

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Kundalik faoliyatingizni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mo'ljallangan ergonomik mahsulotlarimiz bilan yaxshilangan qulaylik va uslubni his qiling. Bizning tanlovimiz Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex kabi harakatlanish vositalarini o'z ichiga oladi, bu ergonomik tutqichlarga ega va moslashtirilgan qulaylik va barqarorlik uchun sozlanishi balandlik. Tangle Teezer va Trisa cho'tkalari kabi sochni parvarish qilish bo'yicha yechimlarni kashf eting, ular oson foydalanish uchun ergonomik tutqichlar bilan yaratilgan. Emizikli onalar uchun MAM qo'lda ko'krak pompasi kabi ergonomik dizaynlar qulay va ehtiyotkor tajribani ta'minlaydi. Shveytsariyadan ergonomik tarzda ishlab chiqilgan salomatlik va go'zallik mahsulotlari assortimenti bilan tanangizni parvarish qilish va jarohatni davolash tartiblarini oshiring, bu sizning kundalik hayotingizda ham qo'llab-quvvatlash va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi.
Mam qo'lda ko'krak pompasi

Mam qo'lda ko'krak pompasi

Mahsulot kodi: 7555327

MAM Manual Breast Pump The MAM Manual Breast Pump is the perfect solution for mothers who want to express breast milk naturally and discreetly. This breast pump is designed with the mother's comfort in mind, and it is gentle and easy to use. Features Compact and lightweight design, perfect for on-the-go use Soft, flexible breast cup with textured surface for comfortable and efficient pumping Ergonomic handle with adjustable suction control for a personalized pumping experience Easy assembly and disassembly for convenient and hygienic cleaning Dishwasher safe for easy sterilization Benefits The MAM Manual Breast Pump provides many benefits for both mother and baby. It allows mothers to express breast milk whenever and wherever they need to without the need for an electrical outlet or battery. This breast pump uses the mother's natural hand movements to create a gentle and natural suction, ensuring a comfortable and efficient pumping experience. It is also discreet, allowing mothers to express breast milk in private and without drawing attention to themselves. Additionally, expressing breast milk with the MAM Manual Breast Pump can help to maintain milk production and provide mothers with the flexibility to store and use breast milk for feeding their baby at a later time. Conclusion The MAM Manual Breast Pump is a convenient and comfortable option for mothers who want to express breast milk naturally and discreetly. Its compact and lightweight design makes it perfect for on-the-go use, and its soft and flexible breast cup ensures a comfortable and efficient pumping experience. With adjustable suction control and easy assembly and disassembly, this breast pump provides mothers with a personalized and hygienic pumping experience. Whether you're at home or on-the-go, the MAM Manual Breast Pump is a must-have for any breastfeeding mother...

81.42 USD

Ossenberg crutch capsule pivoflex 16mm blue 1 pair

Ossenberg crutch capsule pivoflex 16mm blue 1 pair

Mahsulot kodi: 6004134

Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 16 mm Blue (1 juft) - Kundalik foydalanish uchun qulay va zamonaviy tayoqchalarJarohat yoki nogironlik tufayli tayoqchalar bilan yurishingiz kerak bo'lganda, qulaylik va uslubni ta'minlaydigan juftlikni topish juda muhimdir. Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 16mm ushbu ehtiyojlarni qondirish uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, foydalanuvchilarga qulay, zamonaviy va bardoshli qo'ltiq tayoqchalari juftligini taqdim etadi. Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 16mm Blue (1 juft) innovatsion kapsula dizayniga ega bo‘lib, foydalanuvchilar uchun mukammal barqarorlikni ta’minlab, oson va oson harakatlanish imkonini beradi. Qo'ltiq tayoqchasi mustahkam materiallardan tayyorlangan va 286 funt (130 kg) gacha vaznga bardosh bera oladi, bu esa har xil harakatchanlik ehtiyojlariga ega bo'lganlar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Ushbu tayoqchalarni loyihalashda foydalanilgan Pivoflex texnologiyasi tananing tabiiy harakatini ta'minlab, foydalanuvchini qulay va ergonomik tutqich bilan ta'minlaydi. Tutqichlar yumshoq plomba bilan qoplangan bo'lib, uzoq vaqt foydalanishda foydalanuvchilarga ajoyib tuyg'u beradi. Shuningdek, qo'ltiq tayoqchasi osongina sozlanishi uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, foydalanuvchilarga balandlikni o'ziga xos ehtiyojlariga ko'ra sozlash uchun moslashuvchanlikni ta'minlaydi. Sozlanishi balandlik foydalanuvchiga mukammal moslikni topishga imkon beradi, bu etarli yordam va qulay yurish tajribasini ta'minlaydi. Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 16 mm Blue (1 juft) shuningdek, yetarlicha tortish va tutqichni ta'minlovchi mustahkam kauchuk uchiga ega. Bundan tashqari, maslahatlar almashtirilishi mumkin, bu esa foydalanuvchilarga ularni eskirgan paytda osongina almashtirishini ta'minlaydi, bu esa qo'ltiq tayoqchasining ishlash muddatini uzaytiradi. Ushbu tayoqchalar zamonaviy va oqlangan ko'k rangda mavjud bo'lib, ularni kundalik kiyimingizga ajoyib qo'shimcha qiladi. Asosiy xususiyatlar Uzoq muddat foydalanish uchun qulay va ergonomik tutqichlar To'liq moslashish uchun sozlanishi balandlik Bardoshli va mustahkam konstruksiya 286 funt (130 kg) vazngacha bardosh bera oladi Uzoq xizmat muddati uchun almashtiriladigan kauchuk uchlari Zo'r ko'k rang kundalik kiyimingizga uslub qo'shadi Umuman olganda, Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 16 mm Blue (1 juft) kundalik foydalanish uchun qulay va zamonaviy qo'ltiq tayoqchasini qidirayotganlar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Uning innovatsion dizayni va yuqori sifatli konstruksiyasi chidamlilik, yuqori qulaylik va oson harakatlarni ta'minlaydi...

15.55 USD

Sahag krücken ergo hart 76-96 sm alu blau

Sahag krücken ergo hart 76-96 sm alu blau

Mahsulot kodi: 7843505

SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau Spend your recovery time in comfort and style with the SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau! These crutches are designed to offer superior ergonomics and comfort, while also providing reliable support and durability. The adjustable height allows you to customize the crutches to your individual needs, ensuring maximum comfort and support throughout your recovery process. The aluminum construction ensures lightweight portability, making it easy to use the crutches both inside and outside the home. The crutches come in a sleek blue finish, adding an element of style to your recovery period. The ergonomic design of the handles is created for long-term use, reducing the risk of developing irritation, blisters, or sores. Additionally, the non-slip rubber tips offer superior grip and make sure that you stay stable and secure at all times. The SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau crutches are ideal for people recovering from injuries or surgeries and anyone looking for a reliable and comfortable mobility aid. Get your hands on these crutches today and experience a comfortable and stylish recovery period! ..

76.16 USD

Tangle teezer entwirrbürste pushti nam sochlar uchun

Tangle teezer entwirrbürste pushti nam sochlar uchun

Mahsulot kodi: 7518616

Tangle Teezer Entwirrbürste for Wet Hair Pink - A Perfect Solution for Tangled Hair Do you struggle with tangles, knots and matted hair? Are you looking for a solution that will give you smooth, manageable and luscious locks? Then Tangle Teezer Entwirrbürste for Wet Hair Pink is here to save your day! This innovative hairbrush is the ultimate detangler for wet hair. Its unique design features gentle but firm bristles that work through tangles quickly and effectively, without causing any pain or damage. The brush is perfect for all hair types and lengths, whether you have thick or fine hair, straight or curly locks. The Tangle Teezer Entwirrbürste for Wet Hair Pink is made with high-quality materials, making it durable and long-lasting. The brush is also lightweight and easy to use, making it the ideal choice for everyday use. With its compact size and ergonomic shape, it can be carried in your purse or bag anywhere you go. The brush is designed for use on wet hair, making it perfect for use after showering or swimming. It helps to detangle hair strands without damaging or pulling them. The brush glides through hair effortlessly, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and snag-free. The design of the brush also makes it easy to clean, ensuring it remains hygienic after each use. The Tangle Teezer Entwirrbürste for Wet Hair Pink is available in a stunning pink color, perfect for those who love a pop of color in their hair care tools. It is also perfect for kids, who may not have the patience to sit still through a rigorous detangling routine. So, whether you're running late for work or heading out for a fun day with your family, the Tangle Teezer Entwirrbürste for Wet Hair Pink is the perfect solution for fabulous looking hair every day. Add it to your hair care routine today and experience the difference it can make!..

31.62 USD

Trisa natural brilliance hairbrush paddle

Trisa natural brilliance hairbrush paddle

Mahsulot kodi: 7752851

Trisa Natural Brilliance Hairbrush Paddle-ni kashf eting, bu sochni parvarish qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan yuqori darajadagi kundalik uslubingizni yaxshilash uchun mo'ljallangan. Ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlab chiqarilgan bu cho'tkada sochlarni muloyimlik bilan bo'shashtiruvchi va tekislaydigan tabiiy cho'tkalar mavjud bo'lib, sinishlarni kamaytiradi va burmalarning sog'lom ko'rinishini ta'minlaydi. Ergonomik eshkak dizayni qulay ishlov berishni ta'minlaydi, bu uni barcha soch turlari uchun ideal qiladi. Trisa Natural Brilliance Hairbrush Paddle yordamida sochni parvarish qilish tartibini yaxshilang va har kuni osonlikcha chiroyli sochlarning quvonchini his qiling...

24.16 USD

Trisa professional soch cho'tkasi m styling

Trisa professional soch cho'tkasi m styling

Mahsulot kodi: 7752861

Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling The Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling is the perfect tool for achieving salon-quality hair. Constructed with precision-cut and heat-resistant bristles, this hairbrush has been designed to maximize ease of use and effectiveness. Whether you're looking to detangle unruly hair, style wavy locks or create an up-do, the Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling can help you achieve your desired look. The Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling has been specifically designed to deliver optimum styling results while minimizing damage to your hair. The heat-resistant bristles help to protect hair from overheating and provide gentle yet effective detangling power. The ergonomic handle fits comfortably in the hand to minimize strain on your wrist, making it easier to achieve your desired look in less time. Whether you're a professional stylist or a beauty enthusiast, the Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling is an essential tool for your hair care arsenal. With its professional-grade performance and ergonomic design, this hairbrush is ideal for use at home or in the salon. Experience the difference that a professional-grade hairbrush can make when you use the Trisa Professional Hairbrush M Styling. Order yours today and start enjoying salon-quality hair at home! ..

20.61 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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