efir moyi spreyi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Aromalife defense strong aroma sprayay spray 75 ml
Aromalife Defense Stark Aromaspray Spr 75 ml Aromalife Defense Stark Aromaspray Spr 75 ml Aromalife Defense Stark Aromaspray Spr bilan tanishtiramiz, bu o'zingizni va oilangizni zararli mikroblar va bakteriyalardan himoya qilishning kuchli va samarali usuli. Ushbu aromasprey har kuni foydalanish uchun xavfsiz va samarali bo'lgan tabiiy ingredientlardan iborat. Ushbu aromaspreyda doljin, chinnigullar, shirin apelsin, evkalipt va rozmarin kabi efir moylarining noyob aralashmasi mavjud bo'lib, yangi va tetiklantiruvchi hid beradi. Ushbu moylarning kuchli antimikrobiyal xususiyatlari nafaqat yoqimli hid beradi, balki atrofingizni toza va mikroblardan tozalaydi. Ushbu aromasprey an'anaviy dezinfektsiyalovchi spreylarga tabiiy va kimyoviy moddalarsiz alternativ hisoblanadi. U qattiq kimyoviy moddalar va sun'iy hidlardan xoli bo'lib, uni oilangiz va uy hayvonlari atrofida kundalik foydalanish uchun xavfsiz qiladi. Aromalife Defense Stark Aromaspray Spr-dan foydalanish oson, atrof-muhitni dezinfeksiya qilish va tozalash uchun aromaspreyni havoga yoki yuzalarga purkash kifoya. U, shuningdek, qayerga borsangiz ham olib yurishingiz mumkin bo'lgan 75 ml hajmli qulay purkagich shishasida keladi. Aromalife Defence Stark Aromaspray Spr-ning kuchi va yangiligini his qiling va bugun o'zingizni va yaqinlaringizni himoya qiling! ..
23.15 USD
Sanaya aroma and bachblut sprayay atmosphere bio
SANAYA Aroma&üt Spray Atmosphere Bio The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is a unique product that combines the power of natural essential oils and Bach flower remedies to create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere in your home or workplace. Made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, this spray is designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Contains a blend of essential oils and Bach flower remedies Promotes relaxation and reduces stress Enhances overall sense of wellbeing Easy to use spray bottle The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is perfect for anyone who wants to create a peaceful and calming environment at home or at work. It can be used to refresh the air in any room, or as a personal spray to help calm your nerves during moments of stress. The spray is also great for use during meditation and yoga sessions, as it can help to promote a deeper sense of focus and relaxation. The powerful blend of essential oils in this spray includes lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, all of which have been shown to have calming and mood-enhancing properties. In addition, the Bach flower remedies in the spray are carefully selected to help promote emotional balance and positivity. The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is made from high-quality, natural and organic ingredients, which are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. This makes it a safe and gentle option for anyone who is sensitive to harsh chemicals or artificial scents. Overall, if you want to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in your home or workplace, the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is an effective and natural solution...
35.32 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)