evkalipt o'simlik shirinliklari
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Tetiklantiruvchi Rikola aralashmasini o'z ichiga olgan evkalipt o'simlik shirinliklarining kuchli afzalliklarini bilib oling. Evkalipt barglaridan olingan sineol bilan to'ldirilgan bu shirinliklar ekspektoran va sovutish ta'sirini ta'minlaydi, yo'tal va sovuqni tinchlantirish uchun juda mos keladi. Mentol va noyob 13 o'simlik aralashmasi bilan birgalikda ular toza tomoq va yangi nafas olish uchun tabiiy vositani taklif qiladi. Shveytsariya tog‘larida organik usulda yetishtirilgan o‘tlardan tayyorlangan bu shirinliklar sog‘liq va ovqatlanishda Shveytsariya sifatining dalilidir.
Ricola evkalipt o'ti shakarsiz tomchilar 125 g bag
The Ricola Eucalyptus herbal sweets ensure a clear throat and refreshed breath. Responsible for this is the cineole contained in the eucalyptus leaves, an essential oil that has an expectorant and cooling effect. In addition, due to its properties, eucalyptus is a proven and natural remedy for treating coughs, colds and colds. Here eucalyptus and menthol work together with the proven 13-herb mixture.The herbs for this tasty herbal sweet are grown according to organic principles, without the use of chemical pesticides, in the Swiss mountain region...
9.23 USD
Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 1 gacha 1
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
(hammasi 1 sahifa)