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Epitactning innovatsion Hallux Valgus tuzatish splinti bilan tanishing, u qo'shma og'riqlarni engillashtiradigan holda Hallux valgus rivojlanishini to'g'irlash va cheklash uchun mo'ljallangan. Moslashuvchan, o'ta yupqa Epithelium Flex texnologiyasidan foydalangan holda, bu shina har qanday poyabzalga mos keladi, bu esa bosh barmog'ini to'g'rilashga va halluxga bosimni kamaytirishga yordam beradi. Qo'shimcha yupqa siqish tasmasi va himoya yostig'i oyoq old qismining deformatsiyasini oldini olish uchun birgalikda ishlaydi. Kundalik kiyish uchun ideal, bu qattiq bo'lmagan yechim oyoq barmoqlarining deformatsiyasini kuchaytiruvchi omillarni ko'rib chiqadi va qulaylikni buzmasdan samarali tuzatish yordamini beradi. Qandli diabet, arterit yoki neyropatiya kabi o'ziga xos holatlar uchun foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalarga qarang.
Epitact egiluvchan bandajni tuzatish hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5 sm

Epitact egiluvchan bandajni tuzatish hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5 sm

Mahsulot kodi: 5318304

With daily wear, the Epitact Hallux Valgus Correction Splint makes it possible to correct and limit the development of Hallux valgus while also relieving joint pain. Due to the flexible, very thin Epithelium Flex technology, the correction splint easily adapts to any shoe, while the external band straightens the big toe. It also reduces pain by redirecting the pressure exerted on the hallux. The extra-thin compression band on the midfoot and the protective pad also help to prevent the forefoot from lowering and widening. Unlike rigid splints, this affects all factors that could aggravate a deformity during the day. Notes The splint should not be worn on raw skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis or neuropathy, the foot must be observed regularly.If the big toe can no longer move laterally, the splint must not be used. ..

83.34 USD

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