yumshoq blyashka olib tashlash
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Curaprox cps 18 muntazam tishlararo cho'tka binafsha 5 dona
Curaprox CPS 18 Regular Interdental Brush Violet 5 pcs Keep your teeth clean and fresh with the Curaprox CPS 18 Regular Interdental Brush Violet 5 pcs. These interdental brushes are designed to clean the spaces between your teeth that your regular toothbrush cannot reach. The brushes feature ultra-fine bristles that are able to remove plaque and debris from the spaces between your teeth with ease. The Curaprox CPS 18 interdental brushes are gentle on your gums and teeth, making them the perfect choice for people with sensitive teeth or gums. The brush head is designed to be flexible, which allows it to follow the contours of your teeth and reach even the tightest spaces. The Curaprox CPS 18 Regular Interdental Brush Violet 5 pcs comes with a convenient storage unit that allows you to keep your brushes organized and clean. The brushes are also color-coded, so you can easily find the size you need. With regular use, these interdental brushes can help improve your overall oral health and prevent gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. They are also perfect for people who wear braces, bridges, or other dental appliances. Order your Curaprox CPS 18 Regular Interdental Brush Violet 5 pcs today and keep your teeth clean and healthy for years to come. ..
15.68 USD
Curaprox cs 5460 duo maxsus nashri dana
CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA Introducing the CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush ? a must-have for those who seek the best oral hygiene experience. This toothbrush is a premium, high-quality product that features advanced technology and design for optimal oral care. Whether you're a professional dentist or an individual looking for the best at-home dental hygiene routine, the CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush is perfect for you. The ultra-soft bristles of this toothbrush are specifically designed to provide superior cleaning, removing up to 90% of plaque, while still being gentle on your gums. Features & Benefits: Extra gentle for sensitive teeth and gums. Provides thorough cleaning to remove up to 90% of plaque. Specially designed to promote healthy teeth and gums for an overall improved oral hygiene experience. Unique brush design ensures optimal reach to difficult-to-reach areas. Comes in an attractive special edition DANA design, making it easy to spot and ideal for display in your bathroom. When it comes to dental hygiene, the CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush is the perfect choice. It?s gentle on your teeth, yet tough on plaque, ensuring your mouth stays healthy and fresh. With a unique, stylish design, this toothbrush is both functional and attractive, making it the perfect addition to any modern, stylish bathroom. Order yours today and experience the CURAPROX difference for yourself! ..
18.54 USD
Curaprox cs 5460 tish cho'tkasi ortho west
Curaprox CS 5460 Ortho West tish cho'tkasi Yumshoq va nihoyatda samarali. Ushbu tish cho'tkasi Gumsga oshiq bo'lasiz: 5460 CUREN® filamentlari tufayli CS 5460 ultra yumshoq yumshoqlik va samaradorlik jihatidan tengsiz va butun dunyoda seviladi. 5460 CUREN® filamentlari Blyashkaning eng qiyin raqibi: CUREN® tuklarining yumshoqligi: CS tish cho'tkalari haqiqatan ham nihoyatda yumshoq. CS 5460 ultra yumshoqning 5460 CUREN® filamentlari nihoyatda zich va samarali tozalovchi sirt hosil qiladi. Tish go'shti va tishlarga yumshoq; CUREN® filamentlari blyashka ustida juda qattiq. CS tish cho'tkalaridan birini sinab ko'rgan har bir kishi bu tish cho'tkasi tajribasini boshqa hech qachon o'tkazib yuborishni xohlamaydi. Curaprox tish cho'tkalari nafaqat cho'tkaning shikastlanishini oldini oladi; ammo tartibsizlik va blyashka optimal tarzda olib tashlash. CUREN® tuklari neylonga qaraganda qattiqroq va quruq bo'lgani kabi og'izda ham barqaror bo'lib qoladi. Bu xususiyatlar ko'p sonli juda nozik cho'tkalarga ega bo'lgan tish cho'tkalarini ishlab chiqarish imkonini beradi. CUREN® filamentlari tufayli yumshoq, bir-biriga yaqin joylashgan CUREN® filamentlari tufayli samarali tozalash yuzasi Hamma joylarga etib boradi: ixcham bosh, bir oz burchakli Sakkiz burchakli tutqich to'g'ri burchak ostida tozalash uchun ..
9.76 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)