bottle is made of high-quality PVC material, which is durable and resistant to leaks, ensuring that it lasts a long time. The FROSCH Wärmflasche PVC 1.8l Hochflorbezug grau features a soft and luxurious Hochflorbezug cover that feels great against your skin. The cover is removable and machine-washable, making it easy to keep the hot water bottle clean and hygienic. The grey color of the cover is elegant and timeless, making it a great addition to any home. This hot water bottle is easy to use. Simply fill it with hot water, and screw on the cap tightly. The wide mouth of the bottle makes it easy to fill, and the cap prevents any spills or leaks. The bottle also features a ribbed surface, which helps to distribute the heat evenly, ensuring that you stay warm and comfortable. Overall, the FROSCH Wärmflasche PVC 1.8l Hochflorbezug grau is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay warm and cozy. It is perfect for use at home or when traveling, and is suitable for people of all ages. Order yours today and experience the comfort and warmth that this hot water bottle provides! ..

29.86 USD

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14 sm qo'y

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14 sm qo'y

Mahsulot kodi: 6672338

Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissenning xususiyatlari 18x14 sm Qo'yO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 429g Uzunligi: 29 mm Engligi : 219mm Balandligi: 122mm Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissen 18x14cm qoʻyni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

28.09 USD

Livsane wärme-umschlag 2 stk

Livsane wärme-umschlag 2 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7837887

Livsane Wärme-Umschlag 2 Stk The Livsane Wärme-Umschlag 2 Stk is a product designed to provide targeted heat therapy for those suffering from muscle pain or stiffness, sprains, or arthritic pain. The package includes two heat patches that can be applied directly to the affected area for fast and effective relief. The patches are easy to use and can be worn discreetly under clothing for up to 8 hours. Benefits: Provides targeted heat therapy for muscle pain, stiffness, sprains or arthritic pain Easy to use and apply Can be worn discreetly under clothing Offers up to 8 hours of continuous relief Instructions for use: Open the packaging and remove the heat patch Peel off the protective backing to reveal the adhesive side Apply the heat patch directly to the affected area Press down firmly to ensure it sticks to the skin The patch will heat up gradually and reach its maximum temperature in approximately 30 minutes Remove the patch after 8 hours, or earlier if necessary Dispose of the patch in a safe and environmentally friendly manner Precautions: The heat patch should not be applied to broken skin, wounds or areas of inflammation Do not use the patch on infants, young children or people who are unable to remove the patch themselves Do not use the patch while sleeping or if you have a fever Consult your doctor before using the patch if you have diabetes, poor circulation or sensitive skin Do not use the patch with other heat sources or with other creams, lotions or ointments Store the patch in a cool, dry place and keep out of reach of children Ingredients: Iron powder, activated carbon, vermiculite, water and salt. ..

22.10 USD

Phytopharma issiq suv shishasi bir tomonlama plitalar

Phytopharma issiq suv shishasi bir tomonlama plitalar

Mahsulot kodi: 2514016

Fitopharma issiq suv shishasi, lamellar, bir tomonlama oddiy issiq suv shishasi emas. Bu sizning iliqlikni orzu qilgan sovuq kunlar va tunlarda sodiq hamrohingizdir.O'zining EAN kodi 7640106953386 va farmakod 2514016 bilan u sifat va ishonchlilikni anglatadi. Sog'liqni saqlash sohasida taniqli ishlab chiqaruvchi Phytopharma tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan bo'lib, siz yuqori sifatli mahsulot olishingizga ishonch hosil qilishingiz mumkin.Ushbu issiq suv shishasining bir tomonida maxsus lamelli sirt mavjud. Ushbu dizayn shishaga issiqlikni an'anaviy modellarga qaraganda uzoqroq saqlash va uni bir tekisda chiqarish imkonini beradi.Imumkin foydalanish: Qishning sovuq oqshomlarida yotoqda isinish uchun mushak og'rig'i yoki kramplarni engillashtirish uchun Televizor ko'rayotganda yoki kitob o'qiyotganda oyoqlaringizni isitish uchun..

27.69 USD

Singer issiq suv shishasi 2l lamel 1 tomonlama qizil

Singer issiq suv shishasi 2l lamel 1 tomonlama qizil

Mahsulot kodi: 5998316

SINGER issiq suv shishasining xususiyatlari 2l lamel 1 tomonlama qizilO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm p>Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm SINGER issiq suvli 2 litrli lamelli 1 yuzli qizil shishani Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

23.28 USD

Singer issiq suv shishasi 2l lamel 1 tomonlama yashil

Singer issiq suv shishasi 2l lamel 1 tomonlama yashil

Mahsulot kodi: 5998322

SINGER issiq suv shishasining xususiyatlari 2 l lamel 1 tomonlama yashilO‘ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg‘irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm p>Eng: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm SINGER issiq suvli 2 litrli lamelli 1 tomonlama yashil shishani Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..

23.28 USD

Thermacare® bo'yinli yelka qo'ltiqlari 9 dona

Thermacare® bo'yinli yelka qo'ltiqlari 9 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6692878

The ThermaCare Neck, Shoulder and Arm Rest with 9 pads, which are specially tailored for these areas, helps to relieve tension in the neck, shoulder and arm. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air to produce heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthritis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 12 hours at around 40 degrees, all the way down. The warmth improves the blood supply to the muscle and provides it with sufficient nutrients, thus relieving tension and cramps. The plaster contains no medicines and is odorless. Deep heat relieves tensionHeats for 12 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdourlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As neededThe patch should be worn continuously for at least 3 hours and up to 12 hours for ideal effect. Instructions Do not open airtight packaging until shortly before useFrom the age of about 55, wear the patch over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the patch with liniment, other patches or other sources of heat. Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.In the presence of diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or during pregnancy, consult a doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water. ..

83.68 USD

Thermacare® kattaroq og'riqli joylar 2 dona

Thermacare® kattaroq og'riqli joylar 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 6774292

Thanks to its special shape, the ThermaCare heat plaster for flexible use XL can be used individually on larger affected areas. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air and generate heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthrosis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 8 hours at around 40 degrees, deep down. The warmth improves blood circulation in the muscles and supplies them with sufficient nutrients, thereby relieving tension and cramps. The plaster does not contain any medicinal substances and is odourless. Deep heat relieves tensionWarms for 8 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdorlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As requiredThe plaster should be left on for at least 3 hours worn continuously and for an ideal effect of up to 8 hours. Notes Only open the airtight packaging just before useFrom the age of approx. 55 wear the plaster over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the plaster with liniments, other plasters or other heat sources.Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.If you have diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water..

27.11 USD

Tiger balzam dorivor shudgorlash 10x14cm 3 dona

Tiger balzam dorivor shudgorlash 10x14cm 3 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 3036375

Tiger balzamining xususiyatlari Dorivor shudgorlash 10x14 sm 3 donaEvropada Idoralar sertifikatiga egaSaqlash harorati min/maksimal 15/25 daraja SelsiyPaketdagi miqdor : 3 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Kenligi: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm >Shveytsariyadan 10x14 sm 3 dona shifobaxsh yo'lbars balzamini onlayn xarid qiling..

15.78 USD

Tishlamoq tishlash davolovchi hasharotlar chaqishi va chaqishi

Tishlamoq tishlash davolovchi hasharotlar chaqishi va chaqishi

Mahsulot kodi: 7828344

Bite Away Bite Healer Insect Stings and Bites The Bite Away Bite Healer Insect Stings and Bites is a revolutionary product that will provide quick and effective relief from insect bites and stings. The bite healer utilizes heat technology to achieve this. The device generates heat of around 50°C in a concentrated manner, and this heat is applied directly to the affected skin area. The heat and infrared pulses help to boost the flow of blood in the area which in turn helps to calm any itching or irritation, as well as reducing swelling and redness. The Bite Away Bite Healer is an ideal product for those who enjoy outdoor activities and are exposed to insect bites and stings regularly. When one is out camping, hiking, or having a picnic in the park, the chances of getting bitten or stung by insects like mosquitoes, bees, wasps might be very high. The Bite Away Bite Healer operates on CR 2032 button cell batteries and has a life span of approximately 300 uses, making it a cost-effective solution to manage insect bites and stings. The bite healer also comes with a blister pack for easy storage and transport. Features: Instant cooling relief and regeneration of the affected skin Comes with a battery-operated autonomous device Simple and easy to use Drug-free and chemical-free No side effects observed Gentle and safe for sensitive skin So don't let insect bites and stings ruin your outdoor fun. Get yourself a Bite Away Bite Healer today, and enjoy every moment of your trips and excursions without worry...

60.70 USD

Warmies minis issiqlik yumshoq o'yinchoq chaqaloq pingvin lavanda to'ldirish

Warmies minis issiqlik yumshoq o'yinchoq chaqaloq pingvin lavanda to'ldirish

Mahsulot kodi: 7447856

Warmies Minis issiqlik yumshoq o'yinchoq pingvinining xususiyatlari Lavanda plombaYevropa CE sertifikatiO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 240 g p>Uzunlik: 220mm Keng: 100mm Balandligi: 170mm Shveytsariyadan Warmies Minis issiq yumshoq oʻyinchoq pingvin bolasi Lavanda plombasini onlayn xarid qiling p>..

34.97 USD

Warmies wärme-stofftier fuchs lavendel-füllung olinadigan to'plami

Warmies wärme-stofftier fuchs lavendel-füllung olinadigan to'plami

Mahsulot kodi: 7808429

Warmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs Lavendel-FüllungYangi quchoqdosh do'stingiz - Warmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs Lavendel-Füllung bilan tanishing! Yumshoq va yoqimli materiallardan tayyorlangan bu yoqimli tulki plyus kattalar va bolalar uchun mukammal hamrohdir. U tabiiy lavanta va don bilan to'ldirilgan bo'lib, sizga kerak bo'lganda tinchlantiruvchi issiqlik va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi.Olib olinadigan Lavanda to'plamiWarmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs ichidagi Lavanda to'plami osongina olib tashlanishi mumkin. tez isishi uchun uni mikroto'lqinli pechda isitish mumkin. Bir marta qizdirilgandan so'ng, tasalli va iliq o'rash uchun paketni joyiga qo'ying. Lavanda hidi uzoq kundan keyin dam olishga yoki bezovta bo'lgan bolani uxlashiga yordam berish uchun qo'shimcha dam olish darajasini qo'shadi.Gentle Heat TherapyWarmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs Issiqlik terapiyasiga muhtoj bo'lgan har bir kishi uchun, og'riq va og'riqlar yoki oddiy dam olish uchun juda mos keladi. Mikroto'lqinli energiyadan foydalangan holda, iliq tulki qon aylanishini yaxshilashga, qattiqlikni bartaraf etishga va stress darajasini kamaytirishga yordam beradigan yumshoq issiqlik hosil qiladi. Ekologik toza materiallarWarmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs nafaqat dam olish va qulaylikni targ'ib qilishning ajoyib usuli, balki u ekologik jihatdan ham xavfsizdir. Don va lavanta qo'shimchasi to'liq biologik parchalanadi, bu uni barqaror mahsulotlarni izlayotgan har bir kishi uchun ekologik ongli tanlovga aylantiradi.Mukammal sovg'a g'oyasiBetakror va o'ylangan sovg'a g'oyasini qidiryapsizmi? Warmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs Lavendel-Füllung barcha yoshdagilar uchun juda mos keladi, tasalli beruvchi to'ldirilgan hayvonga muhtoj bo'lgan bolalardan tortib, biroz dam olish va iliqlikdan foydalana oladigan kattalargacha. Bu tug‘ilgan kunlar, bayramlar yoki boshqa bayramlar uchun ajoyib sovg‘a.Warmies Wärme-Stofftier Fuchs Lavendel-Füllung bilan hayotingizga iliqlik, qulaylik va dam olib keling!..

43.89 USD

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